
Android google calendar permission issue

Hello, I am using google-api-client to access Google calendar. Following are the permissions in my manifest file. <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS" /> <uses-permis...

What file and directory permissions are required for MySQL LOAD DATA INFILE?

I have a script that is trying to load some data into MySQL with LOAD DATA INFILE. For some reason, it works if the file is in the /tmp directory, but not if the file is in another directory with identical permissions. I can't find any way to get MySQL to import data from outside the /tmp directory, or the database directory, but I can't...

FileSystemWatcher - minimum permissions needed on target directories ?

Hi - Using the .NET FileSystemWatcher to monitor a directory full of files for : Changed; Created; Deleted; Renamed events . What's the minimum the rights the Account running the FileSystemWatcher needs over the directory it's watching ? It seems like it would be ...

Showing Password Prompt Only Once - How to?

Hi, I'm building an Cocoa application that modifies a file on the user's operating system which requires admin permission. I have a proof of concept working which uses authopen but it doesn't deliver the UX experience I am hoping to achieve. Every time the file is modified it prompts the user to enter their password. Is there a way to h...

sqlite journal file location

Curently sqlite is writing journal file in the same directory where is placed database file. It makes a problem with the directory permission (it has to be writable). Is there any method to force sqlite to write journal files in other directory? ...

ASP.NET UnauthorizedAccessException

We have an intranet production server running in a virtual environment, which we cloned to make a development server. The computer name and IP are changed and everything is running fine. There is a shared folder on the production instance, which we reference from the development server because everything is readonly. I can visit the s...

Show pdf only to authentificated users

Hello, I'm building a web site from the old one and i need to show a lot of .pdf files. I need users to get authenficated before the can't see any of my .pdf but i don't know how (and i can't put my pdf in my database). I'm using Pylons with Python. Thank for you help. If you have any question, ask me! :) ...

ACL and AllowedActions Issue with CakePHP 1.3

Originally, I would run terminal commands to generate my ACL table data. However, this became tedious so I now use the below code to automatically generate my ACOS, AROS, and AROS_ACOS tables: I also created these two functions to help populate those tables: function...

Personalizable web part custom property not shown for users with Contribute permission level

I've create the Web Part for SharePoint 2010, which contains simple custom property with PersonalizationScope.User. Web part inherited from the System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart private int _mainBodyBorderWidth = 0; [Personalizable(PersonalizationScope.User), WebBrowsable(true), WebDisplayName("Main Body Border W...

How to access call logs from J2ME apps?

I've been looking around and haven't found an answer to the above question. Many forums say it cannot be done in most phones, but most of those entries date back to 2006-2007 or more. I'm hoping J2ME's gotten better in the past few years. :) ...

Register for COM Interop

When the Register for COM Interop option in the build properties is checked, I get an error: Cannot register assembly -access denied When the option is unchecked, the project builds without any error. But my requirement is to register the COM objects as I need to use the same in VB. Can anyone help me out in this? ...

Linux Can't Delete Files Created By www-data

I've got a web server running Ubutu 10.04 and Apache2 and PHP. When I upload a file to the server through PHP, it creates it with 'rwxr-xr-x' and 'www-data www-data' as the user and group. I've added my 'administrator' account to the 'www-data' group. However, when I log in to my server through SSH and try and delete one of the files ...

Facebook extended permissions and interested_in property

Which Facebook extended permissions makes the interested_in property of friends show up? I've tried using friends_about_me, friends_relationship_details, and friends_relationships. Which one is interested_in located? I'm using the Facebook SDK for iOS devices by the way. If not enough are found, is it because I'm doing something wrong...

Deny certain controller action permission in CakePHP

The idea is quite simple. If you are not logged in, you have no access to any page beside the register and login page. If you are logged in, you have access to all pages except the register page. Now, half of this is achieved by using CakePHP's Auth Component. This restricts access when not logged, and allows access when logged. The pr...

Registry Entries for all users in Python

I wrote an application that stores several things in the registry. When I first started, I added them to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, but kept getting permission errors writing to the. So, it was suggested that I use HKEY_CURRENT_USER, that worked until I realized that I am not able to access them from another account. How can I write to the regi...

Checking if user has permissions for file in *nix

Out of curiosity. I've been thinking about the different access models often seen in *nix and the one seen in windows nt based systems. Is there any command or api to check if a file is readable, executable etc for a user different than the logged in user. For instance something like:

Post Commit SVN hook on MediaTemple (gs) - svn update

I have created a SSH/FTP/email user and when I connect to my MTServer using SSH and that user I can't access /home/XXXX/domains/ I am using subversion and it's working fine, but I want it to be able to auto update my webpage ( on the MTServer ) everytime I commit. The post-commit hook works fine, because had tested with e...

Get permission for an SVN folder using SharpSVN

I have have a repository, for example "http://svnserver/repository". Users have different permissions in the folders: "http://svnserver/repository/folder1" or "http://svnserver/folder2". How can I get the permission (read only or read and write) of the user logged in for a specific folder? ...

FileStream not letting me create file on local machine?

Hi all, I'm using a FileStream to download information of an FTP server to a directory on my C:\ drive. For some reason, even though I've even tried setting the directory permissions to even 'Everyone' access, it's given me this exception: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\tmpfolder' is denied' Why is this?...

How can I access a user role in Drupal from a separate application?

Is there a plugin/standard HTTP API for accessing user roles/permissions in a Drupal 6 instance from other applications, e.g., on different hosts? Our organization uses Shibboleth to allow easy authentication across all our hosts, but I'd like to use our central Drupal 6 installation to manage user roles rather than storing roles data i...