
make install on MinGW/MSYS doesn't like --prefix=/mingw

I've begun using MinGW/MSYS in an attempt to use some Linux libraries on Windows. Using ./configure --prefix=/mingw make make install has worked well so far, but I've had two different libraries fail on 'make install', on an 'ln -s' call. It goes something like this: rm -f /mingw/lib/ ln -s /min...

Writing expressions: Infix, Postfix and Prefix

Greetings, My task is to write an app(unfortunatly on C) which reads expression in infix notation(with variables, unary and binary operators) and store it in memory, then evaluate it. Also, checks for correctness should be performed. for example: 3*(A+B)-(-2-78)2+(0A) After I got all values, program should calculate it. The ques...

Adding a prefix to every URL in CakePHP

What's the cleanest way to add a prefix to every URL in CakePHP, like a language parameter? It needs to work with "real" prefixes like admin, and ideally the bare URL /controller/action could be redirected to /DEFAULT-LANGUAGE/controller/action. It'...

How to mitigate class declaration being far from its owner namespace declaration in a file?

So, I've seen how useful namespaces can be to organize declarations into their respective groups, but now comes an issue with this. The difference between making a library in C and a library in C++ is in C you must prefix your declarations with what they belong to, for example a library we'll dub MyMath might have a vector class, well t...

prefix to infix on stack

I'm trying to implement prefix to infix in c++, that's what i've got so far. The input should be for example something like this: /7+23 And the ouput: 7/(2+3) or (7/(2+3)) But instead I get: (/) That's the code I wrote so far: void pre_to_in(stack<char> eq) { if(nowe.empty() != true) { char test; test =;...

Prefix search through list/dictionary using .NET StringDictionary?

I was wondering if .NET offers any standard functionality for doing a prefix search through a list or a dictionary object. I came across the StringDictionary, but couldn't figure out if it can do that for me. And if it can do a prefix search, can it also do substring search or let me search using something like a regular expression? Th...

How can I change namespace prefix in this WSDL?

I am trying to create a WSDL for a pre-existing web service. I have an existing client and and existing server, and I've captured the format both use using Wireshark. I am trying to write a new client that uses the same format. Therefore I am trying to match the format as closely as possible, be it correct or not. I'm cooking up a WSDL f...

Most efficient way to process arguments from the command-line in prefix notation

Hello, our homework is to write a ruby script who calculate a subset of wordlist depending on the expression. regular binary operations are && And operator || Or operator ++ Concatenate operator ! Negation operator A valid call would be like ./eval.rb wordlist && a c or ./eval.rb wordlist && || a b c First call means generate a n...

CakePHP Routing, using a language prefix with a default prefix

I'm trying to create a routing prefix that would be default. http://localhost/heb/mycont would leave to the Hebrew page, while http://localhost/mycont would lead to the English page. Router::connect('/:language/mycont',array('controller'=>'contname','action'=>'index'),array('language'=>'[a-z]{0,3}')); This code allows me to use 0-3 ...

XSLT : getting the prefix of an element ?

In XSLT 1.0, you can get the local name or the namespaceUri of an XML element using the functions: string local-name (node) and string namespace-uri(node) but is there a standard function to get the prefix of an element having a qualified name ? ...

Is always prefixing (auto)properties with the this-keyword considered a good practice?

Ever since I found out about auto properties, I try to use them everywhere. Before there would always be a private member for every property I had that I would use inside the class. Now this is replaced by the auto property. I use the property inside my class in ways I normally would use a normal member field. The problem is that the pro...

Cygwin gcc is adding an underbar "_" prefix to my symbols. Where can I find documentation on this behavior?

Hi - I am trying to compile a gcc project on cygwin for the first time. The build is failing, because an underbar is being prefixed to all symbols. This is causing a symbol mismatch to the GLIB library (installed via CYGWIN package management system) which does not have the leading underbar. Is this tendancy to place a leading underb...

emacs interactive function with optional numeric prefix

hello How do I specify a function which has optional numeric prefix, if not, it prompts for a number? basically how goto-line behaves? (defun my-function(&optional n) ; I have tried (interactive "N") ; reads string, no prompt (interactive "p") ; defaults to one (interactive (if (not n) (read-number "N: "))) ; runtime error ...

Python regex - r prefix

Hi Can anyone explain why example 1 below works, when the r prefix is not used? I thought the r prefix must be used whenever escape sequences are used? Example 2 and example 3 demonstrates this.. # example 1 import re print (re.sub('\s+', ' ', 'hello there there')) # prints 'hello there there' - not expected as r prefix is not...

bash, numeric prefix for emacs bindings?

hello Is it possible to use emacs bindings in bash shell with numeric arguments, for example in emacs C-u 5 C-d deletes five characters. Is there an equivalent way of doing the same in bash prompt? Thanks ...

Intel C Compiler and L"" prefix

How can I define russian strings in Intel C Compiler? In MSVS 2008 I do so: _wsetlocale(LC_ALL, L"Russian"); wprintf(L"текст"); And it works. In ICC in doesn't work. ...

How can we convert Prefix to Postfix expression ( without using expression tree)?

By using Stack data structure, we can easily convert "Infix to Postfix" and "infix to Prefix" but I can't convert Prefix to postfix. yes, we can convert prefix to infix then infix to postfix. but I want direct conversion from prefix to postfix. Is there any feasible solution (not expression tree) ? ...

Put prefix on all elements of xml document

Hi. I'm using C# and i need to create a XML document. Ok, i did, but, in each element i need to put a tc prefix. The only way that i know, is using xmlDoc.CreateElement("tc", "node1", "file.xsd"), but it is very massive because i have lots of tags and my program its already writted. Is this the only way? thx ...

How I can change prefixes in all tables in my MySQL DB?

My provider installed to my site Drupal CMS. Now I need copy all my data from old site. I have tables without prefixes in my old DB, but in new DB all tables have "dp_[table_name]" prefix. ...

How can I use a prefix for the fields in my strongly typed View?

Hi, I have an EditProfile action in my PersonController, that finds a Person object by ID and does return View(person). The EditProfile view has a bunch of fields that should be filled in with the information from the Person object. One of the fields is named "Person.FirstName", and is not filled in automatically when the View is rende...