
Iphone Game Development

Im new to iPhone development, I bought the certificate a while back and have already posted one simple app on the app store(Lunch Money, just in case you are curious), but I've been looking all over the internet for a good series for iPhone openGL ES(2d or 3d will work) game development... does anyone know a good starting point for iphon...

image editing with openGL ES

i have two images which are overlapping on each other.(the way in which cards are placed on top of each other) now if i move my finger over the top most image that portion of the image should become transparent.(opacity of that part should become 0). i am new to OpenGL ES development. kindly help me out or give me any suggestion to...

How to debug OpenGL ES crashes?

OpenGL ES 1.1 likes to crash my iPhone program if anything goes slightly wrong. Usually it happens somewhere inside glDrawArrays, with several glDestroyContext calls on stack. Usually I'm bisecting the problem by inserting { GLint iErr = glGetError(); if (iErr != GL_NO_ERROR) { NSLog(@"GL error: %d (0x%x)", iErr, iErr); }...

Is there a portable OpenGL UI Library (Buttons, Lists, Windows, Dropdown etc)?

I'm searching for a OpenGL User Interface Library like WxWidgets but not OS dependent. It would have to provide callbacks for user input since this is OS dependent. If something like this doesn't yet exist (which I doubt because most games have most of the Basic UI Elements) is there a OpenGL HTML/CSS renderer? ...

How can I optimize drawing of multiple fullscreen transparent iPhone OpenGL ES layers?

Hi, I'm trying to optimize my iPhone OpenGL ES app. This is based on the GLSprite and GLPaint sample apps. I've factored out EAGLView into a base class, and I'm subclassing it in 3 different OpenGL views to make 3 transparent layers. The display parent for the 3 EAGLViews is a UIView, and that UIView is a child of the UIWindow. I'm...

using iPhone OpenGl ES effectively for 2d (and collision detection)

this may be a more general opengl question. using OpenGL ES for 2d, and reading through the tutorials, I learned how to do the basic matrix transformations like rotating and moving an object around the screen. so far, so good - I have some objects moving around and rotating. the next step for me is to do collision detection. someth...

What's the best way of drawing layered OpenGL ES content?

Hi, Anyone know what the best practices are for drawing multiple layers of 2D OpenGL ES content on the iPhone? For example, let's say I want to draw a complex fullscreen background texture, followed by a rotating texture, followed by another alpha blended texture on top. Is there a way to draw the background texture only ONCE, and onl...

How to draw something with OpenGL ES in Linux?

I'm getting started developing with OpenGL ES on ARM/Linux, and I would like to draw something full-screen but don't know where to start. I'm not developping on iPhone, nor Android. This is a Linux/OpenGL ES question. I know it's possible to draw on the framebuffer with OpenGL ES without any library but I don't find any resources about...

Specifying a non-fullscreen OpenGL ES view

Hi, Anyone know how to create an OpenGL ES app that doesn't use the full iPhone screen dimensions as its drawing surface? Everything I've seen so far has the EAGLView (or whatever) drawing to 0, 0, 320, 480. I'd like to have my EAGLView at 100, 100, 100, 100. Is this possible? It seems all I'd need to do is change the glViewport() c...

What we require to develope 3D game for iPhone

Hi to all, I am still stuck into problem of 3D game development for iPhone. I just want to know what are the basic things that we need to develop our iPhone 3D game.Like which engine is best or without engine also we can develop a FPS game? How to render image? How I will get the graphics or myself have to create a 3D image? I don't hav...

Transparency/Blending issues with OpenGL ES/iPhone

Hi everyone. I have a simple 16x16 particle that goes from being opaque to transparent. Unfortunately is appears different in my iPhone port and I can't see where the differences in the code are. Most of the code is essentially the same. I've uploaded an image to here to show the problem The particle on the left is the incorrectly rend...

Program crashes when releases UIImage after generating OpenGL ES texture

Right now, I have followed this tutorial: It does not work if I tried to release UIImage: I will get a 'EXC_BAD_ACCESS'. Now, I made the UIImage to be instance variables and retain them. I do not make it autorelease. But the problem is sometimes I w...

How do I get a colored texture brush to show up in Open GL ES on white background?

I want to draw with a texture brush, in a color of my choice, on a white background using OpenGLES. I have a bitmap image which I use CG to load and turn into a texture. This bitmap is mostly black, but has a white circle in the center that I want to use as the "brush". In other words, I want the black part to vanish in the final compo...

Is it possible to check whether an OpenGL ES texture on iPhone has been truly deallocated?

The manual just instructed you to write: glDeleteTextures(1, &GLtexture); and claims that the texture will be deleted. iPhone has scarce memory and I want to ensure that these textures are truly released. The Leaks instrument cannot detect this, and frankly, I am a bit worried. I do really want to make sure that the textures are rea...

Basic 2D Texture Howto for iPhone OpenGL ES

Hi guys Just started learning OpenGL and couldn't find a decent tutorial to get me going. Specifically, I'm looking for something that will show me how to load an image to an OpenGL texture, store it in a variable to display later, and then draw the image. I'd appreciate it if someone could write out the basic code to do that for me. I...

Is there any point in using an index buffer with a texture in OpenGL ES (Android)?

I'm using OpenGL ES to display some objects exported from Blender. Blender provides a list of vertices, a list of the face indices and a list of the 2d texture co-ordinates. Within Blender, and I believe generally in OpenGL, the texture co-ordinates map to each vertex described in the index array. I suppose I have two questions: I...

gles 2.0 perfomance on iphone simulator, iphone, macbook pro

I did an wave animation to explore features of sgx chip which is tile-based rendering (TBR) architecture by comparing the performance on iphone and laptop. An advantage of TBR architecture is it allows the GPU to perform hidden surface removal before fragments are processed, so I draw many overlaped layers of animated waves, and only th...

Any one know of an OpenGL ES example of an interactive globe/earth for the iPhone.

Along with Jamey - I too am looking for an OpenGL ES example that renders an interactive earth similar to the one in the Smule products. Any help will be great even if it is just part of the solution. ...

How to render primitives in wireframe in Open Gl ES

Hi, I can see how to render wireframe primitives in open gl. By using glPolygonMode, however this call seems to be missing from Open GL ES. Does anyone know how to render primitives in wireframe on Open GL ES? Thanks Rich ...

Help with drawing a sphere in OpenGL ES

I have the following code, but I can't find the bug. It seems to be a memory-related issue. The original code is taken from the 3d library which comes with the OpenGL superbible, and i'm trying to adapt it for openGL es. Any ideas as to why it's segfaulting all the time? - (void)drawSphereOfRadius:(GLfloat)fRadius nbSlices:(GLint)iSlice...