
Trivial JQuery $.ajax Json Post to ASP.NET MVC2 controller: Cannot get Controller to see JSON (or anything)

I went through dozens of answers to figure out the trick to posting data from $.ajax to a parameter in MVC 2's Controller. Here's as far as I got: BTW this works if you use a GET, but fails as a POST. How would I fix it? $(document).ready(function () { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/Home/Get", data: {value:...

Http POST request url contains '['

I am working with SharePoint using http post request. My url contains '[' so I am getting some exception. Does anybody knows how to send a Post or Get request if the url contains '[' or ']' character? ...

How to process a large number of ajax queries without hanging up ?

Hello, I am processing a csv file to import each rows in a Database. For each row, I've got to ask Google Maps API to get its latitude and longitude coordinates so I can take some milliseconds for each row. To give some feedback to the user, I choose to add each row with an AJAX POST request to the server API in order to check the val...

facebook wall post from wordpress

How to post on facebook account wall when any blog post made from wordpress. I allready tried with various wordpress plugin like "wordbook", "wordbooker" etc but none of them working fine........ any idea or alternative way? ...

C# post to ASP and return response in the browser

I have a small quick and dirty app that needs to post data to asp form. I'm not a developer by trade so please don't hammer me. I have an array thats returned with two values: static public string[] get_status(string local_fname) { var dts_doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); dts_doc.Load(local_fname); //Pull the val...

C# Post to browser fails, any ideas?

This is a quick and dirty app that only needs to work for a short period. I'm not a developer so please don't hammer me. The following code in asp works fine (secret info replaced with and abc 123). I know the below is very bad practice, but this is just for demonstration purpose: <form method="post" action="https://examp...

HTTP request with post

Hello. How can I make http request and send some data via post? I can do "get" request but have no idea how to make "post" one. C# ...

sending data to same PHP page from Javascript, no AJAX or forms

I have a php page with some functions to recieve POST data, with a page refresh, no AJAX. Right now I have a form with hidden fields that contain my dynamic data that I send with JS like so: document.my_form.submit(); Is it possible to send the data without using a form? Basically I want to send an array of URL's from a list with thum...

Can i make POST after a POST is submitted?

What I'm trying to do is: I have a form. I submit that form. In the code of the target script I want to make some validations. In a certain case, I want to make a POST to another URL. I don't want to just make a redirect to an URL. I don't know if this is possible, that's why I'm asking. I'm working with PHP. Thanks! ...

Grails: GET a large dataset and POST a significant amount of params (best method)

I need to GET a large collection in a form, and POST a large selection of user ids from the collection to a controller. Q Whats the best way to load a large collection and submit a large amount of params. Break down:(Getting) there might quite a number to choose from so I wouldn't want to load the complete collection incase memory prob...

PHP Security: send POST to same URL = bad?

I had a response on a question yesterday about sending POST data to the same page with the Post-Redirect-Get pattern like this: if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) { // prevent resending data header("Location: " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } Someone replied:

Wordpress - Query if a custom post type has any posts - from outside the loop

I'm making a restaurant menu using custom post types for the different menu sections. I used the excellent Custom Post Types UI plugin and the Verve Meta Boxes plugin. I'm then flowing them out into separate loops with several segments of the below code: <?php $hotfood = get_posts( array('post_type' => 'hotfood', 'posts_per_page...

Error consuming WCF RestFull POST call, works on W2003 Server / IIS6 but cannot manage to make it work on W2008 IIS7

I have a WCF service that exposes some methods with WebInvoke and POST method, this has been working on a Windows 2003 server machine for some time now, the thing is that I have to migrate the service to a new windows 2008 server machine and this is where I'm getting the issue, I get error 400 Bad Request when I try to call from the clie...

Submitting an HTML form in Android without WebView

I was given an assignment to develop a very simple weather app in Android using the data given from This would be my first actual android app, my only other experience is watching/reading many tutorials on getting started. To give some background information of the app, it simply needs to have ...

How to quickly test an HTTP post response in an Android emulator

Let's say I want to perform a quick HTTP post to a website within my android app. If I were to set up the http client and send the post all in the onCreate method of the main screen (inside the UI thread) just for testing purposes, what would I use to quickly see what the response is to the post? I tried something quick and dirty below...

How do boundaries work in multipart post requests?

I trying to upload a file from an iPhone to a server. I'm trying to avoid using any libraries that aren't made by apple, and from what I can tell it looks like I'll need to go pretty low level on constructing my request. Can someone tell me what the "boundary" is in a multipart/form-data request and how to use it properly? ...

How to pass POST data to the PHP-CGI?

Update: In a fit of desperation, I did the following in a shell: REDIRECT_STATUS=true SCRIPT_FILENAME=/var/www/... REQUEST_METHOD=POST GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1 export REDIRECT_STATUS export SCRIPT_FILENAME export REQUEST_METHOD export GATEWAY_INTERFACE echo "test=1" | php-cgi ...and STILL no $_POST variables are showing up in the ou...

Posting XML data with some Fields Using .net HttpWebRequest..

Hi to all I have a some problem while Posting xml data Using HttpWebRequest. Actually I want to Post 3 Form variables 2 of them are for credential and the third one is for XML data to an api, The api will authenticate and will process the xml data, and will return success if no error found. Here is what there documentation says. The ...

Post binary data to a RESTful application

Hi, I'm working on a RESTful web application (Django+Piston). The POST request sends data encoded with Json to the web application. This works fine for all my text only database tables but I also have a table which stores text and binary files. What is the best way to post text and binary data to a RESTful application? ...

Use NSMutableURLRequest with JSP

Hello, I'm trying to send an HttpRequest from an iPhone app with some parameters. The form is like this: foo.jsp <form action="/foo" method="post"> <div> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="vendidas" value="25" /> </div> <div><input type="submit" value="Send!" /></div> </form> So in the iPho...