I've renamed a UITableViewController class in Xcode, which was used as a parent class in a XIB. The Interface Builder still uses the old name for that class and it compiles and works fine. Interface Builder doesn't see the new name of the class and when I try to type in manually, it compiles and gives me an exception at the runtime:...
Hi. Is there a git gui app (for commiting) that shows detected renames?
Git-gui currently shows me a lot of deleted and new files instead of renames.
TortoiseGit does not work at all on my system. Intellij's Git somehow does not detect any modifications to commit. TIA.
Hello. I can run RENAME TABLE student TO student_new
The command is same and easy to follow.
Is there a methods to rename a lot of tables in simple command. Assume all the tables belog to the same DB name.
I don't need write a lot of code as below?
RENAME TABLE pre_access TO pre_new_access;
RENAME TABLE pre_activities TO pre_new_ac...
Hi. I'm trying to move a folder by renaming it. Both the test1 and test2 folders already exist.
The error I get is: rename(...): No such file or directory
I assume this is because the directory "xxx1" does not exist.
How can I move the test1 directory anyway?
I am using MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage(ContentResolver cr, String imagePath, String name, String description) function to insert a newly created image into gallery. System is naming the file by default, but its diferent than names of pictures taken by orginal app(Time stamp). Is there easy way to set it up?
I know that Mercurial can track renames of files, but how do I get it to show me renames instead of adds/removes when I do hg status? For instance, instead of:
A bin/extract-csv-column.pl
A bin/find-mirna-binding.pl
A bin/xls2csv-separate-sheets.pl
A lib/Text/CSV/Euclid.pm
R src/extract-csv-column.pl
R src/find-mirna-binding.pl
R src/mo...
How do I rename a primary key column in MySQL?
I'm using the quantmod package to import financial series data from Yahoo.
[1] "GSPC"
I'd like to change the name of object "GSPC" to "SPX". I've tried the rename function in the reshape package, but it only changes the variable names. The "GSPC" object has vectors GSPC.Open, GSPC.High, etc. I'd l...
Given a structure array, how do I rename a field? For example, given the following, how do I change "bar" to "baz".
a(1).foo = 1;
a(1).bar = 'one';
a(2).foo = 2;
a(2).bar = 'two';
a(3).foo = 3;
a(3).bar = 'three';
What is the best method, where "best" is a balance of performance, clarity, and generality?
Hi all, I am trying to execute the following query. I don't have 'CrewID' column so in that case it will by pass update part of the script. but it gives error Invalid object CrewID'. Can you please tell me why it excute update part even my if condition does not matched. Is there is another way to do the same. I have the requirement where...
hello, i have an exsting file in my HDD and i want rename this file.
I would like to know if there is any way a file can be moved only if the destination does not exist - in other words, move only if it does not lead to overwriting.
mv --update
seemed first to be the solution, however, if the timestamp of the source path is newer than the destination, move will overwrite it and all attempts to circumve...
Hi everyone, I've been hunting for an answer to this on South's site, google, and SO, but couldn't find a simple way to do this.
I want to rename a Django model using South.
Say you have the following:
class Foo(models.Model):
name = models.CharField()
class FooTwo(models.Model):
name = models.CharField()
foo = models.Fo...
I need to rename all the files in a directory. Some examples of the source filenames are:
The resultant files would be renamed as:
The number of characters before and after the -- is not consistant.
The script needs to work on current...
I have a file that contains filenames like this:
I have a folder that has:
I would like to have a bash script to take one line from the filename file and rename one file in the folder.
Is there a way to do this?
In my Android application, I want to rename the file name at runtime. How can I do it?
This is my code:
String[] command = {" mv", "sun moon.jpg"," sun_moon,jpg"};
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
catch (IOException e)
Toast.makeText(this, ""+e, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
I also used renameTo...
Suppose from index.py, i have post file #####.fasta to display file. I want to change ####.fasta file extension to ####.aln in display file. How can i do it?
I am working right now on python cgi.
Thanks for listening
Hi, I am working on application which required me to change the filename case retaining the original filename as it is For Example: need to change abc.txt => (ABC.txt or Abc.txt or abc.TXT or abc.Txt) filename as well as its extension can be change in same way. I tried to use the NSFileManager
- (BOOL)movePath:(NSString *)source toPath...
Help! I'm getting a File Not Found error when trying to rename a file w/a variable. The variable is string. I can look at the variable and it's the exact filename that is there, but when I run the code, it says not found!
Dim filePath, fileName, absPath, newPath As String
filePath = "P:\Automated\"
fileName = MySite.GetResult
absPath =...
Forgive me if this is nor the place to ask these questions, I am new to batch and scripts and a bit new to these kind of posts...
I have a folder that will receive files and folders, I want to run a script that looks at the directory and renames all files in each subfolder numerically, and moves them if possible.
For example I have s...