
When does a page get rendered in ASP.NET?

I'm writing am ASP.NET/C# project, it's a simple blog page with commnents. Problem I'm having when button click you see comments load original blogload plus blogs and comments, trying to get it to load blog/comment selected only. If I try not to load blog in page_load or have it only do if not postback nothing is displayed. Any help wou...

Ruby on Rails - render layout

I'm trying to split up a web site into two sections. One which should use the application layout and one that should use the admin layout. In my application.rb I created a function as follows: def admin_layout if current_user.is_able_to('siteadmin') render :layout => 'admin' else render :layout => 'application' end end ...

iPhone OpenGl render text

Does anyone know how can i render a string on the iphone? Its for displaying my frame per second with =p ...

WPF - Dynamic Form with events, database interaction.

Friends, I have a WPF requirement... Just like we create the HTML page, someone said we can also create the XAML pages, call them into the form (on Windows Form). My idea is to create a dynamic form at run-time. This form should supports the XAML based controls rendering, events I searched a lot but I did not find anything ready. I my...

How to render a smooth path given a set of data points?

Hi, I've been puzzling over path rendering for the past couple of days without any real solution. By path rendering I mean given a set of x,y data points (at varying distance) to draw a dashed line (or in my case a rotated quad) of fixed length at regular intervals between the give data set points to create a smooth path. If you have ...

Google Chrome CSS/rendering bug?

Here is my website: link text On my website, it seems every updated browser (FF, Opera, Safari, IE8, IE7, and even IE6) seem to render the separating line between my content div and sideMenu div. However, chrome browser doesn't seem to want to render the background to the container div (link text) where the content div is. It seems li...

sIFR ok on one browser not on on onother (not trivial!)

Hi, I use newest sIFR version. It works on some browsers and does not on other. Flash version doesn't seem to matter, and on one computer it works on IE8 but won't go with FF3. The thing is that if it fails to work it just displays nothing, no regular text/typefaces, just an empty space. The site is Do you hav...

Loading of controls outside of Page_Load is a no-no?

My apologies in advance for posting such a lengthy question. Believe it or not, what you see here actually represents a fairly condensed version of the problem/code at hand. And while I would appreciate any pointers on a better or different approach, I would also very much like to get the bottom of this so that I can sleep at night :)...

How to render a view a grails portlet

How do i render a view in a portlet. Have an action that handles a form submit from a portlet view window. def actionView = { //TODO Define action phase println "IN THE ACTION !!!!" String name = portletRequest.getParameter("name") if(name){ println "RESNDERING RESULT" render(view:'result',m...

Page object problem

Hi, I have a class which generate a dynamic page. Panel myPanel = new Panel(); TextBox myTextBox = new TextBox(); myPanel.Controls.Add(myTextBox); Page thePage = new Page(); thePage.Form.Controls.Add(myPanel); return thePage; my class basically do this. I call my class and I get thePage object from code-behind. Now, How can I r...

Info for build the API for render in 3D Max/Maya/Blender, etc

I'm recollecting info for build a render farm manager. I have almost everything except the info about how actually render the image, in the best possible way. The project will be for use inside a gov agency and need, at least, support for 3D Max, maya, Blender. Will manage several dozens of 8 Cores/8 GIb of render nodes. This will be u...

Control static on page

Hello, This question is a bit tricky, If something is not clear, please ask to explain. This is happing on all pages that follow this logic: An asp:ValidationSummary on top of the page Some client side validators One Telerik RadUpload control The problem happens when a client side validator is triggered and it's error message is di...

ASPX page renders differently when reached on intranet vs. internet?

This is so odd to me.. I have IIS 5 running on XP and it's hosting a small ASP.Net app for our LAN that we can access by using the computer name, virtual directory, and page name (http://matt/smallapp/customers.aspx), but you can also hit that IIS server and page from the internet because I have a public IP that my firewall routes to the...

rendering JSP to a string

What is the way to render jsp file to a string? Is it possible without using frameworks like spring/struts/etc?.. ...

How to render primitives in wireframe in Open Gl ES

Hi, I can see how to render wireframe primitives in open gl. By using glPolygonMode, however this call seems to be missing from Open GL ES. Does anyone know how to render primitives in wireframe on Open GL ES? Thanks Rich ...

rails: put and interruption in before filter

I want a before filter like "must_have_permission_to_write" that when called if user hasn't permission to write renders a message saying "you can't do that!" and return. Problem is I'm getting "can only render or redirect once per action" of course... how can I stop the execution in the before filter? thanks ...

Cannot render form tag using 'render' in Grails Controller

Using markup with the render is not adding the form tag. I tried this with contentType "text/html", "txt/xml" and it does not work. I have this in my controller: def myTest= { render(contentType: "text/plain") { div(id:"myDiv") { p "somess text inside the div" form (action:'get') { p "inside form" } } ...

Rails: Pass parameters with render :action ??

I have a form that displays differently depending on the parameter it was called with. Ex. testsite.local/users/new?type=client So if type was a or b, the form would display different fields. My problem is when the form is filled out incorrectly, because if the user couldn't be saved corrently, it renders the form with the default e...

Render partial from another model

Hi everyone, I have a rails application that models a house. There is a house model that has many parameters and it has_many rooms. A room has a house_id and a name. I've also used to allow many lights and small_appliances to be added to room. complex-form-example uses RJS and partials to...

How do you render a User control from a ashx or webservice?

Question is it possible to have a .ashx or webservice return a user control rendered? if so how would i do this? ...