
How would you implement a revision control system for your models in your prefered db paradigm ?

I found out that RCS for models is an interesting problem to solve in the context of data persistence. They are several solution using the django ORM to achieve this django-reversion and AuditTrail each of which propose their own way to do it. Here is the model (in django-model-like format) which I would like to have revisions : class ...

Java OutputStream equivalent to getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream()

I am attempting to Store() the change made to my application's Properties. The .Properties file is located in 'resources' package, which is different from the package that contains my UI and model. I opened the package using: this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("resources/") Is there a functional e...

How to save data from version to version in iphone app development?

Hi, everyone. I'm new here. Now I'm having a problem for my app, a chinese-english dictionary. I'm now adding a wordbook for it, and try to save the contents of it to a plist every time users exit the app. But now I find that as my app updates, all these data will get lost because the path of the app is changed. I'm now working for a co...

Listing jobs that have already executed

Is there any record in Quartz of jobs that have already finished, or once they're gone are they really gone? ...

JPA cascade update problem. Am i doing this the wrong way?

Hi everyone, i'm using JPA on a SWING application in JAVA that connects to an Apache DERBY embedded database. I use Netbeans as my IDE and use many of the "suposedly" helpfull templates. My problem it's simple, but it's dificult for me to explain so i will paste the relevant code here and try to explain at the bottom. @Entity public c...

Updating an associated record from a join table model

I have a has_many :through relationship associating players to teams THROUGH managements. I want to have a counter on the teams table (a bit like a counter cache) that tells me how many new associations there have been since the beginning of the week. Of course a counter cache wont work because it will always give all the associations t...

sharepoint persistence

I'm pretty new to SharePoint Web Part development, so I'm not sure the best practices for handling data persistence. In my application, user postbacks will be modifying some underlying data structure that I would like to maintain rather than rebuild. The two things I have tried so far are making objects serializable, and storing them...

Will saved images have tag properties with them when I load them back?

I have 3 UIImageViews, and they all have tags 1, 2, 3, and are inside of an NSMutableArray. I want to save the images to a file upon termination of the app, then load them back whe the app loads and extract them from the array, and still have them have the tags. ...

Mysql Date/Datetime columns and Java persistence

I have a Mysql table with DATE column , default '0000-00-00'. If I try to call, for instance, em.find(MyTable.class,pk_value); and it happens to be a record in database with default date value '0000-00-00', an exception is thrown( "java.sql.SQLException: Value ... cannot be represented as java.sql.Date". The same error happens for DateT...

WPF UI persistence in TabControl

I am having issues with something that seems like it should be very simple but in fact has proven quite difficult. Lets say you have a TabControl bound to an itemsource of ViewModels and the items displayed using a DataTemplate. Now lets say the DataTemplate consists of a Grid with two columns and a Grid splitter to resize the columns. ...

Good non-relational/quazi-relational DB with .NET API?

Anyone have any recommendations for a non-relational/partially-relational DB with a .NET API? ...

Is it possible to automatically serialize a C++ object?

Is there something similar to Java/.NET serialization for C++? ...

IPhone Core Data Persistence & Lifecycle Question

Whenever I build & run my program I notice that a new directory gets created in: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/User/Applications Therefore, there's no way for me to persist core data between application builds. The way I thought to get around this issue (from a testing point of view) was to just use the ip...

Persisting hashlib state

I'd like to create a hashlib instance, update() it, then persist its state in some way. Later, I'd like to recreate the object using this state data, and continue to update() it. Finally, I'd like to get the hexdigest() o the total cumulative run of data. State persistence has to survive across multiple runs. Example: import hashlib m ...

Why isnt Properties.Settings.Default being saved?

I wrote this to quickly test Why arent my settings being saved? The first time i run this i have 3(old)/3(current) elements. The second time i get 3(old)/5(current), third time 5(old)/5(current). When i close the app the settings completely disappear. Its 3 again when i run it. I made no changes to the app. Why arent my settings being...

What's a good strategy for dealing with the life spans of Durable WCF Services?

I'm playing around with Durable WCF services. i.e. WCF services that persist their state (in my case to a sql server database) between method calls. I would like to be able to use durable components like this in either Workflow operations or with Asp.Net applications or both. I understand how to set these components up, have them pe...

strategy for persisting data in blackberry app

I've been looking through the Blackberry documentation and they outline 3 different mechanisms for persisting application data: Persistent Store API MIDP RMS API File System API I'm wondering about the following things... What are the pros/cons of each approach Is there a maximum size of data that can be stored? I'm not so concern...

What is the need of a Custom Persistence Framework in Java?

We have a custom Persistence Framework wrapping the Entity Beans. I want to know why is this required or does it have any performance improvement when we already have Entity Beans (CMP) why the persistence framework is required. ...

Blackberry - data persistence O.S 4.5

I am new to blackberry development. I want to do data manipulation (CRUD) for a small project. Can you help me understand different options that can be used for blackberry data persistence for O.S 4.5? I want to know and explore all possible data persistence models for blackberry O.S 4.5. I did some searching and found blackberry dat...

Python shelve OutOfMemory error

I have some data stored in a DB that I want to process. DB access is painfully slow, so I decided to load all data in a dictionary before any processing. However, due to the huge size of the data stored, I get an out of memory error (I see more than 2 gigs being used). So I decided to use a disk data structure, and found out that using s...