
Objective C - help with properties

I'm starting to understand memory management better in objective-c, but there's something I don't understand. This is a property declaration: @property (nonatomic, retain)UILabel *myLabel; and this is its unseen synthesized setter (I think): - (void)setMyLabel:(UILabel *)newValue { if(myLabel != newValue) { [myLabel relea...

iPhone Dev - Which way should a member be added as a subview

(We're talking about code inside custom UIViewController subclasses -- And by the way I don't use IB) Ok so I set the self.view member in - (void)loadView, and then I create my controls and views and whatever in - (void)viewDidLoad, and then add them to the subview. If the control isn't a member, if I create it and release it locally in ...

iPhone Dev - Using a getter in the same class

(Just to let you now, I'm learning to develop for iPhone with a book I got called Beginning iPhone 3 Development: Exploring the SDK, and I do not use Interface builder) Is there ever a reason to use the getter in the same class, when a private member is visible? Like in Foo.h, having NSObject *myObj; ... @property (nonatomic, retain)NSO...

Create properties using lambda getter and setter

I have smth like this: class X(): def __init__(self): self.__name = None def _process_value(self, value): # do smth pass def get_name(self): return self.__name def set_name(self, value): self.__name = self._process_value(value) name = property(get_name, set_name) Can I re...

Does using properties on an old-style python class cause problems

Pretty simple question. I've seen it mentioned in many places that using properties on an old-style class shouldn't work, but apparently Qt classes (through PyQt4) aren't new-style and there are properties on a few of them in the code I'm working with (and as far as I know the code isn't showing any sorts of problems) I did run across ...

How do you get the history of a file/folder property in SVN?

What's the easiest way to determine when a property was set on a file or folder? Basically, I'm looking for an equivalent of "svn blame" that works on properties. The log subcommand enables one to get the complete history of a file or folder, including when the properties have been modified. However, it doesn't distinguish between a pro...

Is it possible to make a property in javascript?

I want to make a custom Array object that recieves a number as index, and depending on the value of the index, it would return a computed value. For example: >>> var MyArray(2); >>> MyArray[2]; 4 >>> MyArray.2; 4 I know that for the showed example, I'm better of with a function, but I want to know if I can override the properties/ind...

what is a member vs. a property

A friend who is new to OO programming asked me the difference between a Member and Property, and I was ashamed to admit that I couldn't give him a good answer. Since properties can also be objects themselves, I was left with a general description and list of exceptions. Can somebody please lay out a good definition of when to consider s...

how to access the localized names of an outlook contact items property

does anyone know a way to access the localized names of an outlook contact items property collection? If i loop through the properties collection for (int i = 0; i < item.ItemProperties.Count; i++) { if (item.ItemProperties[i].Type == Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlUserPropertyType.olText) { string s = item.ItemProperties[i].Name...

Property file string length limitation (JAVA)

Hi %, playing around with a property file i figured that there seems to be a limitation of 40char to save in a single property. I do the following: File configFile = new File(""); Properties props = new Properties(); props.put( "cc_server", "sort_of_a_long_string_aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

How do I solve a hidden expression error message in SSRS?

When I try to run a report I get the following error message ' the hidden expression for the table 'ordReqn' contains an error: Input string was not in a correct format. I have gone to the hidden properties on the table and selected 'False' from the dropdown list. I tried doing a custom expression using False. I tried '1' and '0.' I get...

[Delphi] Interfaces and properties

Is it possible to declare a property in an interface without declaring the get- and set-methods for it? Something like: IValue = interface property value: double; end; I want to state that the implementor should have a property called value, returning a double, but I really don't care if it returns a private field or the result from...

Protocols with optional properties?

The short version is that I have a protocol which has an optional parameter. When I build a class that implements it with the iPhone SDK 3.x it compiles just fine, with no errors or warnings. When I used the 2.x SDK I get the following warning: Class.m:68: warning: property 'field' requires method '-field' to be defined - use @synthesiz...

JavaScript - Watch for object properties changes

I just read Mozilla's documentation for the watch() method. It looks very useful. However, I can't find something similar for Safari. Neither IE. Do you use this method? How do you manage portability across browsers? Thanks! ...

C#: How to set default value for a property in a partial class?

Hello, I'm very new to C# so please bear with me... I'm implementing a partial class, and would like to add two properties like so: public partial class SomeModel { public bool IsSomething { get; set; } public List<string> SomeList { get; set; } ... Additional methods using the above data members ... } I would like to i...

Getting static property from a class with dynamic class name in PHP

Hi Guys, I have this: one string variable which holds the class name ($classname) one string variable with holds the property name ($propertyname) I want to get that property from that class, the problem is, the property is static and I don't know how to do that. If the property weren't static, it would have been: $classname->$pro...

Magic __get getter for static properties in PHP

public static function __get($value) does not work, and even if it did, it so happens that I already need the magic __get getter for instance properties in the same class. This probably is a yes or no question, so, it is possible? ...

CSS issue: IE 6+ not display 'cursor' correctly - ninja help needed

IE 6+ is displaying the cursor as a text icon and not a mini-hand (pointer) as it should. My Live Example show how if you hover over a tab (All/Fore Sale/...), in IE - it displays a text-cursor but Firefox/etc it displays correctly as a "pointer". This is applied to the ul.tabbernav li a:hover CSS property. Any idea why IE is not disp...

Property missing error when I add a new static event on Silverlight

HI there, I have added a static event with the following code: public class TypeChangedEventArgs : EventArgs { public Types TypeSelected { get; set; } } public delegate void TypeChangedHandler(TypeChangedEventArgs eventArgs); public static event TypeChangedHandler TypeChanged; And I do get an event handler for TypeChanged, the...

WPF Custom Control Property not receiving data binding

WPF XAML, I have a custom control I have written that wraps lookups. In typical government fashion, they have a lookup table for all possible lookups. My custom control will throw a popup overlay asking them to select from the items in the list. My problems relate specifically to databinding from my calling form to my control property to...