
Twitter OAuth fails signature validation on different domain with same code

I wrote a "Sign in with Twitter" option for my webapp on my local machine using this Twitter OAuth library - https://docs.google.com/View?docID=dcf2dzzs_2339fzbfsf4 and it all works great. But when I move the code to the actual production server it fails on getting a Request Token (a.k.a. the first step) with a simple "Failed to validate...

How do I connect to Yahoo with oauth using Ruby?

I'm trying to connect to yahoo via oauth. I'm using the oauth gem with ruby. I can successfully get an access token, but then I'm no able to use it to make any call. Here's my code: def oauth OAuth::Consumer.new(ApplicationConfig['yahoo']['access_token'], ApplicationConfig['yahoo']['secret'], { :site ...

Implementing OAuth provider in Java

What is the fastest/easiest way to get an OAuth provider running in Java? Specifically, I need to authorize third-party apps to access certain web services (I'm thinking token authentication using OAuth). I've been looking at Jersey's OAuth extension, but as mentioned here, it doesn't provide a full-fledged Service Provider. ...

is it possible to authenticate with oauth, on the iphone, without making the user enter a pin?

there is no practical way that i can see or have read about that lets you authenticate using oauth without making the user leave the app or have to write the pin down before they can post an update..... is there maybe another Rest API that i missed? ...

OAuth and phishing vulnerabilities, are they inexorably tied together?

I've been doing a fair bit of work with OAuth recently, and I have to say that I really like it. I like the concept, and I like how it provides a low barrier-of-entry for your users to connect up the external data to your site (or for you to provide the data apis for consumption externally). Personally, I've always balked at sites that...

Programmatically logout from Gmail via Oauth

I have a website where I use Oauth to log users into Gmail, and then retrieve their contacts and other info. What do I need to do to ensure that when the user logs-off my website, he automatically logs out from Gmail too? ...

Some questions about OAuth and Android

I started reading on OAuth this morning; need suggestions(links et al.) that will help answer the following questions: 1. How to implement 3 legged Authentication using OAuth on Android devices? Is there a library that assists in the aforementioned? 2. What does it mean when someone says: "Site/Service ABC supports OAuth"? Thanks! ...

Twitter OAuth for Iphone apps, twitbird

Hi All, I am wondering if anyone has an idea on how did twitbird developers use oauth for allowing the user to authorize their app ?(they say that they did use OAuth) when I was trying their app they used the username and password directly without redirection to twitter. I searched for a solutions and there is no obvious answer becaus...

What is the best OAUTH/Django library?

I use pyFacebook (which is not oauth) for facebook/django. What about oauth? What library do you guys absolutely recommend? I'm trying to implement a login system for LinkedIn: http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1008#Authorization_in_the_LinkedIn_APIs ...

OAuth + Twitter on Android: Callback fails

My Android application uses Java OAuth library, found here for authorization on Twitter. I am able to get a request token, authorize the token and get an acknowlegement but when the browser tries the call back url to reconnect with my application, it does not use the URL I provide in code, but uses the one I supplied while registering wi...

How to send a HTTP Header request rather than HTTP URL in Python.

I'm doing Oauth, and Linkedin needs me to send a "header" request instead of URL request (I have no idea what that means). This is what someone says on Google: If the library you are using isn't using HTTP headers for the authorization, you're not going to be able to access protected resources. Most OAuth libraries have an o...

What is this traceback error in Python?

Traceback: File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django/core/handlers/base.py" in get_response 92. response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs) File "/home/ea/ea-repos/hell/life/views.py" in linkedin_auth 137. token = oauth_linkedin.get_unauthorised_request_token() File "/home/ea/ea-repos...

Examples of OAuth with multiple authorization tokens?

Is there an example of an OAuth implementation or profile which uses multiple authorization tokens in one interaction? Can this be done with vanilla OAuth (as opposed to an extension)? Is there any discussion on the reasons for or against using multiple tokens in one request? OAuth WRAP uses two tokens, but only one is an authorizatio...

Redirecting back to a page after authentication through OpenID, Oauth, or Facebook Connect

I'm allowing users to login to my site with either OpenID, Twitter OAuth or FBConnect. If the user attempts to go to a page that requires them to be logged in, after that user logs in I want to send them BACK to that page. Is there an easy way to accomplish this with all of these or should I simply just write the redirect page to a coo...

Twitter API - oauth gem - not getting callback

I redirect the user of my application to Twitter for oauth style authentication using my app's request_token. The user is able to enter username and password on Twitter's page BUT then, instead of calling back my application, Twitter displays a page You've successfully granted access to MyAppName! Simply return to MyAppName an...

OAuth with Twitter script in Python is not working.

Hello. I'm writing a script of OAuth in Python. For testing this, I use Twitter API. But it is not working well. def test(): params = { "oauth_consumer_key": TWITTER_OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, "oauth_nonce": "".join(random.choice(string.digits + string.letters) for i in xrange(7)), "oauth_signature_met...

Using oauth for google apps for domain standard?

I'm trying to use oauth for the gdata python api with our google apps for domain standard edition users. I can't figure out how to get the secret key because it is not listed in the management console. Is this not possible for google apps standard? ...

Specifying Parameters in Zend_GData when using an Oauth Token?

So, I figured out how to get an access token from Google using the Zend_Oauth library in 1.10. Now lets say I want to get my contacts... $config = array( 'consumerKey' => 'zzz', 'signatureMethod' => 'HMAC-SHA1', 'consumerSecret' => 'xxx' ); $token = unserialize($_SESSION['GOOGLE_ACCESS_TOKEN']); $client = $token->ge...

Newbie Needs help with basic MVC Oauth Twitter set up

Hey everyone. I'm a hobby developer and I am fiddlng around with asp.net MVC and was trying to just get the basic Oauth to work via Twitter. All I did was put a controller named Twitter with this code: (it's from an online example for webforms but i slightly modified it and put it into 2 action methods, index and callback.. is this ri...

Oauth for Google API example using Python / Django

Hi, I am trying to get Oauth working with the Google API using Python. I have tried different oauth libraries such as oauth, oauth2 and djanog-oauth but I cannot get it to work (including the provided examples). For debugging Oauth I use Google's Oauth Playground and I have studied the API and the Oauth documentation With some librari...