
Creating form dynamically in flex from xml file

I am having an XML something like this http://image.jpg 102.49999999999999% 97.5% 0% 0% 0s 15 http:audio.mp3 0s ...

Rendering form on the fly from XML in flex

Hi, I have an xml code something like this <root> <render> <head> <transition id="fadeIn" type="fade" subtype="" dur="3s"/> <transition id="fadeOut" type="fade" subtype="" dur="3s"/> <layout> <root-layout width="480px" height="360px" backgroundColor="0"/> <region id="rootRegion" dur="15s"> <region id="background" soundLevel="10...

ASP.NET control does not render

I have an extremely simple control i'm trying to render which looks like this: using System; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; namespace CORE.BusinessObjects.Web.Controls { public class TestControl : Control { protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { writer.Write("Hello from TestC...

Can the submission of a rails form avoid navigating away from the current view?

I have a bit of javascript magic going on to create and hide divs on the fly as the user interacts with the page. Each div contains a view of some part of my application and each model instance in these views has an owner. If the person browsing the page is NOT the owner, they just see the data. However, if the user is the owner of th...

Replace a gridview row while rendering

I've got a datatable bound to a gridview and in the RowDataBound event I check the values of the fields to determine what to show in the gridview row. However, in some cases I want to show a row with just a single label that spans all columns, when the data values in the row can't be calculated. Is there a way to override the rendering...

Why do I get poor performance when rendering different images with UIImage on iPhone

Hi, I'm using UIImage to render a game map from 32x32 blocks. The code is as follows for( int x = 0; x < rwidth; ++x) { for(int y = 0; y < rheight; ++y) { int bindex = [current_map GetTileIndex:x :y]; CGPoint p; p.x = x * tile_size_x; p.y = y * tile_size_x; [img_list[bindex] drawAtPoint:p]; } } This ends up rendering abo...

Render View (or Partial) In another project?

Hello, i have a solution with the following two projects - MyNamespace.Services and MyNamespace.Web. Web contains a MVC web application. In the Service project i have a EmailService class that takes care of sending out emails to the user. I want to use either a partial or a view (ascx or aspx) for email templates. I have found severa...

Why are linkbuttons not grayed out when disabled in FireFox?

Why when I set enabled=false on a button does it not render correctly in Firefox? Instead of graying out the link it is still blue. [UPDATE] already removes such tags on the link so the only thing that is needed is to grey out he link. In other words a CSS style change not a functionality change. The following effectively re...

fixing glCopyTexSubImage2D upside down textures

Since I've started learning about rendering to a texture I grew to understand that glCopyTexSubImage2D() will copy the designated portion of the screen upside down. I tried a couple of simple things that came to mind in order to prevent/work around this but couldn't find an elegant solution. there are two problems with doing a ::glScal...

Strategy for building menus with multiple, overlapping roles

I have a system for students, instructors, and administrators. Sometimes an instructor can also be an administrator. I intend to store menus and submenus in XML. Should I store admin and instructor menus in separate nodes, and then combine them when I render, or should I have one master menu with roles attached that shows all the option...

render default template when requested template is missing in Rails

For a plugin I want to hack the following feature into Rails: When a (partial) template does not exist (regardless of the format) I want to render a default template. So say I call an action 'users/index' if users/index.html.erb does not (or other format) exist, 'default/index.html.erb' should be rendered. Similarly, If I call an act...

decreasing sifr render time

I'm using sifr for a few items on this page: unfortunately it seems that the rendering is very slow, does anyone have any idea of how to: a) speed up the rendering process b) hide all "to be sifr'd" items until all of them are ready? ...

What happened to the ReportingService.Render Method()

Our company started using SQL Server reporting services integrated with sharepoint from the old reporting services with SQL 2000. The web service that is available is called ReportingService2006 and it has lost the .Render method that used to be available in the old ReportingService. My question is what happened? How do I render a rep...

Desktop search that won't display source files rendered as HTML

I've been using X1 and Microsoft Search to index my source code, but find that asp and other web files are indexed as HTML and searchable by the HTML content rather than the source code. Is there a desktop search that lets me index my code samples as TEXT and not apply the formatting and restrict my search? ...

Rendering splash screen on the iPhone using Open GL ES

Hi, I want to render a splash screen on the iPhone whilst using an Open GL view. The iPhone screen as we know is 320x480, which is not a power of 2. Before I enter into the world of chopping the texture up and rendering sub parts, or embedding the screen on another texture page I was wondering if there was another way? Is it possible ...

How to Donut Cache a Partial View on Site.Master?

I'm trying to use donut-caching on the Site.Master page for things like the User Login and Shopping Cart, so that we can put OutputCache on some of the more resource intensive pages in our app. Currently, I'm using the tag and then writing out the html from the static method in the code behind. <asp:Substitution ID="Substitutio...

Render multiple images to a bitmap in C# Winforms

I'm developing a set of applications for use creating games in XNA. Using Graphics.drawImage I can easily draw a preview image from an XNA texture2D object. Each object, eg Character, Map etc, is made up of a List of parts, each part storing information such as position rotation and texture source. The next step is to render a preview o...

One controller rendering using another controller's views

I have QuestionController I now have AnotherQuestionController with actions which should render using templates and partials in app/views/question/ Is this possible? Seems like it should be. I've tried render :template => "question/answer" but answer.html.erb includes partials and I get errors like "Missing template another_questi...

How to get the size of the font on a webpage?

In webspiders/crawlers how can i get the actual initial rendered size of the font a user sees in an HTML document, keeping CSS in mind. ...

(Ruby,Rails,Javascript) Redirecting/Rendering a different page when Javascript is disabled...?

Hi All, I'm having severe issues with Rails, Javascript, and redirects. Basically I have the "simple" issue of redirecting to a different page if JS is disabled. If JS is enabled, then I add a new item inline immediately -- this works like a charm. However, if JS is disabled I want to redirect to the NEW page of a different controlle...