
making an exe low priority

Hi, how do i run a .exe as low priority? i know i can go to task manager and change the priority setting there manually, but is there a way that i can launch the .exe from a .bat file with a command to make the .exe run at a given priority (in this case low)? the .exe is a program that i've written in c++, can i set the priority in c++ ...

How do I start a process with idle priority in .Net

I'm using System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo to set up the parameters for launching a process from a .Net program. Once the the process is started, I can use myProcess.PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.Idle to change the priority for the process to idle, so that it only runs in the background, and doesn't hog my CPU power. Is the...

Changing a C# thread's priority at runtime when only the name is known

Hi, I'm using a third party dll that's creating an AboveNormal priority thread and I'm wondering it it's possible to change the thread's priority. The only thing I know about this thread its his name. Process.GetCurrentProcess().Threads give me only the id of the thread, not the thread's name. Thanks ...

Setting thread priority in Linux with Boost

The Boost Libraries don't seem to have a device for setting a thread's priority. Would this be the best code to use on Linux or is there a better method? boost::thread myThread( MyFunction() ); struct sched_param param; param.sched_priority = 90; pthread_attr_setschedparam( myThread.native_handle(), SCHED_RR, &param); I don't have al...

Do Linux JVMs actually implement Thread priorities?

Wrote a quick Java proggy to spawn 10 threads with each priority and calculate pi (4*atan(1) method) with BigDecimals 500,000 times each, join on each thread and report the elapsed time for run method. Yeah, prob'ly not the best example, but keeping it basic. I'm aware of Bug4813310 It is non-trivial to do in C, but can we assume that...

What is the 'realtime' setting for, for process priority?

From what I've read in the past, you're encouraged not to change the priority of your windows applications programmatically, and if you do never to realtime. Could anyone clear up what the realtime process priority setting does as opposed to High, and Above Normal? ...

Is it OK for a process to be CPU intensive for a prolonged period of time?

The case: A scheduled task running on Windows. The program's job is to extract some information from text documents. It uses a lot of regular expressions to do this. The program is therefore CPU Bound. The service takes every document it finds in a folder and converts them one after another. Normally, everything is OK, the service fi...

Execution Priority in custom Attributes in mvc

I have two custom attributes in my mvc(C#) application. [CustAttribute1()] [CustAttribute2()] When i use those attributes to my actions, which will get execute first? [CustAttribute1()] [CustAttribute2()] public ActionResult Index() { Can i use more than one custom attributes for my actions? If so, in the above Action, whic...

PostMessage with priority?

Is it possible to prioritize a message sent with PostMessage (or any of the other related methods)? IIRC, the WM_PAINT message, for instance, is only processed when there are no other messages in the queue. Is it possible to achieve a similiar behavior with custom messages? If I use WM_PAINT with special parameters in order to deliver ...

Is it possible to change the priority of garbage Collector thread?

Java garbage collector runs with priority 1, due to which it is not guaranteed that System.gc() will actually execute if called. Is there any way to change its priority? This shall enable me to run if I want. ...

Is there a JUnit 4+ test case execution priority toolkit?

Is there a JUnit 4+ test case execution priority toolkit? In the development teams I work we use JUnit 4+ for basic/unit testing and also for integration testing and system testing. 1) One trait of the integration and system test cases is that they generally take longer time to execute than unit tests, typically between 1 second - 60 ...

How can i compare queues in cpp ?

hi there i need to compare the size of 10 queues and determine the least one in size to insert the next element in creating normal if statements will take A LOT of cases so is there any way to do it using a queue of queue for example or an array of queues ? note : i will need to compare my queues based on 2 separate things in 2 situat...

On-The-Fly Image Generation in PHP

I'm developing a script that will allow people to generate a banner for them to use. It's customizable. During the customization process, I'd like to be able to have the banner reload on the spot. So they could see the changes. Once they create the banner and are completely done with it I would give them a link for them to use. This link...

Drupal hook priority

I'm using drupal 6.15 with ubercart 2.x and I'm trying to implement ubercart's hook_checkout_pane() to override their default uc_cart_checkout_pane(). I made a function my_module_checkout_pane() in my_module.module and it does get called but the uc_cart version seems to be generating what's actually rendered. I understand why both func...

Running a SQL Server 2008 Sproc at Lower Priority

We have a high volume web application based on ASP.NET 3.5 and SQL 2008 where we hope to maintain high availability levels 24x7 without the need for a maintenance window. Over time, we have become reliant upon some stored procs which perform housekeeping operations to purge data which is no longer needed, compile some metrics, etc. O...

[C++] Priority Queue Wrong Order

I am programming the huffman encoding. This is the beginning of my program: using namespace std; //Counting methods int *CountCharOccurence(string text) { int *charOccurrence = new int[127]; for(int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { charOccurrence[text[i]]++; } return charOccurrence; } void DisplayCharOccure...

Will while(true) in a process of real time priority hang OS?

Will an application with an infinite loop hang the operating system if the application process has real time priority? Should I expect the same behavior on Linux, Windows and Mac OS? ...

Starting an application in OS X with low priority

Hello. I would like to setup my Eve Online application to start with lowest priority every time I open it. Is it possible, and how? I am using Mac OS X 10.6.2... Thanks for any help! ...

How to set priority to an operation contract in WCF

Is it possible to set priority to a thread that currently run some specific contract operation? Say I have WCF service with Func1, Func2 and Func3. I want that Func1 will have more priority over Func2 and Func3. ...

What is "urgent data"?

The man page of epoll_ctl() says about EPOLLPRI: There is urgent data available for read(2) operations. How exactly is "urgent data" defined and who decides which data has priority? ...