
.NET client app: how to reach Web Services in case of proxy?

We are developing a .NET 2.0 winform application. The application needs to access Web Services. Yet, we are encountering issues with users behind proxies. Popular windows backup applications (think Mozy) are providing a moderately complex dialog window dedicated the proxy settings. Yet, re-implementing yet-another proxy handling logic a...

How do I pull from a Git repository through an HTTP proxy?

Note: while the use-case described is about using submodules within a project, the same applies to a normal git clone of a repository over HTTP. I have a project under Git control. I'd like to add a submodule: git submodule add vendor/plugins/metric_fu But I get ... got 1b0313f016d98e556396c...

Flex HttpService : appending to destination

I am using Flex to connect to a Rest service. To access order #32, for instance, I can call the URL http://[service]/orders/32. The URL must be configured as a destination - since the client will connect to different instances of the service. All of this is using the Blaze Proxy, since it involves GET, PUT, DELETE and POST calls. The pro...

Is there any way in .NET to programmatically listen to HTTP traffic?

I'm using browser automation for testing web sites but I need to verify HTTP requests from the browser (i.e., images, external scripts, XmlHttpRequest objects). Is there a way to programmatically instantiate a proxy for the browser to use in order to see what its sending? I'm already using Fiddler to watch the traffic but I want somethi...

Is there any way in .NET to programmatically listen to HTTP traffic?

I'm using browser automation for testing web sites but I need to verify HTTP requests from the browser (i.e., images, external scripts, XmlHttpRequest objects). Is there a way to programmatically instantiate a proxy or packet sniffer for the browser to use in order to see what its sending? I'm already using Fiddler to watch the traffic ...

How do I automate a web proxy in .NET for unit tests (including set up and tear down)?

Following Jonathan Holland's suggestion in his comment for my previous question: Is there any way in .NET to programmatically listen to HTTP traffic? I've made a separate (but not exactly a duplicate) question for what I really want to know: How do I automate a web proxy in .NET for unit tests (including set up and tear down) for spying...

Disable caching of errors when using Apache as a proxy

When you having Apache proxying (using either ProxyPass or RewriteRule), if the destination returns an error (500 series status) then Apache won't proxy any more requests for 30 seconds. I know there's a way to disable this by setting that value to 0 seconds, but I can't remember how. I think it involves a semicolon and some options but ...

When Using Dynamic Proxies, how do I access the underlying object's Annotations?

When Using Dynamic Proxies, how do I access the underlying object's Annotations? Specifically I'm annotating settings of a ORM object with @Column("client_id") and then making a Dynamic Proxy keep track of when the annotated setters are called, but... It doesn't seem that the annotated proxy keeps any of the underlying annotations so s...

Proxy for command line utilities in Win XP

How do I get command line utilities like ping to use the default proxy in Windows XP. proxycfg -u sets the proxy to the default (IE) proxy alright, but it doesn't seem to be working. Update: I am behind a proxy and would like a way to check if a site is up or not hence trying to use ping! Also would like a way to telnet (without using ...

Home proxy server

My end goal is to have a report showing all the top level domains that were visited the previous day from all the computers at my home. The report would also be able to show which pages were visited, which local IP address went there. I'd also like to track incoming and outgoing bandwidth used. I don't want to install an application o...

Hitting Webservice on Different Subnet

Hello, I know this is somewhat of a server question, but I wanted to ask anyways in case someone has done this before. I have a web service that is on our internal 172.x.x.x subnet and a web server that is on our internal 10.x.x.x subnet. The webserver needs to hit the 172 web service, but is unable to route there. The real solution ...

Set up an HTTP proxy to insert a header

I need to test some HTTP interaction with a client I'd rather not modify. What I need to test is the behavior of the server when the client's requests include a certain, static header. I'm thinking the easiest way to run this test is to set up an HTTP proxy that inserts the header on every request. What would be the simplest way to set ...

How can I prevent a base constructor from being called by an inheritor in C#?

I've got a (poorly written) base class that I want to wrap in a proxy object. The base class resembles the following: public class BaseClass : SomeOtherBase { public BaseClass() {} public BaseClass(int someValue) {} //...more code, not important here } and, my proxy resembles: public BaseClassProxy : BaseClass { public ...

FTP File Upload with HTTP Proxy

Is there a way to upload a file to a FTP server when behind an HTTP proxy ? It seems that uploading a file is not supported behind an HTTP Proxy using .Net Webclient. ( If there is no workaround ? If not, do you know a good and free FTP library I can use ? Ed...

Is there any way to determine the amount of time a client spends on a web page

Assuming I have an open source web server or proxy I can enhance, let's say apache or squid. Is there a way to determine the time each client spends on a web page? HTTP is of course stateless, so it's not trivial, but maybe someone has an idea on how to approach this problem? Thanks. ...

How to forward the TCP/IP traffic of a process in Windows XP?

(The curly lines with dots represent a network route.) Having a process called "foo.exe", is there a way to forward everything it communicates over TCP/IP to a forwarding proxy located elsewhere? This forwarding should not reflect to other processes. Another question: if there are multiple network adapters, is it possible to force a ...

How do I send cookies to the client via a socket with C#?

Ok, if I have this right, my code can get cookies at a specific url, but then once I get the cookie, into the container, how can I send it to the client via socket? Like the code directly below does here for regular http-page requests. byte[] buffer = new byte[bz]; rebu = responsestream.Read(buffer, 0, bz); while (rebu != 0) { soket...

Tunnel over HTTPS

At my workplace, the traffic blocker/firewall has been getting progressively worse. I can't connect to my home machine on port 22, and lack of ssh access makes me sad. I was previously able to use SSH by moving it to port 5050, but I think some recent filters now treat this traffic as IM and redirect it through another proxy, maybe. T...

Is it possible to specify proxy credentials in your web.config?

Hi all, I need to configure a website to access a webservice on another machine, via a proxy. I can configure the website to use a proxy, but I can't find a way of specifying the credentials that the proxy requires, is that possible? Here is my current configuration: <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="false"> <proxy usesystemde...

WCF Custom Http Proxy Authentication

Is it possible to provide WCF with a custom proxy address and custom credentials? I've found this answer on stackoverflow:, but I've got a complication, the service I'm authenticating against uses its own authentication, so I've got to u...