
compiling a C++ class in Xcode: error during compilation: stl vector

I have a C++ class that compiles fine on linux with gcc and on widows in visual studio. boid.h: #ifndef BOID_CLASS_HEADER_DEFINES_H #define BOID_CLASS_HEADER_DEFINES_H #include "defines.h" class Boid { public: // Initialize the boid with random position, heading direction and color Boid(float SceneRadius,float NormalVel); ...

Porting a .NET 3.5 application to a portable device

I have written a server/client application using sockets in C# for .NET 3.5. I'm interested in porting the client part to some kind of mobile device and am pondering the best way. The client is actually an underlying library and a GUI depending heavily on touch interface capabilities. As I see it I have a few options: Just get an EEE ...

How to compile a C program?

I haven't done C in a long time. I'd like to compile this program, but I have no idea how to proceed. It seems like the makefile refers to GCC a lot and I've never used GCC. I just want an executable that will run on windows. ...

Running a C#/WPF application on a Mac

I sell a C#/WPF application (targeting .net 3.0 at the moment) and people keep asking me for a Mac version. The application is a time tracking application with a good GUI, there isn't that much business logic in a time tracking application so most of the application is GUI - rewriting just the GUI is equivalent to rewriting the entire a...

Transition between processors.

I'm writing mostly embedded code at work. We have a big long-term project that's been developed, and has several generations, and now the processor for which it was written is being discontinued and it might be impossible even to continue using processors from the same manufacturer. (The transition will be probably from TI to Renesas FPU...

What challenges will we face porting a site from asp.net to a LAMP (php) stack?

We have an enterprise application written in asp.net c# (3.5) and SQL server that we want to bundle and release for customers. However, several have expressed concerns that it requires a Microsoft server due to the costs. Yes, I know... Therefore, we are considering porting it to a LAMP stack, with the "P" referring to php. What ch...

Advantage of porting vc6 to vc2005/vc2008?

I was asking my team to port our vc6 application to vc2005, they are ready to allot sometime to do the same.Now they need to know what is the advantage of porting. I don't thing they really understand what does it mean to adhere to standard compliance. Help me list out the advantage to do the porting. Problem I am facing are 1)No deb...

Porting std::map to C ?

I am porting some c++ code to c. What is a viable equivalent of std::map in c? I know there is no equivalent in c. This is what I am thinking of using: In c++: std::map< uint, sTexture > m_Textures; In c: typedef struct { uint* intKey; sTexture* textureValue; } sTMTextureMap; Is that viable or am I simplifying map too much? ...

How would I go about making a Flight Gear port for WiiBrew?

How would I go about making a Flight Gear port for WiiBrew? Or, better yet, how would I convince someone else to? ...

Building Elsa on windows

How would I build elsa under windows? http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~smcpeak/elkhound/sources/elsa/ A visual studio would be preferable or something I can link with using visual studio, ...

What's the best way to implement a Java-like ByteBuffer in Obj-C?

I'm trying to build a application for the iPhone, although I am completely new to Obj-C. For one problem I'd use a ByteBuffer in Java, but I don't see any appropriate class in Apple's documentation. So I probably have to implement it on my own. My question is, how to do it best: Is there a similar class in Obj-C? (That would be the be...

C# mono from windows to mac

I wanted to know what i shouldn't do in code that will prevent my C# app from running on mac. ...

Raw Ethernet Frames Using Winsock

I am porting a communications library from Linux to Windows. I know what my approach is for the most part. The library uses all raw ethernet level frames for all the communications. The library I am porting from makes use of the PF_PACKET family and the struct sockaddr_ll. After browsing through the MSDN winsock site, I haven't fou...

Are there good resources for porting mod_perl to Catalyst & is it worth it?

We have a big e-learning mod_perl web app, which use AxKit, XML, XLST and javascript primarily running on a unix server. What I've came to notice is that the codes are rather messy, and there has been a few generations of developers coming in and out. Due to the current structure, the task of trying to make a simple hello world webpage i...

Which language would you port COBOL programs to and why?

When selecting a language to port COBOL programs from what language would you chose and why? I am not looking for the answer "because I am familiar with language X". I am looking for features in a language that map well to COBOL's design. Update: The programs would run the gammit to utilities, data processing, screens, etc. ...

Tracking Trunk or Using a Specific Branch

I am planning to port LLVM over to a new target processor. This is the first time that I am attempting to make changes onto a massive project. What is the best-practice for such a thing. If I stick to the release 2.5 build, I have a baseline to build my modifications against. However, I may lose out on new features and bug fixes. If I t...

Problem porting PHP crypt() function to C#

Hi fellas, Im working on porting some old ALP user accounts to a new ASP.Net solution, and I would like for the users to be able to use their old passwords. However, in order for that to work, I need to be able to compare the old hashes to a newly calculated one, based on a newly typed password. I searched around, and found this as th...

port python code to javascript

indices[i:] = indices[i+1:] + indices[i:i+1] Hope someone helps. ...

How Compatible is GNU Smalltalk with Squeak

Hey all, I'm working on an app in squeak that requires no graphics at all, its all just data manipulation. The problem is that I work in a fairly conservative environment and I dont think I'll be able to sell a squeak app to my managers (I feel like the bright colors, round interface and general "what-the-heck-is-that" feel of squeak wi...

Converting nmake to make

Is there a tool in the market that takes Visual Studio "nmake" files, and converts them to Unix-style "make" files? Is there any tool that eases the pain of managing makefiles in large projects? ...