
how to rename the database using query?

how to rename the database using query? ...

ORACLE :Are grants removed when an object is dropped?

Hi, I currently have 2 schemas, A and B. B has a table, and A executes selects inserts and updates on it. In our sql scripts, we have granted permissions to A so it can complete its tasks. grant select on B.thetable to A etc,etc Now, table 'thetable' is dropped and another table is renamed to B at least once a day. rename someot...

How can I rename (or even remove?) buddypress' wire-section?

I am currently setting up an online community for the first time. I am a frequent worpress user, yet this one problem occurs: I don't like the section name "wire". I'd much rather use something like "guestbook" or "short note" for it, but I cannot find the place to change it in the backend. It is not in the theme's CSS editor. Same goe...

Is it possible to move/rename files in git and maintain their history?

I would like to rename/move a project subtree in git moving it from '/project/xyz' to '/components/xyz' If I use a plain 'git mv project components' then all the file history for the xyz project gets lost. Is there a way to move this such that the history is maintained? ...

How can I determine when a file was most recently renamed?

I have a program that compares files in two folders. I want to detect if a file has been renamed, determine the newest file (most recently renamed), and update the name on the old file to match. To accomplish this, I would check to see if the newest file is bit by bit identical to the old one, and if it is, simply rename the old file t...

Why does renaming reg.exe on Windows Server 2008 x64 causes it to fail to run?

Hi StackOverflow, I've got a neat question here. There's a utility called reg.exe thats been shipped with Windows for quite some time. Its very handy to import .reg files from scripts, modify values from scripts, etc, etc. So when making a copy of it for a script scenario ("Why not use the copy in system32?" -> Software Restriction Poli...

Auto-renaming columns in PowerDesigner LDM/PDM

I want to rename columns in a PowerDesigner LDM/PDM according to the state of the Primary checkbox. To be more specific, I want the column renamed from "oldname" to "id_oldname" if Primary is checked. I think it is possible with a custom check/autofix script like the one in "MSSQLSRV2008::Profile\Column\Custom Checks\Identity Seed and I...

How do I copy files repository to new folder with PHP

I have a folder named "repository" in my admin folders. This folder holds 2 files: index.html and content.php. When a user creates a new page the php creates a new folder specified by the user then will need to copy the two files into that folder while leaving them in the repository. copy(file,dest) does not work. rename(file,dest) move...

rename files with the same name

Hi. I use the following function to rename thumbnails. For example, if I upload a file called "image.png" to an upload folder, and this folder already has a file named "image.png" in it, the new file automatically gets renamed to "image-copy-1.png". If there also is a file called "image-copy-1.png" it gets renamed to "image-copy-2.png" a...

Help renaming svn repository

Here is the deal: I created an SVN repository, say, foo. It is at Then I did an svn checkout. I made some updates and changes to my local copy of the code over the week. I haven't committed yet. I realized that I wanted to rename the repository. So I did this: svn copy http://example...

How can I rename a VB6 executable?

I'm trying to automate a VB6 build where different apps are built from the same source by: Changing "Conditional Compilation Arguments". "Make Project" to a different executable name. I can do part of this on the command line: VB6.EXE /m Project.VBP /d BUILD_OTHER_APP=1 but the executable still has the name "Project.exe". If I rename...

How to rename model

I made a mistake early in development, and named one of my models with plural noun (Users instead of User). Is there an easy way to rename it and corresponding controller (similar to generating it with script/generate way)? ...

Renaming a set of files to 001, 002, … php

I have a set of images in a folder call 'uploads/', all the files are in this form 5f0f905706.jpg, 15758df106.jpg, ... I want to rename them as is, 001.jpg, 002.jpg, 003.jpg ... how i code this? thanks ...

PHP Key name array

I have an array $data fruit => apple, seat => sofa, etc. I want to loop through so that each key becomes type_key[0]['value'] so eg type_fruit[0]['value'] => apple, type_seat[0]['value'] => sofa, and what I thought would do this, namely foreach ($data as $key => $value) { # Create a new, renamed, key. $array[...

Why isn't my os.rename working?

Hi All, I'm trying to rename some files, but getting a baffling error*. When I run this: if os.path.isfile(fullPath): print 'fmf exists' print fullPath print newFilePath os.rename(fullPath,newFilePath) I get the following error: fmf exists (correct fullPath) (correct newFilePath, ie. destination) Traceback (most rec...

Rename parameter in a WCF client interface

Hello everyone, I was wondering if there is a way to rename a parameter in a WCF client interface method ,just the same way I can rename methods or enumerations: Renaming methods: [System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute(Name = "intError")] public int ErrorCode {...} Renaming enumerations: public enum MyEnumeration...

Rename a file with perl

I have a file in a different folder I want to rename in perl, I was looking at a solution earlier that showed something like this: #rename for (<C:\\backup\\backup.rar>) { my $file = $_; my $new = $file . 'backup' . $ts . '.rar'; rename $file, $new or die "Error, can not rename $file as $new: $!"; } however backup.rar is...

Using ant, rename a directory without knowing the full path?

Howdy friends, Given a zipfile with an unknown directory, how can I rename or move that directory to a normalized path? <!-- Going to fetch some stuff --> <target name="get.remote"> <!-- Get the zipfile --> <get src="" dest=""/> <!-- Unzip the file --> <unzip src="packa...

Batch File - REN command's ErrorLevel returns 0 even on failure

This is related to my earlier question. ren "C:\Temp\%%A" "%%A" if errorlevel 0 ( "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\cmdline\7za.exe" a -tzip -mx9 "C:\temp\Zip\" "C:\temp\%%A" Move "C:\temp\%%A" "C:\Temp\Archive" ) In the above, the IF evaluates to true always, even if REN command fails. The idea is...

Renaming HTML classes across CSS files

If I have 100 HTML files that use a set of classes that are used as selectors in CSS files, is there a utility that I can use to intelligently rename the classes? I know that every editor/IDE has a find/replace in project feature. Using sed you can do the same thing. This is not intelligent because it is a simple string replace. I wa...