
jquery override event

Hi fellow programmer I have an achor like this <a href='#' onclick='return showform(this)'>click me</a> But I want to be able to override the onclick function, how to do this in jquery? because it seems when I add $('a').click( function() { alert('hi there!'); } ); the new click handler is not overriding the old one ...

When overriding a virtual member function, why does the overriding function always become virtual?

Hi! When I write like this: class A { public: virtual void foo() = 0; } class B { public: void foo() {} } ...B::foo() becomes virtual as well. What is the rationale behind this? I would expect it to behave like the final keyword in Java. Add: I know that works like this and how a vtable works :) The question is, why C++ st...

Browser Context Menu customization?

Is there a way to override the "undo" and "select all" in right click context menu of the browser over textarea? Thank you. ...

Override public method in subclass in a way that restricts public access while still allowing access from parent class?

I have a generic Collection class, with a variety of public getter methods. To get one item from the Collection, you call get(). There are also several methods that return multiple items: getMany(), getRange(), getAll(), find(), findAll(), query(), queryAny(), etc. Internally, all of these methods that return multiple items have a loo...

Need help for C# abstract properties sample code dissection

When reading the tutorial of "Properties Tutorial" from MSDN. I'm consused about the example. How to define abstract properties. ... When I debug, I found each of the three override double Area() is invoked by ToString(); and ToString() is invoked default by the WriteLine() calls. What's the benefit calling this way? I feel it is ...

Can we have a "not override a concrete method ..." compile time error when implementing interfaces ?

Can we have a "not override a concrete method ..." compile time error when implementing interfaces ? An example to be more clear : I build up a framework containing interfaces. To use the framework developers need to implements some interfaces. But if they don't override equals(Object object) and hashCode() Object methods the internal ...

Android: Override back button to act like home button

On pressing the back button, I'd like my application to go into the stopped state, rather than the destroyed state. In the Android docs it states: ...not all activities have the behavior that they are destroyed when BACK is pressed. When the user starts playing music in the Music application and then presses BACK, the application ov...

Overriding the Controls property in a custom control a bad idea?

Hello, I am attempting to make a web-partish custom control. I am going to be using Mono, so no I can't just use ASP.Net's (thats what we were using before we decided to go Mono). Basically, we want to have a custom control named WebPart which is an abstract class that our web parts derive from. In the WebPart class I want for it to b...

Why won't @override work??

What is wrong with piece of code? @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Eclipse states that @override cant be where it is. It says that 'Bundle' is wrong. I am lost. ...

Overriding default property values in .Net, WinForms.

Let's say I create a class "Planet" that can be inherited. One of the purposes of inheriting is to create a template with different default property values. Eg: Public Sub New MyBase.New MyBase.ForeColor = Red MyBase.Name = "Mars" etc. End Sub Now, to stop the defaults serializing in the InitializeComponent method, the...

How to override a Dispose method with diposedValue being Private?

Hello, I must add some Dispose code to a class that inherits from a class that already implements IDisposable so I tried to do an Override of the Dispose method but I have not available the disposedValue because it is declared as private. How can I add the new Dispose statements? Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Bo...

Overriding an instance method with static ones

I have a class that will be subclassed. All subclasses must contain a static method with the same signature, but differnt for each one. I would like to have an abstract instance method in the superclass that subclasses will override, but it seems mot possible in Java, I wonder why. A silly example: Image{ abstract String getExtensio...

override a class/add properties to a ListviewItem (vb.net)

I have a listview but I would like to add 3 properties (for example one of them is "image") to the listviewitems in it. I was fine with making a custom class with the 3 properties and just inheriting ListViewItem but now I need to use MultiSelect, so it means doing things like(in For Each loops): ListView1.SelectedItems.Item(i).Image do...

How to receive the Windows messages without a windows form

I am trying to write a class library that can catch the windows messages to notify me if a device has been attached or removed. Normally, in a windows forms app I would just override the WndProc method but there is not WndProc method in this case. Is there another way I can get the messages? ...

PHP - recognize when the function was called

Hi, I'm thinking about how to find from where any function was called. The problem is that I need to find where the PHP is calling mail() function. One way will be to use register_tick_function(), but I'll need to open each file and check what is on each line. The project is huge, it will take really long to parse each file in PHP. Any ...

Confusion about virtual/new/override

I am a bit confused about the virtual/new/override thing, here's some example: class A { public virtual void mVVirtual() { Console.WriteLine("A::mVVirtual"); } } class B : A { public virtual void mVVirtual() { Console.WriteLine("B::mVVirtual"); } } class C : B { public override void mVVirtual() { Console.WriteLine("C::mVVi...

Overriding equals() & hashCode() in sub classes ... considering super fields

Is there a specific rule on how Overriding equals() & hashCode() in sub classes considering super fields ?? knowing that there is many parameters : super fields are private/public , with/without getter ... For instance, Netbeans generated equals() & hashCode() will not consider the super fields ... and new HomoSapiens("M", "80", "1...

More about Virtual / new...plus interfaces!

Hello again Yesterday I posted a question about the new/virtual/override keywords, and i learned a lot from your answers. But still i remain with some doubts. In between all the "boxes", i lost touch with what's really happening to the type's method tables. For instance: interface I1 { void Draw(); } interface I2 { void Draw(); } cla...

Java overriding hashCode() gets StackOverflowError

Hi, so I'm not well versed in overriding hashCode and I seem to have some infinite recursion somehow going on with the hashCode method. Here is my scenario, I have a class DuplicateCache that is a cache object that checks for duplicate objects in our system. I have a static inner class Duplicate which represents the Duplicate objects. ...

overriding a function that hasan optional parameter in ActionScript / Flex

I'm using FlashBuilder 4 beta2. My base class has a function foo(): protected function foo(s:String, z:String=null): void{} Literally "foo" so that there's no chance I'm stepping on a built-in method. I am getting an "Incompatible override" error when attempting to override the method in a subclass: override protected function foo(s:...