
Oauth callback problem

I am using OAuth with google data api. We have a portal only for authorized users. So when users are logged in and if they are accessing calendar page, they will be asked if they want to sync their calendars with google calendar. If yes, they will be redirected for authentication. Once user has granted access, google appends OAuth_Token ...

Does Google's GData Picasa API and OAuth work using C#?

Does Google's GData Picasa API and OAuth work using C#? If so, can someone post how to set the OAuthToken and then make calls using the PicasaService? I am able to get all the way to creating an oauth_token but cannot figure out how to set this value in the GData API and succesfully make calls. Thanks. ...

Google's Oauth for Installed apps vs. Oauth for Web Apps

So I'm having trouble understanding something... If you do Oauth for Web Apps, you register your site with a callback URL and get a unique consumer secret key. But once you've obtained an Oauth for Web Apps token, you don't have to generate Oauth calls to the google server from your registered domain. I regularly use my key and token fr...

alternatives to accessing google reader with oauth?

I'm really new to this oauth stuff. I want to access a user's google reader liked items feed. This blog says that oauth doesn't work (yet) with google reader. The working way seems to be to get the user's google credentials (email, password) directly, and login directly to google. This also gives me access to the rest of their services....

Is it possible to use OAuth starting from the service provider website?

I want to let people create apps that use my API and authenticate them with OAuth. Normally this process starts from the consumer service website (say TwitPic) and they request an access token from the service provider (Twitter). The user is then taken to the service provider website where they have to allow/deny access to to the consu...

c# sample code of orkut integration with an ASP.NET web site

Is there any c# sample code of integrating orkut from an ASP.NET web site (oauth authentication, retrieving friends, etc.) Any help would be appreciated Thank you ...

Work with protocol OAuth without browser?

I am a developer a large social network. Does the protocol OAuth without browser? I plan to write desktop and mobile applications that can not use your browser to get access_token. It worries me step for get Access_token, I can not understand how to implement it. Give examples of code if possible ... ...

How do you comment on an RFC?

I have some comments about the OAuth draft RFC (specifically about some errors it contains), but I'm not sure what the accepted way is to make them. There's an email address at the bottom, so do I simply send mail there with the comments, or is there some IETF tool I should know about for tracking comments/issues? ...

Interfacing my application with existing authentication systems

I'm writing a web based application that will have its own authorization/authentication mechanism (traditional cookie/session based user/pass). However, depending on the organization that licenses the software, I want them to be able to plug in their own existing internal authentication system as a way to replace mine. Ideally, they'd ha...

Help required on want to add Twitter OAuth just like facebook connect

I want to add twitter oauth just like facebook connect in my site like this site http://mytweeple.com/default.aspx. Need help on this how i can do this. Regards, ...

How to implement Gmail OAuth API to send email (especially via SMTP)?

I'm developing a web application that will send emails on behalf of a logged-in user. I'm trying to use the new Gmail OAuth protocol announced described here to send these emails through the user's Gmail account (preferably using SMTP rather than IMAP, but I'm easy). However, the sample PHP code gives me a couple of problems. All o...

What are the difference in simple and OAuth autentication in Tweeter for?

I was checking out the Tweet# API, and notice that there are 2 ways to authenticate. .AuthenticateAs(TWITTER_USERNAME, TWITTER_PASSWORD) and .AuthenticateWith(OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET, OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET) if I just want to post as mess...

net/http.rb:560:in `initialize': getaddrinfo: Name or service not known (SocketError)

` @@timestamp = nil def generate_oauth_url @@timestamp = timestamp url = CONNECT_URL + REQUEST_TOKEN_PATH + "&oauth_callback=#{OAUTH_CALLBACK}&oauth_consumer_key=#{OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY}&oauth_nonce=#{NONCE} &oauth_signature_method=#{OAUTH_SIGNATURE_METHOD}&oauth_timestamp=#{@@timestamp}&oauth_version=#{OAU...

OAuth gives me 401 error

I am trying to get the access key but I cannot make it work. `request_token.get_access_token is giving me 401 Unauthorized (OAuth::Unauthorized) error. I copy the authorize_url into my browser, allow the application, I receive some kind of PIN from twitter but after hitting enter in my script I always get 401 error. I did some search and...

Configuring authlogic-oauth with google

Howdy everybody, I am trying to learn rails, and I'm working on an app that uses Google for logins and also for calendar data. I'm currently working on configuring authlogic-oauth and having some issues. I've been following the guide for the authlogic-oauth (see link above) plugin, and I'm on steps 4 and 5. First off, I am still learni...

include_once fails!

Hi, I am new to php. I thought I knew enough but apparently do not. I am trying to use the OAuth.php from code.google.com. So I include OAuth.php in my code. Here is my php file - index.php <?php print 'Hello1'; include 'test.php'; print 'Hello2'; include 'OAuth.php'; print 'Hello3'; ?> Here test.php, OAuth.php and index.php ar...

oauth process for twitter. the difference between client and web application

I managed to make the oauth process work for PIN kind of verification. My twitter application is client type. When enter authorize url into web browser and grant the application access then I have to enter pin in my ruby application. Can I finish the process of getting access token without the pin thing? What changes do I need to do to...

Twitter Oauth GMT / BST problem

I keep getting 401 when trying to login via Oauth with Twitter. I'm using twitter_oauth-0.3.3 with oauth-0.3.6 in rails It used to work perfectly some time ago, so after some digging, I realised it might have something to do with my timezone. In the headers of the Twitter response, one of them is: date: - Sun, 11 Apr 2010 16:53:34 G...

Is there a MySql implementation of OAuths SimpleOAuthDataStore?

Hi, I've recently been using OAuth to secure resources on my server. The distribtion comes with SimpleOAuthDataStore.php. However I was wondering if anyone knows of a MySql implementation of this (in PHP)? Thanks Rich ...

Passing parameters thru Ruby's OAuth

I'm using Mirven's Twitter OAuth Sinatra example and trying to figure out how I can send a 'next page' parameter with the Oauth request: ie. The user attempts to visit /edit/profile which requires a login so I redirect to /request which deals with login via twitter - I now want to be able to redirect the user to the address they were or...