
Render two or more partial views

I have an Ajax.Actionlink that fires to a method that is placed inside my controller which returns a list of users and renders a partial view. [Authorize] public ActionResult UsersAddresses() { ... ... return PartialView("AddressesList",users); } Is there any way how I can render two or more partial views at the same t...

SharePoint Web Part: rendering according to user selection

I am writing a SharePoint web part that interacts with a SQL database, allowing users to set a few parameters with some dropdownlists and pull the record for a given customer. I would like for one of three particular HTML tables to be displayed once the customer is selected. What I am confused about is how I can render HTML after the pa...

Early response termination when using an ASP.NET Master Page

I have a page which needs to terminate execution of it's code (which is run at render) but not stop the execution of the MasterPage. The problem is this, page 'Default.aspx' uses the masterpage 'MasterPage1.aspx'. The code in Default.aspx checks a certain condition and if found to be true, Default.aspx needs to stop executing, but rende...

rails ajax render :update in controller responds slowly

Hi, I'm working on a rails project and I experienced that the response to ajax calls are slow in both development and production. Response comes around 8 sec. I observed also that i have some actions that has a response time around 80ms. The difference in the two acitions is that the slower was rendered using render :update do |page| .....

How can I render HTML as text using Perl as Lynx does?

Possible Duplicate: Which CPAN module would you recommend for turning HTML into plain text? Question: Is there a module to render HTML, specifically to gather the text, while adhering to font-style tags, such as <tt>, <b>, <i>, etc and break-line <br>, similar to Lynx. For example: # cat test.html <body> <div id="foo" c...

Rails render XML of a INNER JOIN

I'm using 2 joined models class Product < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :providers end class Provider < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :products end and my controller looks like this class ProductsController < ApplicationController @products = Product.find( :all, :joins => :providers, ...

Rendering 20 large identical listBoxes

I have an HTML table with rows (20 rows). Every row has a listbox of countries (about 250 countries) that are filled using a single dataset from the database. Loading time is quick enough, but rendering time is really a mess. Is there any way I can speed the rendering of those listboxes? ...

sharepoint custom field render differently in "View Properties" mode "Edit Properties" and Norman Display in page

I have one custom field. Here are different render of that page. In EditForm.aspx [Through Edit Properties] In DispForm.aspx [Through Edit Properties] I have overrided Display Mode and Edit Mode. But when I put field in a page layout. The page do not show any result. It just show Mode[Display] text. Please, give some advice. Tha...

Render a content control in another tab of TabControl

I have a program wherein there are multiple tabs added dynamically to a TabControl object programmatically. What I want to do is render the Content value of each of these tabs to a PNG. I am using a script I picked up elsewhere on StackOverflow or perhaps Google (lost the source). My code looks like this: if (tabPanel.Items.Count > 0) {...

iphone UIWebView Unicode Arabic Html Slow Rendering

Hello Guys, i use the UIWebView to load Arabic Html, using UTF8 Unicode, but the rendering is deadly slow, so is the scrolling. on the contrary when using English Html, everything works more reasonable. any advice on how to render unicode Html on the UIWebView?? Appreciate your Help! Thanks. ...

Rails render if fails

I've been struggling with this for a while now... I have a more complex form (saves one transaction and two transaction_data at the same time). I got it to save all right, however I am struggling with the handling of errors. If I use the following in "create" - in case of an error - it doesn't hold any of the values I've had on the sam...

Rendering XML response on Grails problem

Hello, I'm having problems rendering an XML file parsed via XMLSlurper to an XML variable. Below is my code. def userFile =new File("test.xml") def xml= new XmlSlurper().parse(userFile) render xml The problem is I cannot see the xml being rendered into my flex app. ...

iphone uiview circle?

Newbie Q. I wish to subclass a UIView so that it renders a circle. How is that done in an iPhone? ...

IE8 Toggle Bug?

I think I have an issue with IE8 and it's driving me nuts. let me explain it with images and an online demo. When you first visit the page it's all normal as you see below Then when you click to the "Click here to add new one" button.. it displays a div that includes a form... untill now it still works fine as you see below... Whe...

OpenGL Threaded Tile Texture Loading with Qt 4.5 / 4.6

Hi, I am trying to develop am map application for scientific purposes at my university. Therefor I got access to a lot of tiles (256x256). I can access them and save them to an QImage in a seperate QThread. My Problem is, how can I actually manage to load the QImage into a texture within the seperate QThread (not the GUI main thread)? Or...

iPhone: rendering of different views possible?

Hello all! I have a problem, I can't solve properly. In short: I want to create a single view (say: UIImageView) out of multiple subviews - i.e. it consists out of multiple ImageViews and TextViews. The thing is, I want to sort of 'render' them to be a single View. Say, I take an image, add some description below, add a title above,...

How can i render a json response from a hash while maintaining order in ruby on rails?

hey out there, i am failing to render a json response in ruby on rails from a hash datastructure of country-names with their country-codes: { "AF"=>"Afghanistan", "AL"=>"Albania", "DZ"=>"Algeria", ... }, so that the json response has its entries alphabetically ordered like this: { "AF":"Afghanistan", "AL":"Albania", "DZ"=>"Algeria" ... ...

Entire Table is pushed to the next page when rendering a SSRS 2005 Report (as .pdf) in SSRS 2008

I have a SSRS 2005 report that I'm rendering in SSRS 2008 as a .pdf. The report contains (among other things) a table that's very simple: header row, details, no footer, no aggregation, no grouping, keep together = false, pageBreakAtStart = false, pageBreakAtEnd = false, repeatHeaderOnNewPage = true. I resized the table to be much narrow...

Useful program to render CSS in different browsers instead of installing each one separately?

In order to test CSS in different browsers, do I have to result to installing each browser on my development system? Isn't there a useful program where you can just load an html+css file and view how it's rendered in different modern browsers? ...

Render w Params or Redirect w Errors in Ruby on Rails

I am using ruby on rails and have things on my site that users can click to save and they are redirected to a page with both a login and a signup so that the user can continue with either option and save the content. The creates a problem for showing the proper user validation errors, b/c I need to use a redirect_to users/new in order t...