
iPhone status bar orientation with opengl

I have opengl only view that displays in portrait and landscape mode using projection matrix (view's transformation is identity all the time). I need to show status bar with proper orientation. I do this by setting status bar orientation property in UIApplication and changing frame of opengl view so the view won't go under status bar. W...

Is there a way to change the orientation of a DataGridView (WinForm)?

I don't think it is possible but I'm still asking the question... Basicly, I would like to display the DataGridView column horizontally and the row to be displayed vertically. Yes, I know there some third party components that would allow me to do this but I would like to use my custom DataGridViewColumn in my grid. Regards, Simon ...

iPad Orientation Lock Notification?

Is there a way to receive a notification when the iPad gets orientation locked? When the orientation lock is set on or off, it does send a receivedRotate: notification, but I need a way to be able to distinguish normal rotations from lock "rotations". The problem is I am rotating things in my view when the rotation changes. When the loc...

I can't set a border around my StackPanel. Any help?

Here's my XAML code: <Window x:Class="CarFinder.MainWindow" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Title="Search for cars in TuMomo" Height="480" Width="600"> <DockPanel Margin="8"> <Border CornerRadius="6" ...

Can I add a portrait layout on top of a landscape Camera SurfaceView?

My application should hold a camera preview surface. The camera is fixed to landscape view via AndroidMainfest.xml <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="Camera"> <uses-library android:name="com.google.android.maps" /> <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" /> <uses-feature android:name...

How can the subView detect that the mainView is rotating?

I have a mainView. To this view, I am adding a view of the same size. When the mainView(the background) rotates, its being detected but the subview doesnt have any idea about being rotated. And its functions are not even being called. Even when the program launches too, if I am in landscape mode, its the same way. How can I make the sub...

iPhone MFMailComposeViewController's "cancel" button displays Action Sheet w/ incorrect orientation.

I've been trying to add in-app email functionality and have been somewhat successful. The MailCompose view is displayed properly. But when "Cancel" is pressed the Action Sheet with "Delete", "Save as Draft" and "Cancel" animates in from the left as if the view controller is set to portrait mode*, yet the width (or height depending on ...

AVD Screen orientation not changing with CTRL+F11 or CTRL+F12

I run my app in the AVD emulator using eclipse but I'm unable to change the screen orientation in the AVD (Android 2.0 platform on the emulator). When I press CONTROL+F11 or CONTROL+F12 on the keyboard, nothing happens. No messages are generated in the adb debuglog/logcat either when I press either hotkey. According to http://develop...

How do I rotate only some views when working with a uinavigationcontroller as a tab of a uitabbarcontroller

Here is a flow that I can not figure out how to work. ( when I state (working) it means that in that current state the rules for orientation for that view are working correctly) First View: TableView on the stack of a UINavigationController that is a tab of UITabBarController. TableView is only allowed to be portrait. (working) When yo...

Change UITableViewCell Height on Orientation Change

I have a UITableView with cells containing variable-height UILabels. I am able to calculate the minimum height the label needs to be using sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode:, which works fine when the table view is first loaded. When I rotate the table view the cells become wider (meaning there are fewer lines required to disp...

Portrait orientation only for iPad?

According to apple my application has to be able to run in both portrait modes. How do I accomplish this with shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation?? ...

iPad launch orientation not detected

I have an iPad app that works correctly except for an odd issue during launch. I've read several questions & answers regarding orientation, but this still has me stumped. The root view controller is a UITabBarController with 3 tabs. Two of the tabs are have custom view controllers (one based off of UIViewController, the other off of UIT...

UITabBar in iPad - Won't go into landscape mode with more than 2 items

I created a new project and selected the Tab Bar template for iPad. I opened it up in Interface Builder and added 4 more items, bringing the total items to 6. I did a build and run and it opened up fine in the iPad simulator, but it wouldn't go into landscape! I then backtracked in interface builder and found that it would go landscape i...

Get current orientation of iPad?

In a given event handler (not the "shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation" method) how do I detect the current iPad orientation? I have a text field I have to animate up (when keyboard appears) in the Landscape view, but not in the portrait view and want to know which orientation I'm in to see if the animation is necessary. ...

Subviews are incorrectly positioned by the amount of the iPad status bar

I have a fullscreen view (768x1004), when I add a fullscreen subview to this view, it is incorrectly positioned by the height of the status bar (20 pixels). So the view will be clipped by 20 pixels at the top. I can't figure out why this is happening. The only way I can fix it is to set the origin to CGPointMake(0, 20) in viewDidLoad. I...

UITableView with sectionIndexTitle bugs on rotation

Hi everyone, I have a UITableView with a sectionIndexTitles, and when I do a rotation, some cells are displayed like if I were on the previous orientation. When I don't have sectionIndexTitles, there is no problem. Is it just a bug in a library, or is there a secret tip I don't know to fix it ? Tank you ...

iphone device orientation

During inAppPurchase, the storeKit will ask the username and password even though i set... [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarOrientation:UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight]; It ask Username and password in Portrait Mode... In general How to solve this kind of issue. UPDATED : But the InAppPurchase message on successfu...

UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl not rotating

I've got a modal view controller that is being displayed using UIModalPresentationFullScreen with the TransitionStyle set as UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl. This works beautifully. My problem is that when the device is rotated, my view rotates (as intended), but the "curl" effect does not. Does anyone know if this is by design, o...

UINavigationController back button half works in iPad landscape orientation

In an iPad application with a UINavigationController, everything works in portrait mode but in landscape mode the back button sometimes only goes back half a level. That is to say, on the first press the title bar animates as if it was popping a controller, and on the second press it animates the content popping. Has anyone found a sol...

Is it possible to prevent iPhone/iPad orientation changing in the browser?

I've seen similar questions on this issue, but they are related to native apps. I build web apps for the iPhone/iPad that run in the browser (Safari). I was wondering if there is a way to prevent orientation change in the browser, perhaps via some meta tag. I know of the viewport meta tag which allows you to specify scale and zooming ca...