
Haskell or D for GUI desktop application?

I like haskell and many things connected with it as its type-engine, lot of packages at Hackage, nice community, active development etc. Otoh, I had experience that some people gave up on our planned project considering Haskell too complicated (monads, lot of jargon from academia...) to grok (coming from C++ background), so it might be ...

AS3 to JS compilers

I stumbled accroos the AS3 to JS compiler Jangaroo, which looks like it could be a useful tool since it supports a lot of things I like about AS3. Are there any other such compilers? Is there another language I could learn, that compiles to JS, that is AS3 like? ...

List of programming languages for mobile devices

What are the programming languages supported by mobile devices? Is there some list or can anyone make a list of some? I don't what to search, but I as able to find 3: .NET Flash Lite java Are these the most used? What other languages are there that are used quite often? ...

Windows 7 programing OSD browse drives

I would like to make a program for windows 7. i would like this program to let me browse local and network drives using OSD and just arrow keys, RETURN KEY and maybe BACKSPACE KEY to go back one level. I don`t know where to start.i need some guidelines. What programming language do i have to study and what to study about? i think i need ...

Is there a term for the most important method in a Class?

I'm looking through some old code and realize there are a ton of "helper" methods in this class as well as a ton of fields that are set via dependency injection and configuration. All of these things are essentially used by one very important method in the class. Is there a proper term for this in software development? Can I refer to ...

Groovy question

What's so good about groovy? Are they going to put the good stuff from this into java? ...

How To read/write C array stored in text file created through bin2C utility

Hi, I am creating a application, input to which is a C file having an array ( which is created with bin2C.exe ) , the code segment of the C file is:- unsigned int MyArray[] = { 0x00000001,0x00000002,0x00000005 ...}; now I need to read this array as a text file and story its value in an int array. Then I need to modify that array and ...

what C IDE or interpreter would you recommend to rookie students?

Hi i've been downloading a few softwares for developing C applications, but i find them too big or with many unnecessary functions(for begginers) so, we are currently using TURBOC++ but it is way outdated and we want something new with a nice graphical interface to teach programming in C. thanks forgot to mention, it can be software for...

In which language was google desktop developed ?

In which language was google desktop developed ? ...

What are the Best Program Languages to Learn from scratch and Why

I have been working with PHP and Wordpress sites for a long time, but Im thinking about trying to learn more than just the basics. Im wanting to learn some program languages so I can develop my own applications and startups. What are the best languages to learn and why? ...

Meaning of Leaky Abstraction?

What does the term "Leaky Abstraction" mean? (Please explain with examples. I often have a hard time grokking a mere theory.) ...

Interview Question - How to programmatically screw in a lightbulb

Below is an interview question I've been pondering using to test an interviewee's critical thinking and creativity skills. Leave the interviewee alone for 5-10 minutes and have him/her answer the following question: How would you programmatically screw in a lightbulb? Answers I would be hoping to see would be similar to: bool FixLigh...

Which programming languages allow default values for method parameters?

I'm curious which languages allow you to do something like this: method foo(String bar = "beh"){ } If you call foo like this: foo(); bar will be set to "beh", but if you call like this: foo("baz"); bar will be set to "baz". ...

Why is PHP considered Object Oriented?

I have been reading around the definition of OOP and couldn´t get why PHP is considered object oriented. Can this have anything to do that the "basic level" of PHP isn´t and more advanced features are? Thanks in advance! ...

How to send Keystrocks to an aplication in c++ <biginner>

Possible Duplicate: How to send keystrokes to an application in C++ Im trying to make a progam to open acrobat files using adobe acrobat reader and save them in a txt, automaticaly. what i want my program to do is open the pdf send alt + tab //to move to the acrobat tab send alt + f //to open file send down arrow 4 times //to ...

where can i find most up to date statistics on programming/scripting languages most used

I just can't find real up to date info on what programming and scripting most used today And in which environment for example : web , desktop , mobile. where can find such info? ...

How separate are C# and .NET?

I see language features like C#'s foreach loop (which requires the use of IEnumerable), and its using syntax (which uses IDisposable, knowing which method to call), and LINQ (which I assume uses a heap of .NET stuff too). All of this seems very tied-in to the .NET framework. So: Could C# exist with a different framework? (Does it alrea...

How does a C compiler find that -lm is pointing to the file libm.a ?

What's .a files in C programming in linux ? Is it library file ? To merge with the math library libm.a you would type cc -o program_name prog.c -lm when you compile the program. The -lm means: add in libm. If we wanted to add in the socket library libsocket.a to do some network programming as well, we would type cc -o program_name...

What are Python namespaces all about

I have just started learning Python & have come across "namespaces" concept in Python. While I got the jist of what it is, but am unable to appreciate the gravity of this concept. Some browsing on the net revealed that one of the reasons going against PHP is that it has no native support for namespaces. Could someone explain how to us...

Next developing language

Hi, I`m C# .Net developer. First of all I want to emphasize: I do not want any holy-war appear in this topic, please I think, I'm a little bored of .net. Now, I'm seeing there many things, that I do not want to see in a language, I've caught feeling, that nowadays C# is obsolete, and I (and other developers) need to have something more ...