
C++ Parameter Reference

Hi, if I am given void (int a[]) { a[5] = 3; // this is wrong? } Can I do this so that the array that is passed in is modified? Sorry for deleting, a bit new here... I have another question which might answer my question: If I have void Test(int a) { } void Best(int &a) { } are these two statements equivalent? Test(a); Best(&a...

Load AS2 SWF Into AS3 SWF and pass vars in URL

I've got an AS3 SWF that I'm going to be loading other SWFs into. These child SWFs all take a single parameter on the URL. I can't seem to get it working when loading an AS2 child, and it needs to be able to handle both. so I have var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(); var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); request.url = "http:...

C - Pass by reference multidimensional array with known size

In main: char *myData[500][9]; //dynamic rows?? char **tableData[500]={NULL}; //dynamic rows?? int r; newCallBack(db, &myData, &tableData, &r); and passing into function by: void newCallBack(sqlite3 *db, char** mdat, char*** tdat, int* r ) { Doesn't seem to like this? Any suggestions? Lots of examples online when you don...

C++ Passing a dynamicly allocated 2D array by reference

This question builds off of a previously asked question: Pass by reference multidimensional array with known size I have been trying to figure out how to get my functions to play nicely with 2d array references. A simplified version of my code is: unsigned int ** initialize_BMP_array(int height, int width) { unsigned in...

Pass a message to another exe from an exe C#

I have two exe running, c# console programs. From one, I need to tell the second exe to do something? How... ? I looked at (Remotable.CommonAssembly)Activator.GetObject(typeof(Remotable.CommonAssembly) but from here i can call a method of the CommonAssembly(referenced dll) not the exe one's. ...

Are arrays or lists passed by default by reference in c#?

Do they? Or to speed up my program should I pass them by reference? ...

passing data from C++ to PHP

Hi, I need to pass a value from PHP to C++, this I think I can do with PHPs passthru(). Then I want C++ to do something to that value and return the result to PHP. This is the bit I can't work out, does anyone know how to pass data from C++ to PHP? I'd rather not use an intermediate file as I am thinking this will slow things down. Than...

Pass a parameter from one jsp to another using form.action

I have an ID that I need in the next jsp once the user click a button. I am trying to do the following: FirstJSP.jsp: function getSecond() { var frm = document.getElementById("frm"); frm.action = "**second.jsp?id=myId;"** frm.submit(); } ... form id="frm" ..... input type="button" v...

How to pass Client Objects to WCF Service

Hello there, I want to pass list of entitiy objects from Client to WCF Service, but my WCF Service has no knowledge of the structure of these entity objects. One way could be to pass them in an XML file. What could be the other possible ways to pass such objects to WCF service? Please guide. Thank you! ...

HLSL declaring a pass with angle brackets containing values..

In the directx post process sample the downfilter FX has the following code in it: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Technique: PostProcess // Desc: Performs post-processing effect that down-filters. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- technique...

Pass variable from image to next page

Hey I have dynamic image begin created with imagecreate(), and I have random values being produced, and I want to pass that random number, to a variable, and use that variable inside the page where Im using the image source. The image is on random.php, and Im using <img src="random.php" /> on page index.php if that matters, and I want ...

JQuery: pass $(this).parent(); to method?

I have a simple script: $('.expand').each(function(i){ var _Expand = $(this).parent(); ExpGroupBy(_Expand); }); Trying to pass the <tr> of all <td> with the class 'expand' However firebug keeps popping up the Error: 'TypeError: formObj.getElementsByTagName is not a function' Any ideas? Thanks ^^ ...

Passing a C++ object with an Objective-C (Cocoa) event (performSelector)

How to pass a C++ object with the performSelector method? This method only allows you to pass 'objc_object*' objects, I can't cast them. I could build a wrapper, but I don't know the overall superclass for all C++ objects, so I don't know how I could build a generic wrapper (I don't want specific knowledge about the object in the wrapper...

iphone : Passing objects between functions..

hi... my code is like this - (id)getViewControllerForManagedObject:(QIManagedObject *)object { DataTableViewControllerReports *nextControllerReports = [[[DataTableViewControllerReports alloc] initWithNibName:@"ReportsScreenXIB" bundle:nil] autorelease]; nextControllerReports.objectStack = [self.objectStack arrayByAddingObject:object]...

Trying to select radio button based on asp variable

Hi and thanks for your help, I am trying to select a radio button based on an ASP variable. This variable directly correlates to the value field of the radio button. Any ideas guys/gals? Thanks, Will ...

Passing command-line arguments to LaTeX document

Hello there, I have a LaTeX file, 'myfile.tex' say, that sometime in the middle of the code an ASCII file with LaTeX macros has to be input, 'macrofile.tex, say, through an '\input{macrofile}' command. Actually, there are more than one 'macrofiles', so every time I have to edit 'myfile' and change the name of 'macrofile'. I can avoid th...

how-to pass the reference of the current instance in C#

e.g. something like ( ref this ) which does not work ... E.g. this fails: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace CopyOfThis { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { View objView = new View(); objView.Boo(); o...

JQuery .click pass variables

Hi folks, propb. very simple, but not for me. Looking to pass a variable on a click function to show either div a or div b based on the a link clicked. My code is something like this $('.view').click(function() { var id ='view_', ""); if(id=1) { $('#show').show('slow'); } if(id=2 ) { $('#show2').show('slow'); } $(...

i need to pass url var in the scr of a iframe

i need to know how to pass everything after the .php part in this link "[email protected]&amp;t=985559" to a iframe on the same page. "hosted on the same site" like this "<iframe> src="[email protected]&amp;t=985559" fram...

very basic objective-c question

Hi all, I wrote a simple program to understand how objective-c works. This program is the i-ching, an ancient divination based on six lines response, calculated after launching three coins for six times, and then build an hexagram which is the reponse. I am stuck at this, that I am sure has simple solution. This is how I defined the li...