
OAuth Authorized Access Token question for Java

Hi everyone, I am developing an OAuth library to be used by BlackBerry mobile devices to connect to Netflix. I have successfully negotiated the request token and the access token. I have received the authorized token, the token secret, and the encrypted subscriber ID. Encrypted subscriber ID: T1BlCJtdcWMuF6gJEfue96_W.kZ_gW81h59KqLEfT1...

Implement Oauth as provider

How do you implement oauth as a provider in c#? There is a c# clas. For it, here http://oauth.net/code/ but I need to know how do I use it? ...

Can you run in localhost an app that use Twitter OAuth?

When you edit your app settings at Twitter.com, you can asked for a return url, but you can set it to localhost/return. Can you? I think this is useful in developing time. When I fill the form with this url: http://localhost/return I get this error: Not a valid URL format ...

Exchange Oauth Request Token for Access Token fails Google API

Hi, I am having trouble exchanging my Oauth request token for an Access Token. My Python application successfully asks for a Request Token and then redirects to the Google login page asking to grant access to my website. When I grant access I retrieve a 200 status code but exchanging this authorized request token for an access token giv...

user_timeline twitter API problem.

Hi. I'm using http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-statuses-user_timeline to read the tweets of the user. When I used basic auth, it worked fine. When I switched to OAuth, the 'page' parameter stopped working. Like so: http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline/16.xml?count=25&page=2 When I use OAuth to fetch t...

When I use httplib for my OAUTH in Python, I always get "CannotSendRequest" and then "

Traceback: File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django/core/handlers/base.py" in get_response 92. response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs) File "/home/ea/ea/hell/life/views.py" in linkedin_auth 274. token = oauth_linkedin.get_unauthorised_request_token() File "/home/ea/ea/hell/life/o...

How does OAuth work?

I mean not how is it implemented but rather what steps should user pass? I'm working with Photobucket now and I found in its docs that I should generate new token for every request due to token can expire in certain (but secret) period of time. How does this generation works? Do I need separate request for generating token? ...

web2py, OAuth and LinkedIn

Hi everyone, i am new to Python and Web2py and i am developing an app that will use the LinkedIn api I use this library http://code.google.com/p/python-linkedin/ (it includes OAuth). My problem is very strange and that s why i am writing to the list. When i try to connect to LinkedIn from the web2py console i get a request Token. When i...

Streaming an XmlDocument for POST

Do educate me about XML, I feel like a total dunce. I'm supposed to send XML in a POST header and there's a library with method that takes a string contentType and a System.IO.Stream body. How? I suppose the first parameter is "text/html; charset=utf-8" which limits the type of stream used. Bonus question: What's the easiest way of...

Python LinkedIn API problem (OAuth)

Hi everyone, has anyone used the pylinkedin library ? After redirection from LinkedIn when I try to get the accessToken LinkedIn returns oauth_problem=permission_unknown Any clues ...

What's the best way to handle API authentication for users (especially for mobile devices)

We're looking to create an API for our website. One of the major usages for the API (I suspect) will be to allow people to create mobile apps (for the iPhone and hopefully other devices). What's the best way to handle API authentication for users. As a general rule, I don't like encouraging our users to hand their username/email/passwor...

Security in your own application

Hi, My app is running on domain example.com, but I fetch some data from domain api.example.com. Example: User want to add new article. example.com send request to api.example.com/add Question: I would like to know, which security should I use to verify user? oAuth? Or should I send user's password over POST? Thank you. ...

How can I use cURL (or any command line tool) to do an HTTP Post to Twitter, with OAuth authentication?

I wish to use a command-line application, like cURL, to do some test posts to my test twitter account. I also wish to do this with OAuth authentication. How I can do this? Assume I already have created an application, in Twitter, and received my keys and stuff. (Also, please make sure you specify which key to use, and where, in the com...

How to get request_token using OAuth with twitter

I am using the following method URI to request token from twitter. Note: here new lines are just for display purpose only. http://twitter.com/oauth/request_token? oauth_consumer_key=9cS99b2406CUpATOeggeA& oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1& oauth_signature=3e18bafc4c4fd6b23f988bcd1a8c0ab2d65db784 oauth_timestamp=1267523137& oauth_nonce=5...

OAuth API for Four Square

Hi, Has anyone use any good Java API for four square oauth ? I am looking for something that is thread safe ? Cheers, ...

Trouble with OADataFetcher on iPhone when using URL Encoded strings

Hi All I'm using OAuth/xAuth in an iPhone twitter app, and having a problem with passwords that contain special characters. For example "password&". First off, I am converting the & into %26 by doing: NSString *encodedPassword = (NSString *)CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes( ...

OAuth library source

Hi, For an application in symbian we need to use the OAuth. I searched in net but I could not get any one. If anyone know about any open source library please let me k now. ...

oAuth, one client one token? or one client multiple tokens?

This question is with regards to oAuth. Does "resource owner" grant one token to a "client" with all the necessary access? or can the "resource owner" grant multiple tokens to the "clients" each with some access? The difference being upgrade the token's access? or just create another token with the added access? ...

How to read HTTP header from response using .NET HttpWebRequest API?

My app currently uses OAuth to communicate with the Twitter API. Back in December, Twitter upped the rate limit for OAuth to 350 requests per hour. However, I am not seeing this. I am still getting 150 from the account/rate_limit_status method. I was told that I needed to use the X-RateLimit-Limit HTTP header to get the new rate limi...

Why must we "change temporary credentials for token credentials" in OAuth?

Can't the server just "upgrade" the temporary credentials to token credentials and retain the same key and secret? The client can then start doing authenticated calls right away after the recieving the callback from the server stating that the temporary credentials has been "upgraded". Of cause if the temporary credentials have not be ...