
Resize window with actionscript 3.0

Is there any way to resize an entire Flash project using Actionscript or some other method? I have created a 1024x768 Flash CS3 application, but upon closer inspection of the specifications, I now realise it has to be 800x600. Instead of manually making everything smaller, I'd like to resize the window as if someone were dragging the o...

Maximizing WPF Doesn't Update Width?

The width property of the screen doesn't seem to update to the fully maximized width when maximizing a window. If I resize it everything works fine, but not when maximizing. The code I have is as follows: private void Window_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e) { UpdateColumns(); } private vo...

Resizing Jtable column widths wont work.

//can set column widths using percentages private void setPreferredTableColumnWidths(JTable table, double[] percentages) { Dimension tableDim = table.getSize(); double total = 0; for(int i = 0; i < table.getColumnModel().getColumnCount(); i++) total += percentages[i]; table.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_O...

Resize and repositon div using javascript

I'm trying to do a simple resize and reposition of a div element that shows a ajax loading image. The content it loads can change size, so I want the div element to resize to be the size of the parent, which in this case is a table dimension with the id "thEngineCategories". function resize_divProgress() { var control =

WebView with a lot of data very sluggish to repaint when resizing

I have a lot of data in a WebView that I am loading... once its loaded navigation is very fast and the application runs great, but when resizing the main window, which resizes the WebView, it is very slow. It takes about 2-3 seconds to resize... is there anything I can do to help this? ...

javascript resize event firing multiple times while dragging the resize handle

I was hoping this jQuery plug-in would work, but it didn't I added a comment to his site, but they're moderated, so you might not see it yet. But anyhow, let me explain my desire. I want a "resize" type of event to be fired when the user either pauses his resize, and/or comple...

Cannot get jQuery resizable to work: What am I doing wrong?

Here is my simple code to try and test if jQuery resizable is working. I use other jQuery components just fine using the google.load, and I've tried swapping out the google.load for a local version with no difference. I've tested in 3 browsers, I've copied code from several demo/tutorial sites (where it works find on their site). <!DO...

GDI+ resizing for Pixel zoom

I want to resize an image with the GDI library so that when I resize it to be larger than before there is no blending. (Like when you zoom in on an image in a paint program) EG: If my image is 2px wide, and 2px tall (white, white, white, black) , and I resize it to be 100% larger, it is 4px by 4px tall (white, white, white, white, white...

IPhone/Safari: Is there a way to stop resizing the page on load?

This is a long shot but I'm hoping there's a way to stop IPhones from resizing a page on load. Problem is if it's a site with a lot of need for refreshing (Say a forum) it gets a little old for users to have to resize that page every refresh. Is there a way to force Safari/The IPhnone to not minimize the site on refresh that doesn't in...

WPF Resize Windows

I maintain a touch screen application that I'm re-writing into .Net. Through the years the resolution of the touch screens has increased greatly. Not only is the resolution higher, but the pixels are also much more dense making it harder to see/operate the touch buttons. Is there a way with WPF to force application windows to scale t...

Resizing iframe to fit its content

I have an iframe where the src is an htm file and this iframe is put inside usercontrol : <iframe frameborder="0" src="CName.htm" align="left" width="730" height="1100" ></iframe> i need the iframe to resized according to the content so that it's height is set according to the hieght of the html file and i don't need to use scrolling ...

Looking for Recommendation on Windows Forms .Net Resizing Component

By default windows forms resize logic is limited--anchoring and docking. In the past I've rolled my own custom resize logic when required. However, I'm getting started on a project that has a large number of very complex forms that must auto-resize to different resolutions. I don't care to invest a ton of time in resize logic. I see th...

IE6 Text Resize in JavaScript Modal

I am having an issue where IE6 will not re-size the text in a JavaScript generated modal window. If I leave the parent page text size at medium open the modal window and then re-size the the text to largest, the text becomes cut off in the modal window. If I close the modal window and leave the text size at largest, then re-open the moda...

resizing the html table width in jquery

I need to vary a table's width after a click event in jQuery. HTML: <table class="zebra" border=0> Case 1: $("table.zebra").css("width","600px"); Case 2: $("table.zebra").css("width","200px"); CSS: table.zebra{} table.zebra tr.even td, table.zebra tr.even th { background-color:#FDD017; } table.zebra tr.odd td { back...

Resize a picture to a fixed size

Hello , I need to resize a picture to a fixed size. But it has to keep the factors between the width and height. Say I want to resize a picture from 238 (w) X 182 (h) to 210 / 150 What I do now is: Original width / target width = 1.333333 Original Height / target Height = 1.213333 Now I take the smallest factor. Now I always hav...

Why does resizing a png image lose transparency?

I am trying to resize an image as follows. I return the resized image into byte[] so that I can store it in database. The transparency of png image is lost. Please help to make this better. private byte[] GetThumbNail(string imageFile, Stream imageStream, int imageLen) { try { Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort imageCallBack = ...

Can you resize a C++ array after initialization?

I'm learning to program, and C++ is my first language. Don't bother using pointers to show me - I don't understand them yet, and won't bother until I have more free time to dedicate to this. int mergeSort() { const int n = 9; int originalarray[n] = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 2, 4, 6, 8}; const int halfelements = (sizeof(originala...

How do I Resize entire screen?

I want to be able to re size everything that is displayed - taskbar, windows, desktop - everything and put it in a border. What is the best way to accomplish this? I'm thinking DirectX, but I am not that familiar with it. I'm not sure what technologies would accomplish this, but I bet it would have to be rather low level. ...

Resizing a Single Control In WinForms

How might I design a UI in C#/WinForms which happens to contain several different control types such that only the ListView control gets resized if the user resizes the window? ...

better quality thumbnails from larger image files

I'm showing images from other websites as thumbnails. To do this I display them in a smaller img tag so the browser does the size decrease. The problem is that the quality of these images (which I have no control of) is diminished. Also they look much better in FF and Safari than in IE. Is there a way to make these images look better w...