
Updating a Workflow assembly in CRM 4.0

I have created a workflow assembly for Microsoft CRM 4.0, and uploaded it to the server, storing it in the database, using the Plugin Registration Tool v2.2 from . So far all's well and good, I use it in a workflow, and determine I have some bugs. I fix them, and update the assembly using the ...

jQuery cycle plugin customizing

I'm using the jQuery Cycle plugin to start a slidshow of images when hovering over the initial image. This works fine. What I want after that is to have the slideshow stop when hovered off, and have a manual slideshow (next/prev buttons) start. This currently works, but the slideshow starts from the beginning each time it's initialized. ...

java plugin cache and dynamic IP host

I'm trying to use Amazon S3 and Amazon Cloudfront CDN to deliver the jar files of my applet application. I'm seeing several cache misses of my jars by the java plugin. This is a show-stopper for me, as the size of my application is around 3Mb, and I can't make my customers re-download the application every time. The problem is that, du...

RubyCAS-Client question: Rails

I've installed RubyCAS-Client version 2.1.0 as a plugin within a rails app. It's working, but I'd like to remove the ?ticket= in the url. Is this possible? ...

Basic MEF workflow/usage

I'm looking to a framework which will allow me to have a simple plugin system in my .NET application. It seems MEF is the framework which Microsoft is endorsing, and will become part of .NET 4 (it also seems to work with older .NET versions as a separate library, as well as Mono). I'm previously used Mono.Addins as for a plugin system f...

help mongrel wont start

I have decided to switch from Restful authentication to authlogic.. so what I did was delete every file and folder that got installed when I downloaded the plugin.. now when I try to "ruby script/server" I get script/server => Booting Mongrel => Rails 2.3.4 application starting on /Users/nachof/Sites/unet/co...

Searchlogic question

The functionality I'm looking for: I have a form that will search my 'Proposal' model. I want the form to contain a select box and display the categories I have. Now, 'category' is merely a column in my 'Proposal' Model, so the following code from railscasts does not work (as it assumes a category table and use of category_id) <%=...

Visual Studio 2005 - Missing feature 'Code outline' (eclipse) or 'Defs' (SlickEdit)

I mostly use SlickEdit and eclipse while working on embedded systems. Once in a while I need to use Visual Studio, and I terribly miss this feature that is known by different names in different editors. Basically you get a small window of 'outline style' code summary on the side (showing just the function names and optionally the static ...

jQuery cycle plugin with transparency in IE

After much searching I managed to find these two Cycle plugin options to allow for transparency in Internet Explorer cleartype: true, cleartypeNoBg: true, The problem I'm getting now is a black block thing around the image that appears during the bounce transition than gets removed once the transition is complete and the image is sittin...

Using IoC to resolve dynamically loaded types

I've written a program using Domain Driven Design in .NET 2.0 and I'm trying to implement a plugin framework for it. I've implemented several types of plugins: Domain Plugin A domain aggregate composed of one or more domain classes One or more View/Presenter pairs to display instances of the aggregate An import/export service specif...

Jquery Tree plugin

I need a tree plugin that has the following functionality: - add nodes (to any given node) - delete nodes (any node) - collapsable/expandable - easy access to the tree data (not sure if it is possible) Which plug-in would you recommend? ...

Does anyone have parsing rules for the Notepad++ Function List plugin for Ruby and Rake

I'me using Notepad++ for editing rake files and I'd like to be able to use the function list plugin. I've been unable to find any parsing rules on line, and the "Language Parsing Rules" dialog is not very clearly documented. I'm parsing methods into the list with the following, but would like to also display tasks. Function Begin: [...

Private FireFox plugin.

I'm looking at getting a FireFox plugin developed - but is it possible to create a plugin that is for private use only, so only those I share it with have it and not open to the masses? Need this for 2 reasons; 1) while in BETA and 2) for my clients use only to start with. ...

jquery plugin where an element stays on the page even while scrolling

I remember seeing this ecommerce site where the shopping cart followed you on the screen even when you scroll down the page. Is there a plugin for that? what would it be called? ...

What is the name of the "flyout" on web pages

On and on there is a flyout feature when you hover over the departments. It works similar to a menu but an actual rectangular window with full lists of links are displayed on hover. I am trying to find the name of that feature. I wonder of "flyout" is appropriate? And as a second question are there jQuery plugins ...

Voting style system using Jsp/Servlet technology

Has anyone implemnted the stackoveflow/digg like voting system using JSP/Servlet/Java technology? If yes can you please redirect me to books or online material? Also if there are already some plug-ins for study purpose? ...

Javascript RTE Plugin with character input limit

Is there a javascript RTE plugin which allows you to limit the input length by a certain number of characters, preferably displaying a character count as the user types? ...

Alter existing model with a Redmine plugin

The Redmine plugin tutorials explain how to wrap core models but what I need is to add another column to the journals table. I need a boolean field inserted in the journals model. Creating another model with a 'belongs_to :journal' relation seems like an overkill. Can this be done with a plugin? I should note that I am a rails newbie. ...

How do i create a java sandbox?

I want to make my application to run other people's code, aka plugins. However, what options do I have to make this secure so they don't write malicous code. How do I control what they can or can not do? I have stumbled around that JVM has a "built in sandbox" feature - what is it and is this the only way? Are there third-party Java lib...

extending email confirmation to Authlogic

I recently implemented Authlogic to my project for authentication. I followed and had it up and running. Wanting to add email confirmation, I found this and followed it: Now, when I try to sign up I get a method missing 'login=' for Us...