
Changing return type when overidding a function in the subclass in PHP?

Is this bad? Or this is very common in PHP framework? For example, in the parent class, there is a save() function which returns the number of rows affected in the database. Then in the child class, I override this function to do some pre-validation, and also would like to simply return a success/failed boolean value. ...

Can I override the default "Drag and Drop" behaviour when dragging email item from outlook?

After dragging email item from outlook, my own application (written in C#) can get the data and retrieve the msg data when the email item is dropped on it. But is it possible to override the default "drag and drop" behavior so that I can send some information else (rather than the default information) when dragging an email item and pick...

abstract method override in Derived class, how to make private

Hi I have a class "A" with as abstract method protected abstract List<Contributor> GetContributors(List<SyndicationPerson> contributersList); I want to override this method in derived class "B" with following conditions It should be private to B class. compiler does not allow me to declare this Method as private in derived class "...

C++ : implications of making a method virtual

Hi all, Should be a newbie question... I have existing code in an existing class, A, that I want to extend in order to override an existing method, A::f(). So now I want to create class B to override f(), since I don't want to just change A::f() because other code depends on it. To do this, I need to change A::f() to a virtual method...

What useful functionality do you get out of overriding the 'new' operator?

What new kind of functionalities (for debugging or not) do you find helpful by overriding the new operator? ...

Why does this work? Method overloading + method overriding + polymorphism

In the following code: public abstract class MyClass { public abstract bool MyMethod( Database database, AssetDetails asset, ref string errorMessage); } public sealed class MySubClass : MyClass { public override bool MyMethod( Database database, AssetDetails asset, ref string errorMe...

can't extend two traits that have a method with the same signature?

Why is the error below? How to workaround it? EDIT: I assumed that since A and B compile to (interface,class) pairs, it's a matter of choosing the right static method call to implement when compiling C. I would expect the priority to be according to order. scala> trait A {def hi = println("A")} defined trait Ascala> trait A {def hi ...

Is is possible to override a hidden method?

Say I have the following hierarchy: public class MyClass { protected virtual void Method() { ... } } public class MySubClass : MyClass { public new virtual void Method() { ... } } public class MySubSubClass : MySubClass { // how do I reference the protected Method() to override it? } Is it possible to override the implementati...

Is it possible to override a non-virtual method?

Is there any way to override a non-virtual method? or something that gives similar results (other than creating a new method to call the desired method)? I would like to override a method from Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsDevice with unit testing in mind. ...

How to overcome neatly the fact that static attributes can't be overrriden?

I want to implement an aplication where I have various Objects that can be interpreted as XML Strings. First I thought of making an interface which made each object implement two methods: public abstract Element toXML(); public abstract void fromXML(Element element); The first one turns the object information into the an DOM Element a...

Magento—Problem overriding Adminhtml block

Hi, I've spent hours trying to override the Magento block for the "Add store" and "Edit store" pages in an extension, to add another text box to it. After Going through books and Googling, I've found several solutions which people say are working, however not for me. One recommendation was this one: http://www.magentocommerce.com/board...

"heritance" to override a function

To some extent, this is more a thought exercise than a real problem, since I don't have enough CustomFS classes to be particularly bothered by just using copy paste. But I wonder if there's a better way. Suppose I have several classes CustomFS, CustomFS2, etc., all of which inherit from FS, FS2, etc. FS/FS2/etc. all inherit from FSG, ...

How to override ord behaivour in Python for str childs?

I have this class: class STR(str): def __int__(self): return 42 If i use it in the promt like this: >>> a=STR('8') >>> ord(a) 56 >>> int(a) 42 >>> chr(a) '*' that's the behaivour. I'd like to ord(a) be 42. How can I do it? Which method should I override in the str class? Is all this documented anywhere? Thanks! ...

ASP.NET location element override behavior

Assume I have the following in my web.config (most of the file omitted for brevity): <configuration> <location path="somefolder/somepage.aspx"> <system.web> <authorization> <allow roles="SomeRole" /> <deny users="*" /> </authorization> </system.web> </location> <system.web> <authorization> ...

Overriding multiple inherited templated functions with specialized versions

Okay, sample code first; this is my attempt at communicating what it is that I'm trying to do, although it doesn't compile: #include <iostream> template <class T> class Base { public: virtual void my_callback() = 0; }; class Derived1 : public Base<int> , public Base<float> { public: void my_callback<int>() { cout << "Int callba...

override description or stringValue in cocoa?

I want to have an descriptive string for an object in Cocoa. I'm thinking about overriding either the description method or the stringValue method. Which is preferable and why? The only guideline I could find was in here stating You are discouraged from overriding description. Is this indeed what you would suggest? Any other prefer...

Is it possible to hide or lower access to Inherited Methods in Java?

I have a class structure where I would like some methods in a base class to be accessible from classes derived directly from the base class, but not classes derived from derived classes. According to the Java Language specification it is possible to override access specifications on inherited methods to make them more public, but not mo...

Accessing a class variable overloading brackets [] operators method in Ruby

Hi i want to do the following. I simply want to overload the [] method in order to access the instance variables... I know, it doesn't make great sense at all, but i want to do this for some strange reason :P It will be something like this... class Wata attr_accessor :nombre, :edad def initialize(n,e) @nombre = n @...

AS3: overriding protected var in subclass

Hi all, I'm having a blackout here. I thought I understood these principles, but I can't seem to get it working anymore. I want to let a DeleteButton inherit from a general Button class. This DeleteButton should alter the protected padding values and have a static label. This is what I have: public class Button { private var _label...

Custom Java exception printing when thrown

I want to design it such that whenever one of my custom exceptions is thrown, it automatically prints the stacktrace to a file. Is there a method I can override to accomplish this? Doing this would help to reduce a noticable amount of code in my project. ...