
How do we iterate over the object that implements iterator

Iam rendering a menu (using Zend framework) (zend_navigation) what iam doing is getting the page as label if the page has the value "myPage" than then iam setting the new URI with the page as expected $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( $container, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); foreach ($it as &$page) { $label = $page...

Function to create collapseable print_r() var_dump()?

Hi, You've probably familiar with this output from print_r: Hierarchy Object ( [parent:private] => Hierarchy Object ( [parent:private] => [children:private] => Array ( ) [level:private] => 0 [price_modes:private] => Array ( ...

Simultaneous mysql queries + PHP

I need retrieve data from 2 tables at the same time, the tables are not linked by foreigns keys or such. $query1 = "select idemployee from employee where address like 'Park Avenue, 23421'"; $query2 "select idcompany from company where bossName like 'Peter'"; How can I do this with a kinda thread in PHP?. I've heard that threads ar...

problem accessing to a variable in object

Edit: this is part of main function to call the grab function: $video['type'] = $videoProvider; $video['id'] = $videoIds; $video['title'] = $this->grab_title_from_curl($data); I have this little function to parse title from html via curl, it works. private function grab_title_from_curl ($pull){ ...

php's simplexml_load_file() not loading all keys

I'm using simplexml_load_file() to fetch my Twitter RSS feed and process it: $feed = ''; $tweets = simplexml_load_file($feed) The data itself looks like this: <item> <title>Title</title> <description>This is a description</description> <pubDate>Sun, 15 Aug 2010 18:21:20 +0...

PHP Concurrency via Cron

I have a few scripts that need to run concurrently as separate processes. My plan is to have a cron job that executes multiple instances of these scripts at a set interval. Is this a good idea? What are the pros/cons to this approach? Are there any other options I need to consider? Bottomline: I'm trying to mimic multithreading. Any rac...

How is annotation useful in PHP?

How is annotation useful in PHP? and I don't mean PHPDoc generically. I just want a real-world example or something, I guess. So, according to @Max's answer: Annotations accomplish the same thing as Abstract Factories, only via one line of specialized PHPDoc. – hopeseekr 0 secs ago edit ...

ffmpeg setting up in wamp (in local) OR server

can anyone explain the procedure of installing ffmpeg in wamp. I got an answer to my previous question on ffmpeg and wamp that we have to interface the ffmpeg (here) with wamp. I need to have a step by step process of how to do this, as I am confused with the interfacing little bit I also want to know what is a way to install this ffm...

Symfony Unit Testing and Excessive Memory Leaks?

We're currently having issues with memory leaks when using unit tests with Symfony 1.x to the magnitude of a decent number of tests eating 512MB of memory. Currently we've tried: Using a phpunit plugin Using lime Restricting the tests to a few sfPropelData loads + functional tests repeated a few times Switching to PHP 5.3.3 to handle...

dolphin community - how to install dolphin community

Can anyone explain how to install dolphin community - since there are lots of parameters to give while in the installation process and I am stuck in between those ...

How to Benchmarking : bandwidth improvement from using GZIP with cURL (PHP)

Hi guys, I am trying to benchmark the bandwidth saved from setting GZIP to active with cURL(PHP). I did this by curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING , 'Accept-Encoding: gzip'); Below is the documentation for CURLOPT_ENCODING : The contents of the "Accept-Encoding: " header. This enables decoding of the response. Supported encodin...

Get next/previous ISO week and year in PHP

I need a function that takes an ISO week and an ISO year as parameter and returns the next ISO week and year (and a function that returns the previous ISO week/year). Is there an existing function that I could use for that in PHP? ...

How to extract a zip file and save files to folder and file name to database using PHP?

How to extract a zip file and save files to folder and file name to database using PHP? ...

Zend Layout Question

Hi i have a lot of common html that i want to use in a layout by doing : zf enable layout however the problem is want this layout to be shown on every action apart from the loginAction() that i have created within the controller? ...

shorten echo in php 5.3 with Closures

I really liked PHPs <?= $out ?> to echo something. In PHP 5.3 this is deprecated as we know. So i thought about using something like that: $_ = function($name) use ($tpl_vars) { echo $tpl_vars[$name]; } In $tpl_vars all my template variables are stored. Now i can use <?php $_['name']; ?> instead of: <?php echo $tpl_vars['name']...

strtotime with year in 2 digit format

Hallo can someone explain the behaviour of strtotime function with year in non-standard format. echo date("d-m-Y",strtotime('02-12-10')) .'<br>'; //10-12-2002 echo date("d-m-Y",strtotime('09.09.10')) .'<br>'; //02-09-2010 --How this is interpreted? echo date("d-m-Y",strtotime('02-12-2010')) .'<br>'; //02-02-2010 echo date("d-m-Y",str...

Simple XML PHP error - Echo's nothing

Ok guys, Essentially, im loading a simplexml_load_file from a URL like this $stats = simplexml_load_file("$apikey&amp;CampaignID=$CID"); Which returns this SimpleXMLElement Object ( [Recipients] => 1 [TotalOpened] => 0 [Clicks] => 0 [Unsubscribed] => 0 [...

Can't return value from another instantiated class/method using WebORB for PHP

I'm trying to use WebORB for PHP. The /weborb/ folder has been copied into my web root and I can access the console via /weborb/index.php. I've copied my test application into /weborb/_Services/Test/Main.php. The file contents is as follows: <?php require_once '/home/user/www/MyClass.php'; class Main { public function testMethod(...

call another class's function inside a class

Hello there i have 2 classes for DB for language i want to use my language things in the DB so it outputs the result ex : class db_control{ var $db_connection, $lang_var; //create the function for the connection function db_connect(){ //define some variables global $db_host, $d...

SimpleXML Reading node with a hyphenated name

I have the following XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <gnm:Workbook xmlns:gnm="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""&gt; <office:document-meta xmlns:office="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0" xmlns:xlink="http...