
Table which doesn't shrink while resizing

Hello, Can someone please tell me how to create a table which doesn't shrink when the window is resized. I tried creating a table with a fixed width, but it causes problems in the Print Preview.I also tried white-space:nowrap which also didn't help. Can someone please help me to fix this. ...

resize image with keeping aspect ratio in java

hello all im trying to resize bufferdImage in memory in java but to keep the aspect ratio of the image im have something like this but this is not good int w = picture.getWidth(); int h = picture.getWidth(); int neww=w; int newh=h; int wfactor = w; in...

jQuery FancyBox Resize

Hi, Does anyone know how to resize the jQuery Fancybox during runtime? When initialising the fancybox I can do this: $("tag").fancybox({ 'frameWidth': 500, 'frameHeight': 700 }); I am filling the fancybox with dynamic content and want it to resize according to the content. Anyone has a clue? Thanks, Swiftaxe ...

WPF Textbox & Borders - curious resizing behavior

The following XAML produces a window with strange behavior around the textbox: <Window x:Class="WpfSandbox.CuriousExample" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="CuriousExample" Height="300" Width="300"> <DockPanel Margin="15"> ...

Can anybody suggest the best image resize script in php?

HI i need all types of images resize script in php ...

How to deal with color loss on GDI+ Image Resize?

Hello All, I am resizing images with C#/GDI+ using the following routing bmpOut = new Bitmap(lnNewWidth, lnNewHeight); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpOut); g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear; g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, lnNewWidth, lnNewHeigh...

resizing event in flex

Hi community, I have the following problem. I use a custom component for painting a graph on a canvas, now when the windows is resized I want to determine the actual width and height of my canvas to resize the graph as well, therefore I used the resize event I can use in mxml. Now I detected in my method for resizing I only receive the ...

HTML & CSS question: Element between two absolute-positioned elements needs to resize correctly

#header { position: absolute; top: 0%; height: 24px; } #body { position: absolute; top: 24px; bottom: 20%; overflow: auto; } #footer { position: absolute; bottom: 0px; height: 17.2%; min-height: 80px; overflow: auto; } My problem is that when I compress the browser window, the middle element (the 'body') starts to slip into...

JavaScript animate resizing div

I'm trying to put a small animation on a page. I've got 2 divs side by side, the second of which has its content called via Ajax, so the div height varies without page refresh. <div id="number1" style="float:left; padding-bottom:140px">Static content, 200px or so</div> <div id="number2" style="float:left">AJAX content here</div> <div st...

.NET UserControl: Size property gives incorrect value on Resize event

Excuse the code dump, these are functions within a UserControl private void PNGQuantPreviewControl_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) { createOffScreenBm(); draw(); } private void createOffScreenBm() { offScreenBm = new Bitmap(this.Size.Width, this.Size.Height); offScreenGfx = Graphics.FromImage(offScreenBm);...

Resize large images in App Engine

I've got an app on Google App Engine that will accept image uploads from users. The problem that I envision is that users will upload these images directly from their cameras, and file sizes are often greater than 1MB, which is the limit for the image API (which would be used to resize the images). What's the best way to accept the uplo...

JTable Column resize isn't working

table.getTableHeader().setResizingAllowed(false); column = table.getColumn(columns[0]); column.setWidth(25); column = table.getColumn(columns[1]); column.setWidth(225); column = table.getColumn(columns[2]); column.setWidth(50); table.doLayout() This refuses to set the columns to their specified widths. Any reason why? ...

Resize images in directory

Hey, I have a directory full of images that I would like to resize to around 60% of their original size. How would I go about doing this? Can be in either Python or Perl Cheers Eef ...

Good Image Resizing Framework

Hi, I'm currently resizing images in PHP, and my current code takes about 2-2.2 seconds (not including upload time) to resize an image to two sizes, one thumbnail size, and one medium-sized. Can anyone recommend a framework or class that I could download that would resize the images quickly? Thanks. ...

How to let resize vertically a DIV with only jQuery - no plugins?

Edit: I put this snippet of code in jsbin: I am trying to let the user resize (only vertically) a DIV element with jQuery. I read about jQuery UI, I tried it, and in some minutes, I had it working. But the library is adding a ~25KB overhead that I would like to avoid, since I only want simple vertical resizing. ...

Java 2D Image resize ignoring bicubic/bilinear interpolation rendering hints (OS X + linux)

I'm trying to create thumbnails for uploaded images in a JRuby/Rails app using the Image Voodoo plugin - the problem is the resized thumbnails look like... ass. It seems that the code to generate the thumbnails is absolutely doing everything correctly to set the interpolation rendering hint to "bicubic", but it isn't honoring them on ou...

How to change view size in IB for iPhone 3.0

I want to change the view size for iPhone 3.0, but I find that in IB, size&Position section, the Width and Height for view was set as fixed values. Does apple forbid us to change its value here. How can I change its Height then? PS:I use the navigation bar as title bar, so I need to change the height of view to 416 so as to know how muc...

JToolbar resizing within JSplitPane

I'm trying to create an application where there is a JSplitPane which contains the document tree on the left side and the current editor pane on the right. The editor pane has a toolbar as part of the edit pane. My problem is that when the JFrame containing the JSplitPane is resized as soon as the right component of the split pane reache...

Webpage in WebBrowser Control too large, need to resize width.

I have a WebBrowser control on a form and have set the URL to a website. When I run the application the webpage is much larger than the size of the WebBrowser control and causes the WebBrowser to now contain a horizontal and vertical scrollbar. I would like the webpage width inside the WebBrowser control to be resized to the WebBrowser...

How best to resize XAML with dynamic text

In a Silverlight interface I'm working on I have the need to resize a stack panel when its container resizes, to prevent the text in it from being truncated. The text in question is added at runtime from language files, depending on the language the user has selected. As the lengths of strings can vary considerably between languages I'm ...