
Programming Languages that support XML literals

What are all the programming languages that support XML literals natively or via extension? I know of VB.NET, Scala, and Factor. Any others? ...

how to program high level concepts (i.e. Object class, and Generics) in C

Here lately I've been tinkering around with my own languages as well as reading various writings on the subject. Does anyone have any good advice on how, in C (or Assembler), do you program the concept of the Object Class and/or the concept of Generics into a language. (referring to the Java implementations of Object and Generics) For...

Are types and OO coupled ?

Trying to understand if types imply OO and vice versa. Questions: What exactly is a type ? Can a class in ruby be called a 'type'. In javascript, the native functions/objects like Array,String,Function ... Are they types ? Is a C struct a type ? How is it that a language can be typed even when it doesn't support OO ? For e.g. H...

error: ‘TRUE’ was not declared in this scope pad.pvx*= -1; }

void move_paddle(PADDLE pad, bool alongX) { if(alongX!=TRUE) { if((>=B || (<=BB) pad.pvx*= -1; } else if((pad.px+pad.length/2)>=A || (<=AA) pad.pvx*= -1; } What is the actual error ? M unable to get through. ...

Example using WikipediaTokenizer in Lucene

Hi, I want to use WikipediaTokenizer in lucene project - But I never used lucene. I just want to convert a wikipedia string into a list of tokens. But, I see that there are only four methods available in this class, end...

Whats a good project to develop to learn a new programming language?

I have a solid foundation in programming (Java, Python, Haskell). I would like to pick up C#. What would be an ideal project that would help me learn C# well enough to be sufficient for the workplace? Something that would help me learn all the subtleties and tricks. Going through something like or similar would...

Debunking Scala myths

What are the most commonly held misconceptions about the Scala language, and what counter-examples exist to these? UPDATE I was thinking more about various claims I've seen, such as "Scala is dynamically typed" and "Scala is a scripting language". I accept that "Scala is [Simple/Complex]" might be considered a myth, but it's also a vi...

WHat is programming?

What is programming? ...

Re-Teaching Myself to Program - Seeking Object Oriented Design Books

Five years ago I used to program in SAS. Since then I've been doing software QA of various types. Mostly manual (video games + web apps) testing with a tiny bit of automation. I'd really like to shift careers back into programming. Specifically the Android platform has caught my attention. These are the books I've been reading and worki...

Problem with SCITE, AMPL and GLPK.

Can someone explain me step by step how to add AMPL to SCITE editor and add GLPK solver ? ...

identify programming language

Please identify this programming language: *Main> [ ((a,b,c),(d,e)) | a <- [1..7], b <- [2..8], c <- [3..9], d <- [1..8], e <- [2..9], a < b, b < c, d < e, List.intersect [d,e] [a,b,c] == [], a+b+c == 23, d+e == 10 ] output: [((6,8,9),(3,7))] I found the code in this blog comm...

Taxonomy of categories

Hi, I am looking for a taxonomy of categories in a kind of tree structure for my project. For example: Organiation -> (Finance, Business, Government) Finance -> (Hedge fund, equities) Person -> (Sports, Music, Technology) Sports -> (Football, Soccer, Basketball) Music -> (Rock, pop) Is there a place, I can find this high level cate...

What programming languages have the most easily-implemented interpreters?

I need to implement an interpreter for a programming language as part of a project I'm working on. I don't think the details of this project are too relevant, except that it requires me to implement an interpreter from scratch, I can't use an existing programming language (the requirements include supporting portable delimited continuat...

in how many languages /* ........... */ work as a comment? Other than CSS

in how many languages /* ........... */ work as a comment? other than CSS ...

time to create a bot for second life using linden scripting language ?

how much time does it take to create a simple dance performing bot in second life using Linden Scripting Language ?? , i have no prior knowledge of lsl , but i know various object oriented and event driven programming languages . ...

Do We Inherit a Interface or Implements an Interface?

Well till now I knew we implement interfaces , but today some body (you know who , i guess)) told me that If I write a interface then we implement it in class , but if it is a system Interface , Let's say INotifyPropertyChanged , the we call it Class A inherits Interface INotifyPropertyChanged. Though I feel right , I am not sure and un...

Generate series of 1,1,2,2,3,3,....

Hi all, I've an variable as page number (page) whose values increment by one each time. [Page numbering] But, now I need to customize this numbering to 1,1,2,2,3,3.. Can you suggest any formula for generate this kind of series? EDIT: (Answer) After playing with macros and VBA for some time I've figured out a way to generate this type...

Unicode based programming language

This is a curiosity more than anything: Does there exist a programming language that allows variables, functions, and classes to be named using using Unicode rather than ASCII (except, of course, for special characters such as '+')? Do any popular languages have support for this? Also, related to this, if any common language supports U...

Fascinated by FP but still think imperative, how do I think functional ?

Like most ppl, I started with and still do a lot of imperative code(mostly Java, Ruby, Javascript). I've never been a big fan of OO, either because I never understood it properly or because I don't think OO. Got my first glimpse of FP via javascript, passing functions around, closures, etc. Have been in love with FP since then. Rece...

What programming languages will have highest chances to exist if World War 3 happens?

Ok, this might sound like a weird question at first but ... believe me, this is not a stupid one. If World War 3 happens, will Microsoft have any chance to sell Windows? Will they make .NET source open and free? Will C# die? I think Java will have best chance to survive but I want to hear your opinions. Why do I ask this question? Well...