
glFrustumf displays only clear color, glOrthof displays as expected (OpenGL ES)

I'm new to OpenGL, so I'm sure this is a dummy mistake, but I've read every post, and reviewed sample code, and I can't find a difference, explaining why glFrustum wont display as I'd like it to. I initialize OpenGL like: - (void) initOpenGL{ glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); //glLoadIdentity(); //gl...

Can I get the color of the pixel at a Touch Point on an EAGLView

I want to get the color of the Pixel at a specific Touch Point on an EAGLView. Is this possible, and if so, how? ...

iPhone OpenGL ES incorrect alpha blending

I have a problem with incorrect alpha blending results with openGL ES on iPhone. This is my code for creating texture object: glGenTextures(1, &tex_name); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex_name); glTextImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, tex_width, tex_height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, tex_data); 'tex_data' is loaded from raw RGBA8888...

Tracking 3D cube position OpenGL?

SHORT INTRO: I'm having trouble with a 3D cube on a plane. The plane is a grid of squares. The ID number of the square that the cube currently occupies on is stored in a storage-variable. This is so that I can tell whether or not adjacent squares are free for the cube to move onto. When I move the cube, the storage-variable is updated to...

Missing OpenGL drivers on Android emulator

I am trying to set up an Android emulator to do some playing around with OpenGL ES on it, but I am stymied by the fact that, every time I run my program on it, it unceremoniously grenades itself. The problem (at least the first nasty red error line in the log) is a missing package called This is the OpenGL driver file required...

Positioning elements in 2D space with OpenGL ES

In my spare time I like to play around with game development on the iPhone with OpenGL ES. I'm throwing together a small 2D side-scroller demo for fun, and I'm relatively new to OpenGL, and I wanted to get some more experienced developers' input on this. So here is my question: does it make sense to specify the vertices of each 2D eleme...

How do I control a camera in openGL with a gravity vector from the iPhone's accelerometer

I have a camera structure that holds location, up, and direction vectors. I'd like to update these vectors based on the gravity vector I get from the iPhone's accelerometer. The effect I'm going for is: when the top of the phone is tilted away from you, the camera looks towards the ground. In other words, the scene/geometry follows the o...

how do I pass the View/Model/Projection matrices to my vertex shader in OpenGL ES 2.0?

In OpenGL ES 2.0, you apparently can't do glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); any more to set the model matrix, but I think these matrices are still built in somehow, since the GLSL spec tells you how to access them in a vertex shader. // // Matrix state. p. 31, 32, 37, 39, 40. // uniform mat4 gl_ModelViewMatrix; un...


I'm developing a game for iPhone and is pretty far along, but one thing bugs me when using Instrument a see that something called opengl_error_break is taking LOTS of valueable time. The caller seems to be MBXGLEngine which is a part of the OpenGLES framework but I have no idea of what it does or how to debug it. Does any one here have...

OpenGL render state management

Hello All, I'm currently working on a small iPhone game, and am porting the 3d engine I've started to develop for the Mac to the iPhone. This is all going very well, and all functionality of the Mac engine is now present on the iPhone. The engine was by no means finished, but now at least I have basic resource management, a scene graph ...

How to change the Center-of-Rotation in OpenGL

I have a 3D Model (OpenGL ES 1.1 iPhone SDK v3.0) that is somewhat complex (i.e. Thousands of Vertexes and Faces) and I'd like to rotate this model around the Y-axis at or near the center of the Model. The problem is that glRotate rotates my model around a point at/near the center of one of its bottom edges, NOT near the center of the Mo...

Which books and resources are good to learn OpenGL ES for iPhone OS quickly?

Maybe someone can recommend a book, great website or video training series for this? ...

Does openGL ES have trouble displaying text?

Someone told me that openGL is for graphic only, and that it's very bad at displaying good readable text. Is that true for openGL ES on iPhone OS? ...

Is openGL ES on iPhone fast enough to render text that consists of little images?

For some very sophisticated graphics I am thinking about making a fontset out of image files. Do the openGL ES experienced people here think that this would be okay on iphone, or does performance go down quickly with this? The amount of text to be displayed is not that much. At max I would say as long as my question text here, for examp...

Multi-threaded OpenGL Programming in Cocos2D-iPhone

In an attempt to create a loading bar for an iPhone game I'm developing (using Cocos2D), I wanted to use a multithreaded approach. One thread shows a loading screen and runs the main application event loop while a new thread silently loads all the Sprites in the background (through spriteWithFile) and then adds them to a layer. I creat...

Does openGL ES have a better performance than Core Animation and UIKit when it comes to highly animated user interfaces?

Currently I have an user interface that makes incredible heavy use of core animation. I wonder if it is worth to spent another 2 months for learning openGL ES? Does that really improve drawing performance for 2D surfaces? I have no 3D objects, but highly animated 2D stuff. Sometimes with 3D distortions, a lot of rotations and scaling. I...

Which demo applications from Apple are good examples on usage of OpenGL ES on iPhone OS?

Besides CrashLanding, are there any other good example apps with source code? ...

What's the difference in openGL and EAGL / openAL?

Sometimes I read EAGL, openAL ... wikipedia doesn't tell me something about EAGL. ...

Which openGL ES frameworks are available to use for 2D user interfaces with iPhone OS?

Currently I start learning openGL ES, but I wonder what kind of helpful frameworks are out there to get things done faster? ...

Does OpenGL ES support environment shaders?

I want to make metallic 3d object that appears to be reflective. I want to accomplish this using an environment shader that uses either a sphere or cube map that I can assign an image or texture as the "reflection" source. Does OpenGL ES on the iPhone support this in any versions? ...