
Is it worth to write a programming book and sell it ?

My friend decided to start writing a book about "Advanced Topics in C#". But really there are a lot of books about c# and about programming languages in general , so is it still worth to write a programming book like that as a commercial job ? ...

Generic programming v.s. Metaprogramming...

What exactly is the difference? It seems like the terms can be used somewhat interchangeably, but reading the wikipedia entry for Objective-c, I came across: In addition to C’s style of procedural programming, C++ directly supports certain forms of object-oriented programming, generic programming, and metaprogramming. in r...

Website with function equivalents for various languages

When learning (or relearning) a language, a significant amount of time goes into learning the functions for doing basic operations. For example, suppose I want to reverse a String. In one language, it may be simple as myString.reverse(). In Python, it is myString[::-1]. In other languages, you may have to create an array, iterate through...

What's the difference of a "class" in Haskell and in an "abstract class" in OO language?

At first glance, there obvious distinctions between the two kinds of "class". However, I believe there are more similarities: Both have different kinds of constructors. Both define a group of operations that could be applied to a particular type of data, in other words, they both define an Interface. I can see that "class" is much m...

List of Cross-Platform Programming Languages with Open Source Licenses

I think it would be valuable to have a list of all the programming languages that have a significant open source component (i.e. I can do a significant amount of work in it without using any non-free components) and that are cross platform (i.e. that will run on all the major platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux/BSD), along with infor...

Pipeling hadoop map reduce jobs

Hi, I have five map reduce that I am running each separately. I want to pipeline them all together. So, output of one job goes to next job. Currently, I wrote shell script to execute them all. Is there a way to write this in java? Please provide an example. Thanks ...

What's the advantage of case sensitive languages over case insensitive ones?

Hi, I have been doing a number of projects in Delphi, which uses the case insensitive language Pascal, and I was wondering what the advantage of case sensitive languages is. Jason argues that "Case insensitivity introduces much ambiguity". I don't agree. If you realize that the language is case insensitive you know that WHILE means the s...

The 10 Commandments of Programming...

...or programming related activities There's a certain text (The Bible) which suggests that there were, at least at one time, a list of 10 rules (The 10 Commandments) that if followed you would be considered, well, "good". If such a list existed for programming, what would it be? I'm thinking in terms of languages (or language types) t...

Learning Java. What should I expect?

Hi, I intend to start studying Java, completely self taught. I program a little in HTML, Css, PHP MySQL and jQuery, I know they are "simpler" programming languages. A good thing about the those languages is that you can start doing "useful" or "fun" things immediately. In Java, as far as I know, it maybe quite a while before you get...

how to build a autorun program in linux

i want to create a program that should run as auto . when i insert a pendrive it shall execute at the terminal plz can somebody help me to program in C ...

What is the biggest Java pain point for you ?

Which is the biggest Java pain point for you ? the verbosity ? the getters & setters ? not expressive enough ? no first class functions ? ...

Boot camp for learning a new language.

Is it possible to learn an entire programming language with about a week, at most two to spare? When i say a week i mean an average full time computer science university school week. are there some specific programs you can try that will make you reach substantially above intermediate level? Substantially above intermediate level - Get...

Email form within website (not mailto link), which language?

I was wondering what language I need to use in order to create a simple form for emailing an email address on a website. What language do I need to use in order to make this happen, and does it need to be server-side? I would imagine so. ...

What languages are mostly in demand these days?

Hello all, I want to know which programming languages are mostly in demand in this era of software development and web development. I have learned c++, java, , c#, php, html, css, javascript, coldfusion. I want to know which other languages are important to know and is widely used in the job market and have great future s...

What programming language would James Bond have programmed in?

Until the recent Bond movies James preferred British made gadgets. The classic for me is from "You Only Live Twice", as there is real British gyro-copter nicknamed Little Nellie which (in the movie) shipped in 4 suitcases. In the action scenes Little Nellie took on several helicopters. This nifty British made gadget got me wondering ...

What is the means of word "Boolean" in computers?

What is the means of word "Boolean" in computers? IS it related to hardware or software or both? Is it a logic or name of function or data types? Off topic What is the meaning of this word "Boolean" in English language? Edit : I know this page on wiki but it has many links related to this te...

Are FP and OO orthogonal?

I have heard this time and again, and I am trying to understand and validate the idea that FP and OO are orthogonal. First of all, what does it mean for 2 concepts to be orthogonal? FP encourages immutability and purity as much as possible, while OO seems built for state and mutation – a slightly organized version of imperative program...

What programming languages can one use to develop Android applications?

Possible Duplicates: Which programming languages can I use on Android Dalvik? Which programming languages can be used to develop in Android? What programming languages can one use to develop Android applications? Also are there plans in the future to expand the amount of programming languages that Android will support? UPD...

Is there any algorithm needs functional language exclusively to be implemented

Hi, I'm a C# developer and I don't have enough information about functional languages, My question that is there any algorithm needs functional language exclusively to be implemented? Regards. ...

Books/Materials for beginning Port Programing C++/Java

I'm used to normal software programing using C++/Java. I'm interested in learning Port programming. Serial port or parallel port programming to control microchips or small electronic circuits. But I don't have any knowledge in electronics, EDIT one simple example is trying to get a grid of LEDs to on to form a text inputed though ...