
Flex Child Canvas insise a Canvas and resizing question

Hi, I have a Canvas A with scrollpolicy on, A has one unique Child canvas B which has no scrolling. A is the container of B which is a whiteboard like tool. If i dont set width and height of B, he will resize accordingly to A size, up to a certain point where A has scrollbars which is the good Behavior. However since B canvas seems t...

properly sizing an iframe that holds images of unknown dimensions

Hi: I have a C# webbrowser that holds an html page that has several iframes. Each iframe holds an arbitrary html file, often with images. The img tags often don't have any width or height attributes (ie, it's often just <img src="someimage.jpg">). I've read about how to size iframes based on their content, and have gotten it to work ...

Can someone verify that this is an IE8 memory leak?

The leak is pretty easy to create. Place the HTML below alongside a list of large images named "TestImage0.jpg", "TestImage1.jpg",..."TestImage9.jpg". The page will leak memory (I used sIEve for testing) on every click of the page. If the resize css is removed, the page will not leak. Can anyone confirm that this is an IE8 problem, or th...

Image resizing - sometimes very poor quality?!

I'm resizing some images to the screen resolution of the user; if the aspect ratio is wrong, the image should be cut. My code looks like this: protected void ConvertToBitmap(string filename) { var origImg = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(filename); var widthDivisor = (double)origImg.Width / (double)System.Windows.Form...

Resize Modal Window in Javascript

Hola, I'm trying to resize my modal dialog window when certain items are hidden/shown. window.resizeTo(800, 600); I've tried using code like above, but it doesn't seem to work. I think because it is a modal dialog, and not a regular window. Any suggestions as to how I could resize this? ...

SWT Canvas Location

I'm using the most recent stable version of SWT. I have a Shell containing a ToolBar, a ScrolledComposite, and a Canvas. The Canvas is set as the ScrolledComposite's content (e.g. scrolledComposite.setContent(canvas)). The Canvas is created with a specific size that never changes (say, 400 x 400). Whereas the ScrolledComposite is con...

WPF column resize performance issues

Are there in general any known performance issues in WPF related to grid column resizing? I have an application where I need to do some particular things in a column, but for all the different solutions I find the column resizing gets slow. This applies when I have typically more than 1000 elements in my list, but I assume this isn't t...

WPF: How to make canvas auto-resize?

I would like my canvas to automatically resize to the size of its items, so that the ScrollViewer scroll bars have the correct range. Can this be done in XAML? <ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" x:Name="_scrollViewer"> <Grid x:Name ="_canvasGrid" Background="Yellow"> <Canvas x:Name="_canvas" HorizontalAlignme...

how do I link my YUI datatable so it is resized when the YUI layout panel it is in is resized

I'm developing a fairly simple database fed web app, that really just displays the contents of a DB in a grid control. I have a YUI datatable control which displays the data in a grid, and it resides inside a YUI layout control which splits my screen into 4 panels. The datable is sized to fit entirely into one panel of the yui layout co...

Components in module disappear when browser is resized (Flex 3)

We have this Flex app built on Builder 3 and we're using SuperTabNavigator from FlexLib to have some modules displayed. The thing is, whenever the user resizes the browser window all the contents on any tabs open simply disappear and there's no way to get them back. This only happens the first time, so if you close these 'broken' tabs an...

Problem with ContentControl resizing

I've been hitting my head against a wall with this one for a while now. I've got a custom control that derives from ContentControl - it's working perfectly EXCEPT that it won't resize to fit its parent, either declaratively OR programatically. The custom control is parented within (ultimately) a content presenter, and that's correctly ...

Fastest C/C++ image resizing library

I am writing a application that needs to resize massive amounts of images... and these are my requirements C/C++ Support jpeg/png at least Fast Cross-Platform So far my options are OpenCV CImg ImageMagick GraphicsMagick (say their fast) DevIL GIL from Boost CxImage Imlib2 (say their fast) Any others? All of these would get the j...

Resizing images and performance

I have an image that is around 1200 x 400 (if I remember right), and is about 50kb in size. I use the image in a header for a website, but I constrict the height of the image to 100px in order to make it fit my header. <asp:Image ID="imgLogo" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/AFact.jpg" Height="100px" /> Is this a bad practice? Does ...

resize a window in Xul

Hi All, Can anyone tell me that how can i resize a window in XUL.I tried resizable but it is not working. ...

C# Containers -- Filling a Space Vertically on Resize

I'm new to C# and I've been working on a small project to get the feel with Visual Studio 2008. I'm designing the GUI in C#, and I have a TabControl with three GroupBoxes. These three GroupBoxes are anchored to the left and right of the screen and work perfectly when resized horizontally. I would like these three boxes to take up 33% of...

jQuery: div pops back to full size after animation

In the jQuery example below, I have one div inside another. When I animate the inner div down to a width of 0, the outer div (which has absolute positioning), decreases in width along with it. This is desired. The trouble is that after the animation is complete, the outer div pops back to its original size. Is this expected? How can I ...

C# Tell If Form Is Maximising

Ok heres my problem. I have a form that when it is not maximised, its maximum size has to be the total height of the components inside the form. To achieve this, i use this: private void resize_form(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(1000, this.panel4.Height + this.label2.Height + this.HeightMin...

(Java) Appearing/Disappearing JLabel in a JPanel only disappears on resize

I'm working in Java, and I have a JPanel in a JFrame. In that JPanel, among other things, I have a JLabel that I want to make appear and disappear at will. I've tried setting visibility to true/false, adding and removing it from the JFrame and JPanel, and, having looked online, I tried validate()ing and revalidate()ing ad infinitum. What...

What is the best way to resize a BitmapData object?

Say I have a BitmapData of 600x600 and I want to scale it down to 100x100. ...

Resize Combobox in win32 (change width)

I have the following code to generate a ComboBox: HWND h = CreateWindowEx("COMBOBOX", "Text", CBS_DROPDOWN | WS_CHILD, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, ParentWnd, 0, 0, 200, 24); The combobox is created on my form no problem, however if I try resizing it with the following it won't work: SetWindowPos(h, 0, 0, 0, NewWidth, OldHeight, SWP_NOMOVE | SW...