
Implementing OAuth Provider in Delphi

I've developed a REST web service and I want to implement an OAuth Service Provider for authenticating, primarily, two-legged OAuth requests. Could anyone please point me to an implementation of an OAuth Service Provider created in Delphi. Thanks in advance. ...

How to download source and implement Google OpenID+OAuth Hybrid protocol?

I want to build a website that allows user sign in with Openid, especially Google account. I wanna use Google Federated Login with Hybrid protocol. I found that link: http://code.google.com/intl/vi-VN/apis/accounts/docs/OpenID.html But I didnt find any link to download the source code. Anybody can help me? Thank you so much. P/S: I only ...

How to perform a signed PUT request with OAuth in Python

How is this meant to work? Where are all the oauth_* values meant to go if not in an encoded body like a POST request? In what form do you sign it? All the Python OAuth libraries I can find only support GET and POST. Does anyone know any that support all methods? ...

How do I re-write this code without using PEAR::DB

Hi, I am trying to install the pligg twitter login module from: http://blog.eamonnfaherty.co.uk/2009/08/08/log-into-pligg-using-twitter-oauth/ I downloaded the zip from the above link and followed all the instructions. Then I realized one of the files are using PEAR, which is not provided by my hosting company. The entire code from con...

Can I avoid baking my Twitter API consumer secret into my iPhone app binary?

I'd like to do OAuth for Twitter from an iPhone app. But doing so implies that I need to have my API secret alongside my API key baked into the application binary. This is obviously undesirable. Facebook supports the notion of a session proxy to get around the parallel issue with their API. Can I do something like this for Twitter? ...

How do you use openAuth from a windows client application?

I am looking at integrating a public api in to an existing windows form application. The api requires openAuth authentication. All examples of this that I have seen are on web based applications. How can openAUth be used on a client application? thanks ...

OAuth on iPhone: using Safari or UIWebView?

Hi all, When I implement OAuth in iPhone, I have a dilemma to choose Safari or UIWebView to open the Twitter pages for user authentication? I write some advantage and disadvantage of both case: Using UIWebWeb. The disadvantage is users have to enter their credentials in our application. It's maybe risky phishing. The advantage is this a...

Google OAuth and local dev

Hi guys, i am trying to use Google OAuth to import a user 's contacts. In order to get a consumer and secret key for you app you have to verify your domain at https://www.google.com/accounts/ManageDomains Google allows you to use only domains without ports. I want to test and build the app locally so usually (Facebook, Linkedin apps) i u...

[Rails] OAuth with Digg API

I'm attempting to get Rails to play nice with the Digg API's OAuth. I'm using the oauth gem (ruby one, not the rails one). My code looks approximately like this: @consumer = OAuth::Consumer.new(API_KEY, API_SECRET, :scheme => :header, :http_method => :post, :oauth_callback => "http://locahost:3000", :request_token_url => 'http:...

Best Practices For Secure APIs?

Let's say I have a website that has a lot of information on our products. I'd like some of our customers (including us!) to be able to look up our products for various methods, including: 1) Pulling data from AJAX calls that return data in cool, JavaScripty-ways 2) Creating iPhone applications that use that data; 3) Having other we...

OAuth Authentication with Evernote (Using Java+Signpost)

I'm attempting to use OAuth authentication to connect to a variety of services. For this most part, this works (tested with twitter/photobucket), but with evernote, I'm receiving a 400 response code. What's wrong here? OAuthConsumer consumer = new DefaultOAuthConsumer( "myConsumerKey", "myConsumerSecret" ); OAuthProvider provider = new...

Authenticating with Netflix: Netflix OAuth vs. SignPost OAuth: Which is correct?

With signpost 1.2: String authUrl = provider.retrieveRequestToken( consumer, callbackUrl ); Netflix API response: <status> <status_code> 400 </status_code> <message> oauth_consumer_key is missing </message> </status> I see how to craft the URL manually via the netflix documentation, but this seems to contradict othe...

3-legged-oauth and Google ContactsClient problem

Hi I am using 3-legged-oauth to import a users' Google contacts in my app. I did not find the ContactsClient library but i was using only the ContacsService and i was fetching the ContactsFeed but that resulted to not having a lot of data. After the user allows my apps i store the auth_token key and secret so i can run a cron task to fe...

Trouble making OAuth signed requests

Hello, I am able to successfully make non-authenticated and protected calls to the Netflix API. I am having a little trouble making signed requests to the catalog, however. Using the OAuth Test page, it is clear to me that my Base String is correct. My request URL is also correct, except for the oauth_signature. The oauth_signature is t...

Google Contacts API - No Redirection

Hello there, I am currently working on Contact Importer web app (in PHP) so I will be able to grab email address from a user's account on Gmail, Yahoo, etc and use them for my own evil purposes. Just kidding, my web app is very friendly. I thought I would start with Google. I found they have a fantastic little API called Google Contact...

Twitter oauth/request_token failing sometimes

Hello there. I'm implementing Twitters OAuth for Adobe AIR in Javascript. My problem is, that out of 100 requests to api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token about 30 fail with the usual error message: Failed to validate oauth signature and token The other 70% of requests produce a correct response, so I believe that my algorithm for signin...

How to make a consumer for Jira using OAuth

I've looked through all the JIRA/Atlassian documentation I can find (eg. http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/GADGETS/Configuring+OAuth) and there is a lot of mention of using OAuth in JIRA, but the only examples they give are of adding a consumer in the administration area. I can't find any information about endpoint urls (request, ...

JavaScript OAuth sign in with Twitter

Hi, I have to integrate Sign-in-with Twitter in my app as below. http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Sign-in-with-Twitter It is browser based app developed in JavaScript I have been refering google code java script OAuth, but im confused how to use oauth/authenticate and how to get the oauth_token Can any one please help me out with some sample...

OAuth-Wrap Beginners Tutorial

Ok im looking for beginners OAuth-Wrap tutorials. I want to know where to begin. I will be using Javascript / PHP for my coding. I want to play around with an API that uses OAuth-Wrap. If can help me that would be much appreciated :) ...

How does one retrieve the email address of a user with GData?

I'm trying to use GData to retrieve the email address, real name, and profile URL of the user that just authorized my site using Google OAuth. We know how to request it using Google's OpenID flow, but the OpenID flow has the severe limitation that we have to ask for a Google Apps user's domain before we know where to send them to log in...