
How can I modify the entire ASP.NET page content right before it's output?

I have a page that has a bunch of user controls on it. I want to be able to have "macros" or "placeholders" directly in the content that will get replaced in my code. It shouldn't really matter, but I'm using Ektron as my CMS. Are there any page events that I can hook into to do a string replace on the entire rendered page content, ri...

Jtable - Coloring rows according to data within them and repeating this after the user asks for data to be filtered

The data for my table is held within the table model. Table rows should be colored white or gray. Looking only at a certain column, if the cell's value of the current row is incremented by 1 compared to the previous one the color should switch. I seem to have accomplished this by overriding the prepareRenderer method. However, the user ...

32 pixel gap at top of opengl es texture

I am trying for the first time to render to a texture using openGL ES (for iPhone) and then display the texture on the screen. Everything works except that there is a 32 row gap at the top of the texture and the bottom 32 rows are cut off. It's like all of my drawing is being offset 32 pixels down, which results in the bottom 32 rows not...

How can you "plug into" the WPF rendercycle to get accurate results from VisualTreeHelper?

I am currently writing a WPF User control (PARENT) which can contain multiple child (CHILD) user controls. I am connecting the (CHILD) controls with polylines. To do this I need the locations of the CHILD user controls. However, the locations i get from VisualTreeHelper.GetOffset are zero. WPF is probably not finished yet with sizing an...

help with rails render action vs routing

I was using some image cropping example that I found online and now I got confused. There is actually no "crop" method in my controller. Instead (following the guide) I put a render :action => 'cropping', :layout=> "admin" In my create method. That renders a page the view called cropping.html.erb . It works fine but I have no idea h...

What's the difference between Render and RenderControl in WebControl creation?

I've recently learned to write my own WebControls, but I'm still hazy on the difference between Render and RenderControl. I started out using Render, but at some point I started using RenderControl, which I now use exclusively. If I'm forming a bad habit I'd like to nip it in the bud now before I get set in my ways. ...

Methods for limiting the Rails render format to html

I have a Rails 2.1.2 site that only has html templates e.g. jobs.html.erb, so when I request a restful resource: It renders my job in html, however, if I request: I get the error: Template is missing Missing template jobs/show.xml.erb in view path c:/workspace/mysite/app...

Running a premade bulletin board through my Front Controller in Zend

Hi all, I tried to ask this once, but I think that my former question was too unclear for you guys to answer, so I'll try again I'm making a website using the Zend Framework, and am trying to include the premade messageboard Phorum. So far, I've made it work by not running it through my bootstrap using my .htaccess file. What I'd li...

Is it possible to take a crawled html file, and get information about how a browser would render it?

Examples of stuff I'd like to do: - process javascript and produce new DOM - be able to provide information about DOM objects as rendered (e.g. position, size) Edit: My main concern is if a page contains a large, central flash object (typically a movie or game). ...

Using g.render in a grails service

I'm trying to use g.render in a grails service, but it appears that g is not provided to services by default. Is there a way to get the templating engine to render a view in the service? I may be going about this the wrong way. What I'm looking to to is render the view from a partial template to a string, and send the resulting string...

How do I create a link to a specific Post object in a Rails view?

I am new to rails so excuse any easy questions. I have developed a blog and I am doing some customization. Just curious, if I want to render a specific post on my index.html.erb page is that possible. For instance if I create a post, title: Cool Post and it has a post_id of 25 in the table, in my index page can I call that specific post ...

How do I force the browser to render the tags rather than reveal them to the user on altered div:innerHTML?

I'm allowing the user to select text contained within <div></div> and change it to bolded text. In other words from <div>this is some text</div> to <div>this is <b>some</b> text</div>. All is working except that when I change the div.innerHTML to this is <b>some</b> text, the <b>some</b> tags are shown to the user rather than being rend... render partial -render ascx page tnto aspx page

hey..i am new to and i want to know how to render a partial page (.ascx) into .aspx page on a link click ...

ScaleTransform applied to elements in stackpanel causes "white" space

When I add UserControls that have a ScaleTransform applied to them to a StackPanel, I see that there is extra space in between the controls as though the transform was not applied. From what I understand, a transform doesn't actual change the width/height of a control, but rather changes the render width/height. If this is the case, ho...

render :partial with a manipulated :collection

Hi. Say I have a collection of @dogs, and I want to render part of the collection in one place and the rest in another. It's easy to spit them all out together: render :partial => 'dogs/summary', :collection => @dogs, :as => :dog But is it possible to manipulate (refine) your collection in-line, or is it better practice to make those...

how to display an exsiting xml file to user in RoR

Hi, I have an xml file and I want to display(render) it as it is to the user, i.e I want to keep the tags. How should I do in RoR? I have tried render :file=>"/path/to/file.xml", but the tag <product> disappeared. //file.xml <product>car</product> Update: I found the behavior is browers-dependent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; e...

Open GL ES - Z order when rendering 2D sprites

Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to make OpenGL ES render a batch of quads (rendered with texture page changes) and render them in z order (or reverse). Note I don't want a ZBuffer, I just want quads rendered in order of zDepth. Now I know people will say just render them in order, well I render grouped by texture page. However ...

Why doesn't Internet Explorer render this page smoothly?

Have a look at this page in IE 8: It looks okay at first, but try hovering over an item and then taking your mouse off the item grid again. Before After Notice how there's a black border on the right of the yellow item. Also, the font looks different. How can I fix this? ...

RenderControl - src property is wiped after RenderControl is called with HtmlImage

Hi After I call RenderControl on a HtmlImage, the src property gets wiped e.g. public class Class1 { public static void Main(string[] args) { HtmlImage img = new HtmlImage(); img.Src = "/"; img.Width = 40; img.Height = 40; RenderImage(...

jQuery - "Drop-Up" Menu

Hi there! Anyone knows a jQuery menu plugin that allows that the render of menu is drop-up instead of drop-down? Thanks in advance for the help, Best regards! ...