
Howto hide a preference page in an eclipse RCP

I have an eclipse rcp and want to hide the security and help prerence pages. How can I do that? ...

iPhone and NSUserDefaults

In my viewWillLoad: method I'm currently doing something along these lines: - (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated { NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; if ( [defaults boolForKey:@"enabled_preference"] ) { ... } else { ... } [super viewWillAppear:animated]; } If I build and...

How to store simple name value pairs in an ldap directory

I'm creating a user repository ldap backend for a series of web applications sharing the same users. I would like to store preference information in this ldap location. This way everything related to users is maintained in the same place and can be shared among all applications. I'm thinking of a general structure like this: ou=Peop...

Correct way to restore Firefox preferences when Add-On uninstalled by external application

I have written an application suite on Windows which amongst other things installs a Firefox add-on which once run modifies the Firefox network preferences by interfacing with nsIPrefService. The extension itself resides in a folder under Program Files along with other parts of the application which work together with each other. Since...

Tab Vs Space preferences in Vim

Vim is very accommodating when it comes to tab Vs. space preferences. As I understand it, the tabstop setting indicates the width of a tab character. The shiftwidth setting specifies how many columns to increment/decrement when using the << and >> commands, whereas the softtabstop setting influences the amount of whitespace to be inserte...

Setting Vim whitespace preferences by filetype

At my work, I am required to follow the house style for indentation, which goes as follows: 2 spaces when coding html and ruby tabs when coding javascript, with tabwidth=4 recommended What is the best way to specify different whitespace preferences per filetype? ...

More vs Less Functions

I had a little argument, and was wondering what people out there think: In C++ (or in general), do you prefer code broken up into many shorter functions, with main() consisting of just a list of functions, in a logical order, or do you prefer functions only when necessary (i.e., when they will be reused very many times)? Or perhaps som...

SOAP or REST as a Client

I see multiple questions asking which is better, SOAP or REST from the development of the Web Service itself. However, not a lot of discussion of the pros/cons from the client perspective. If you were to write an Application and have a choice between two Web Service APIs that are similar in every way except one is SOAP and the other is R...

iPhone SDK: Preferences

I wanted an entire page of text(multiple lines) in my settings similar to the one on iphone: settings->general settings->About->Legal I have not been able to do so. I tried entering title in PSGroupSpecifier, it gives me multiple lines but with a gray background. i wanted a white background. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thank...

Using NSUserDefaults from javascript webapp

Hi! I need to store and access preferences (like colour, etc.) from a javascript webapp.. Is there some webkit access to the NSUserDefaults? (or maybe CFPreferences ?) ...

Easily select default usings for project namespaces and subamespaces

Is there an easy way in Visual Studio to assign default usings when i make a new file in a certain (sub)namespace in my project? ...

What is the suffix called in this example: HelloWorld.exe_Url_sbgzldmathiegtnjmnawytpet03ycanv?

Hello, I have a question about the very long random looking suffix that is appended to directories created in the AppData folder when saving user preferences from a C# .NET Windows forms application. For example: C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Local\Acme\HelloWorld.exe_Url_ei0yyv33jvrgjqybolgkilwx2u1i32lq\ The problem that I'm having is that I...

PreferenceActivity NullPointer Error

I keep getting nullpointer exception when i switch to my preferenceactivity. I have no idea what wrong but i keep getting a error when i load in my preference which is done programmitically. public class SettingsFrontEnd extends PreferenceActivity implements OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener { public static final String NO_SELECTION...

Managing different windows in Apple's Interface Builder

I'm working on Interface Builder. I don't like the fact that I have to manage multiple windows. For example if I open two xib files I can easily have six different windows scattered across my window. One problem is bringing these windows together to make a sensible arrangement. Another problem is Interface Builder doesn't remember this a...

Android and storing/loading preferences for resources - how to achieve consistency?

I'm writing an application and need some help with consistently storing and loading preferences related to certain resources. Let me give an example. Suppose I have 10 spinners. They all have the same functionality but different meaning. Because they have the same functionality, I can bind them to the same onItemSelectedListener, which ...

Adding a list to a PreferencePage

Update: So far I found class ListEditor which provides the functionality I'm searching for except the 'edit' button and only for one column. The 'Proxy bypass' Page extends directly from PreferencePage. So there is no proper Base Class I could use. -- The standard PDE way of adding Preference is to use field editors (for Boolean, Stri...

What linux distro is better suited for Python web development?

Which linux distro is better suited for Python web development? Background: I currently develop on Windows and it's fine, but I am looking to move my core Python development to Linux. I'm sure most any distro will work fine, but does anyone have any reasons to believe one distro is better than another? ...

java.util.Prefs throwing BackingStoreException - Why!?

I have a system that is using java.util.prefs to cache the tiny/simple result of a (on-startup) SOAP call Java's automatic sync is intermittently failing (1% of time using default JVM 30s backing store sync) dumping the following the exception: Jan 8, 2010 12:30:07 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences syncWorld WARNING: Couldn't f...

Does gVim store all its files in the Program Files/vim directory?

Does gVim store files (specially preferences) in other directories rather than Program Files (for instance in %apps% like emacs)? If not, can I carry gVim in a USB frashdrive? (There's a portable version of Vim, but since it doesn't store anything in other folders I can't figure out it needs a portable version). ...

Android preferences exception

When I execute the following code: Preferences.userRoot().nodeExists(strNodeName); I get an exception : java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Cannot get children names for User Preference Node: /! Any idea ? ...