
Source Control for multiple projects/solutions with shared libraries

I am currently working on a project to convert a number of Excel VBA powered workbooks to VSTO solutions. All of the workbooks will share a number of class libraries and third party assemblies, in fact most of the work is done in the class libraries. I currently have my folder structure laid out like this. Base Libraries Ass...

How to update created and modified fields using the repository design pattern?

I am currently working on my first mvc application. I am trying to drink the kool-aid of all the the sample projects I see and trying to use the repository design pattern. I have a interface called IUserRepository that looks like the following: public interface IUserRepository { IUser Add(IUser user); IQueryable<IUser>...

When to separate certain entities into different repositories?

I generally try and keep all related entities in the same repository. The following are entities that have a relationship between the two (marked with indentation): User UserPreference So they make sense to go into a user repository. However users are often linked to many different entities, what would you do in the following examp...

Mercurial with multiple projects

I have a couple of projects with different release cycles sitting in my svn repository. Releases are created by using the classic tags structure in svn. When there are bugs to fix in releases a branch is created from a tag, the bug is fixed and then merged from there into trunk. Now, for multiple reasons, I want to switch from svn to me...

Repository structure when having two "configs" of the same base repo?

So I'm having a bit of a structure problem with my repositories. I hope you guys can give me a few pointers on how to go forward with this. Setup; I have one large web project, with several opensource solutions integrated. I have it all in a Bazaar repository. Problem; I want two or more "configs" of this site now, meaning the databa...

Repository Pattern Best Practice

So I'm implementing the repository pattern in an application and came across two "issues" in my understanding of the pattern: Querying - I've read responses that IQueryable should not be used when using repositories. However, it's obvious that you'd want to so that you are not returning a complete List of objects each time you call a m...

Handling relations between multiple subversion projects

In my company we are using one SVN repository to hold our C++ code. The code base is composed from a common part (infrastructure and applications), and client projects (developed as plugins). The repository layout looks like this: Infrastructure App1 App2 App3 project-for-client-1 App1-plugin App2-plugin Configuration project-for-cl...

svn: module organization early in the development process

OK, I understand the trunk/tags/branches thingy for a repository with a single project. Now let's say I have a main project and a number of smaller auxiliary modules/ plugins / tools / scripts etc. During the early stages there's a lot of renaming, reorganization, etc., and some of them die an early death because they go nowhere. It doe...

SVN Repository Structure

I am getting ready to set up an SVN repository, and was wondering if anyone had a good example for a repo structure. I am currently thinking: Development .. Applications .... App1 ...... trunk ...... branches ...... tags .. Database .. Third Party While this structure could probably hold everything we need, I would l...

How should I lay out my repository?

I'm moving an application out of an svn repository it shares with a bunch of other stuff into its own, brand new one. So, I have a chance to make a fresh start with layout. The app itself has two components - a reasonably standard Java webapp, that talks to a database, and a backend component, also Java, that polls the db, and kicks off...

Accessing other tables/object from my Repository

I have created myself a typed repository interface IRepository that has methods defined such as Save, Delete, FindById, FindAll etc I then created a concrete class Repository that implements all these methods using: _context.GetTable(typeof(TEntity). I can than create my CustomerRepository like so: public class CustomerRepository : Re...

Subversion Repository Layout

Most subversion tools create a default repository layout with /trunk, /branches and /tags. The documentation also recommends not using separate repositories for each project, so that code can be more easily shared. Following that advice has led to me having a repository with the following layout: /trunk /Project1 /Project2...

What's the correct way of accessing reference data in this Domain Data Modelling scenario?

Initial Warning: Long post and I might have got the pattern totally wrong anyway: Given the following class which is the start of the Customer Aggregate: public class Customer : KeyedObject { public Customer(int customerId) { _customerRepository.Load(this); } private ICustomerRepository _customerRepository = IoC.Res...

Changing a file tree in tortoisesvn

Hi all, We have a subversion repository which was set up without using the standard \trunk \tags \branch layout and now after a couple of years we are looking to rectify this. We use tortoiseSVN. Our current system is that we have a "dev" folder with various subdirectories for UI, Business Logic, etc. Ideally, we would want to have a ...

How do I access svn branches using git-svn with a non-standard svn repo layout?

The standard repo layout in svn is as follows. /trunk /branches featureX featureY /tags 1.0 2.0 The repository I'm working with is a much flatter structure. trunk featureX featureY Essentially, trunk is at the same level as the other branches. I can't use the -s or -b option with git svn init because of this. How ...

Setting up a project directory structure for git repo of a website

I'm working on a drupal website. I've been keeping an svn repository of my custom modules which I've recently ported to github to work with another developer. Coming from SVN I'm used to just being able to update my custom modules folder on the staging website directly from my SVN repository. But from what I've read (correct me if I'...