Is there any considerations to determine which is better practice for creating an object with private members?
var object = new function () {
var private = "private variable";
return {
method : function () {
..dosomething with private;
var object = function () {
Basically what ...
How to add private APIs and frameworks to an iPhone App. Like Apple80211.
I have a class with the following declaration of the fields:
public class Game {
private static String outputFileName;
I set the value of the outputFileName in the main method of the class.
I also have a write method in the class which use the outputFileName. I always call write after main sets value for outputFileName. But wr...
Dear all
I want to know why cant we create object if the constructor is in private section. I know that if i make a method static i can call that method using
<classname> :: <methodname(...)>;
But why can't we create object is what I don't understand.
I also know if my method is not static then also I can call functio...
Is there a way to call "public" javascript functions from "private" ones within a class?
Check out the class below:
function Class()
this.publicMethod = function()
privateMethod = function()
this.test = function()
Hi ,
I want to knowing how can i open root directory ?
I know Messages saved in sms.db that is in "/var/root/Library/SMS/sms.db" , but I can not see sub folder of root, I know ,the root have password and should enter it to open ,...
but how can open this without Unlock or entering password?
My Problem is this:
My framework contains public and private headers - the public headers import private headers in the framework
My app that links against this framework imports public headers
Now when I compile it, XCode complains about missing files (the private headers that are indirectly imported via the frameworks public header...
class A1 { public: friend class B; }
class A2 { private: friend class B; }
Any difference?
I have done some research on the ExtJS forum regarding private methods and fields inside a extended class, and I couldn't find any real answer to this.
And when I say an extended class I mean something like this:
Ext.ux.MyExtendedClass = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
publicVar1: 'Variable visible from outside this class',
I am currently writing a java-class that wraps an SQLite database. This class has two ways to be instantiated:
Open an existing database.
Create a new database.
This is what I came up with:
public class SQLiteDatabaseWrapper {
public static SQLiteDatabaseWrapper openExisting(File PathToDB) {
return new SQLiteDatabaseWrap...
I have two midlets, one will download some files form server everyday
and the other uses these files.
If i download the files to a normal folder the mobile user may delete the folder or files manually.
So i need a private folder which is hidden and only accessible for my midlets.
I heard about private folders which symbian platform pro...
public class Foo
public string Name { get; private set;} // <-- Because set is private,
void Main()
var bar = new Foo {Name = "baz"}; // <-- This doesn't compile
/*The property or indexer 'UserQuery.Foo.Name' cannot be used
in this context because the set accessor is inaccessible*/
using (DataContext dc = n...
I have the following situation:
class Test
class SubType
static std::vector<SubType> v;
Because v is static, I initilize it in the cpp file with
std::vector<Test::SubType> Test::v;
But this does not work, the compiler tells me that "Test::SubType" is private.
What can I do about thi...
Is it possible to set a project default for VB.NET winforms projects so that the default Modifier for controls added to winforms is Private (not Friend)?
I know there's a "modifiers" property in the properties window so I can set it for each individual control... however I would like to change the project so from now on myself and other...
Hey I'm a total n00b at Regular Expressions. I'm wondering if this is the best way to match a string that starts with a private IP address (Perl-style Regex):
Thanks much!
Can a constructor be private? How is a private constructor useful?
I had a class that had lots of methods:
public class MyClass {
public bool checkConditions() {
return checkCondition1() &&
checkCondition2() &&
...conditions methods
public void DoProcess() {
I'm declaring a field:
private static final String filename = "filename.txt";
First, does the order of private static final matter? If not, is there a standard accepted sequence or convention?
Second, the filename in my application is fixed. Is this the best was to store its value?
I have an abstract Java class MyAbstractClass with a private method. There is a concrete implementation MyConcreteClass.
public class MyAbstractClass {
private void somePrivateMethod();
public class MyConcreteClass extends MyAbstractClass {
// implementation details
In my groovy test class I have
class MyAbstractClass...
I have placed following javascript in my html file.
<script TYPE="text/javascript">
function srk(){
document.ontouchmove = function(e){
I am scrolling my webview by following code with some animation.
[myWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:[NSString st...