
Python variable weirdness?

What's going on with my Python variable? old_pos seems to be linked to pos: Code: pos = [7, 7] direction = [1, 1] old_pos = pos print 'pos = '+str(pos) print 'old_pos = '+str(old_pos) pos[0] += direction[0] pos[1] += direction[1] print 'pos = '+str(pos) print 'old_pos = '+str(old_pos) Output: pos = [7, 7] old_pos = [7, 7...

question on function returning a reference in C++

Hi all, Is it OK to return a reference to a local variable from a function? By local I mean that the variable would be created(on the stack i.e. without using new) within the function and its scope is within that function only. I got contradictory answers when I searched about this. 1) says that kind of usage is correct but 2) contradic...

Pass by Reference v. Pass by Pointer -- Merits?

Possible Duplicates: When pass-by-pointer is preferred to pass-by-reference in C++? Are there benefits of passing by pointer over passing by reference in C++? How to pass objects to functions in C++? Hi all, I'm working to develop a large object oriented c++ application framework as part of my chemical engineering graduate...

Rvalue reference

While trying to understand Rvalue references from here, I am unable to understand two things If there are N strings in the vector, each copy could require as many as N+1 memory allocations and [...] What is this +1 in 'N+1'? 2.How the author suddenly arrives at the below guideline Guideline: Don’t copy your function ...

Why I can't add a class library project reference to a Silverlight project?

Hi, I am a newcomer to Silverlight and while I have been following some tutorials I wanted to create a new project with a class library so that I can use it from my page's xaml.cs code behind. But when I tried to add my class library project I get a warning message saying: You can only add project references to other Silverlight proje...

Downloadable STL documentation that covers TR1?

For my offline coding needs, I've been using the downloadable STL documentation from SGI. Unfortunately it was last edited in 1999, and doesn't cover any of the TR1. It's easy enough to find online references for TR1, but can anybody recommend an easily downloadable TR1 reference for working offline? In HTML? I've downloaded Boost's ...

HTML - pick images of Root Folder from Sub-Folder

lets say following is the DIR structure of my website Now in index.html i can simply refer images like <img src="./images/logo.png"> but what if i want to refer the same image fron sub.html what will be the src ...

Checking For Equal Instances of 2 Different (Included Example)

I use the == in the code below and prints out "Equals!", why? Can someone explain why these two different strings a and b are equal? public class test { public static void main() { String a = "boy"; String b = "boy"; if(a == b) { System.out.println("Equals!"); } else ...

Referencing a pointer in a C++ member function.

Hi, I'm writing a member function that uses a member variable pointer as an iterator. However I want to reference the pointer within the function purely for readability's sake. Like so: /* getNext will return a pos object each time it is called for each node * in the tree. If all nodes have been returned it will return a Pos * objec...

unset a element of an array via reference

I can access anywhere inside the multi-dimensional an array via reference method. And I can change the its value. For example: $conf = array( 'type' => 'mysql', 'conf' => array( 'name' => 'mydatabase', 'user' => 'root', 'pass' => '12345', 'host' => array( '127.0...

How do I record loop iteration count and recursion depth in a reference variable that is an argument of the recursive function?

Say I have a recursive function that contains a loop. I want to count how many times the loop runs as well as at what depth in the recursion the count exists in. The trick is I want to store this in a reference variable that is a parameter of the recursive function. It will always have this reference variable to append to it. The referen...

Reference library cyberlink

Hello, I reference the CyberLink library inside another target in an iPhone project. But I have some bugs while compiling when I implemented a CyberLink class. those kind of errors : Undefined symbols: "_xmlParseDocument", referenced from: _cg_libxml2_parsewrapper in libCyberLink.a(cxml_parser_libxml2.o) "_xmlGetPredefinedEnt...

Good tutorial + reference for Emacs search and replace?

For a new user of Emacs, are the any good tutorials + references for learning and getting familiar with Emacs's search, replace and regex features? ...

What's wrong with XUL reference?

Why the oncommand is not discribed in Xul button reference page? It's even used in an example, but it's not docummented with the other methods, am I looking the wrong place? ...

C++: const reference, before vs after type-specifier

What is the difference between the arguments in: int foo1(const Fred &arg) { ... } and int foo2(Fred const &arg) { ... } ? I don't see this case covered in the parashift FAQ. ...

NHibernate: Querying with OR operator

I am looking for a way to build an OR operator into a query to look for a particular value in one field of a table as well as in another field of a joined table. This is pretty basic in SQL, but I can't for the world figure out how to do this in NHibernate. I have been searching the web, but the examples I find are pretty nebulous to me ...

Java: Reference from a non-static comparator to it's outer class field

I need to sort lists of objects with a non-static comparator that uses a value from it's outer object field. class A { public int x; public int y; public int z; public Comparator<A> scoreComparator = new Comparator<A>() { public compare(A o1, A o2) { // System.out.println("this: " + this); ...

How do I get a slice of a referenced array in Perl?

I have a reference to an array $arr_ref. I would like to get a reference to an array containing only cells i..j in the original array. ...

.Net 4.0 System.Web.Security.MembershipProvider ambiguous reference?

I have recently upgraded my BlogEngine.Net installation to 1.6 and .Net 4.0, however, I did not build BlogEngine.Core when I performed the upgrade. However, when I try to build the BlogEngine.Core project now, the compile fails because it cannot load the symbols for (System.Web.Security.)MembershipProvider. I believe this to be a .Net/C...

Grant CCK Field edit rights to a user referenced from User Reference; Drupal

In Drupal I am trying to create a content node where the original author can upload an image and then 'challenge' another user to upload an image into that node as well. I can already grant the 2nd user access rights through CCK > User Reference > Node Access User Reference but I don't want that new user to be able to edit the whole node...