
how to set a namespace prefix in an attribute value using the lxml?

I'm trying to create XML Schema using lxml. For the begining something like this: <xs:schema xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace=""&gt; <xs:element type="xs:string" name="name"/> <xs:element type="xs:positiveInteger" name="age...

Android Menu XML : Error Parsing XML:unbound prefix (not xmlns:android ???)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <menu xmlns:android=""&gt; <item android:id="@+id/options" andoid:icon="@drawable/icon" android:title="@string/main_options" /> </menu> i keep getting the "Error Parsing XML: unbound prefix" This usually happens when the xmlns:android is missing, bu...

Visual Studio 2010 Conversion issue not recognizing prefix 'asp'

I just converted a project from Visual Studio 2008 to 2010 and all of my asp controls have a warning stating.. Unrecognized tag prefix or device filter 'asp'. It also is not showing any intellisense, anyone else experiencing similar issues? Is it possible my conversion did not go through correctly? Thank you. ...

Adding variable number of zeroes to make a six digit number

I am working with a membership database which records all accounts in a six digit format however, some users will be using a sub-six digit format due to older conventions. So I want to be able to accept a sub-six digit number and prefix zeroes to the beginning of it. e.g. user enters number 1234, I want PHP to format it to become 00123...

PHP - Add Prefix and suffix

oops sorry.. i need to add it to multi line, here the form file <?php if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"" .$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']. "\">"; echo "Info Box:<textarea name=\"infoBox\" /></textarea><br />"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" />"; echo "</form>"; } ...

java.util.logging: how to set level by logger package (or prefix)?

My app uses many libraries and I'm using java.util.logging for logging. I'd like to be able to set different logging levels for each library by doing something like: org.datanucleus.*.level = WARNING*.level = WARNING com.myapp.*.level = FINE Is is possible? ...

Performing a prefix computation using SQL without defined procedures

I have a table with a column of integers - I need a way to generate the "prefix" of this column in another table. For e.g. I have 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 as the input I need 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3 as the output This needs to be done in SQLite's SQL dialect , no user defined functions or stored procedures are possible. ...

xpath expression from xml with namespace prefix

Hi, I could not get the following xpath expression to work when the xml path namespace prefix set. /bk:BookStore/bk:Books/bk:Book[text()='Time Machine'] XML is: <bk:BookStore xmlns:bk=""&gt; <bk:Books> <bk:Book id="1">Time Machine</bk:Book> </bk:Books> </bk:BookStore> ...

Errors Compiling Prefix.pch file, Causing bigger problems

Update 2 I discovered that if I change the "Base SDK" to "iOS Simulator 3.2" (iPad ???) it does not give me this error when doing Build & Analyze... But this is supposed to be an iPhone App. I am running XCode 3.2.4... am I missing something when I create the Project? I am choosing iPhone as the target device, not sure what's going on. ...

split a 256 bit hash into 32 bit prefix in python

In python, how does one split a SHA256 hash into a 32bit prefixes? I'm working with Google's safebrowsing api, which requires that I compare 32bit prefixes between my own collection, and the collection the API sends to me. I understand how to pull the list from Google, and I understand how to form a collection of hashes from parsed URLs,...

Use domain as "prefix" on CakePHP

Let's say that I have a site running CakePHP and I have the prefix "product". I have lots of pages with URL like: Now I need to use a domain like http://mysite-blue-...

JAXB in java 6 not prefixing the correct namespace prefix in marshalled XML file

Hi I have a schema with following attributes in schema element: <schema xmlns="" xmlns:abc="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"> I could compile it and get java classes. Using these classes, I filled in data ...

PHP preg_match_all CamelCase, obtaining prefix_ and CamelCased elements

Hello, I'm trying to use preg_match_all to return an separate arrays for various elements in a CamelCase string. In my example, I'm attempting to obtain the prefix of a string in one array and everything else ( the camelcase portion of the string ) split up into a second array. For instance, get_BookGenreTitle is supposed to return get_ ...