
Preferred way of loading resources in Java

I would like to know the best way of loading a resource in Java: this.getClass().getResource() (or getResourceAsStream()), Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(name), System.class.getResource(name). ...

ASP.NET VS2010 Sub application resource cost

Hello, I was considering having a sub "web application" in my (4.0 C#) web application (using the same application pool). E.g. for a blog application so I may keep things separate. How much additional resources of the server does a sub-application take? Or rather how much resources (excluding the app pool) does a web applic...

Modifying a resource in C#?

I have a resource (myPoint) defined in XAML as follows: <Path Name="myPath"> <Path.Resources> <Point x:Key="myPoint" X="200" Y="200"/> </Path.Resources> </Path> In the OnApplyTemplate override in the corresponding C# code, I use the following to get a reference to this resource. myPointReference = (Point)myPath.FindResour...

How to declare a string resource that bound to a property?

As you may know, we can declare a string "variable" using resource: <sys:String x:Key="someKey">someValue</sys:String> I want to replace someValue by a binding property, how can I do it? ...

How can I reuse code AND resources in several applications?

How can I reuse code AND resources in several applications? I have a fairly large code base (including resources) that I want to reuse i several applications. How can I do that? I did try to use the Android Library concept ( but never got it to work in Android...

Two-way-like binding between a Resource's property and a runtime object property.

Hello everyone, my problem is the following : I have defined a TextBox as a child of a ToolBar in a ResourceDictionary (x:Key MyToolbar). When my application loads, it places the ToolBar correctly inside the Window frame, along with its TextBox. So far, so good. Of course, I'd like that very TextBox to be two-way databound to some obj...

"@android:drawable/ic_" vs "@*android:drawable/ic_"

Does anybody know where I can find documentation on the asterisk? It appears to override the protection of 'private' variables in subclass android.R.drawable. ...

NetBeans and Android image

New to Android development and have decided to use NetBeans 6.9.1 as my IDE. So far the process has been somewhat painful, but I'm getting things rolling. However, I am creating an ImageView subclass for my first custom View and I can't figure out how to add my Box.png file to the project. Drag and Drop doesn't work, there are no righ...

How do I use the Exchange Managed EWS API to find the appointments assigned to a Resource?

I'm trying to get a list of all the appointments assigned to a resource. Resource accounts can't be logged into, so I can't impersonate the accounts. I can set up an admin account with delegate access to the resource accounts. I've done this successfully, but it isn't allowing me to retrieve the appointments. How can I query all the ...

IntelliSense doesn't work for Resources.resx file in WPF/C# project, VS2010

In my WPF 4.0 desktop-based application in order to localize my application (e.g. English & French localizations) I'm using Resources.resx file, where I type dialog name (ID) and its value for English and French localization. Everything works great, except one thing — IntelliSense of Visual Studio 2010. Let's say, I have a button: <But...

What is the recommend way to create a custom culture and associated resource files for a specific Client?

I have client that wants to specifiy their own version of localized content for a subset of my string resources. For simplicity here is basic example: Lets say I have 2 localized strings (showing english content) PageTitle="Hello World" PageDescription="This is a more wordy version of Hello World!" I wish to localize these so I have re...

What are some good websites that rate and review publicly available code libraries?

Preferably in C++, but code in all languages would be good to. Should be well categorized for different purposes, and have side by side comparisons. To clarify what I'm looking for. Let's say I wanted to find a graphics library. I would search for that, and it would give me a list: SDL OpenGL Ogre Allegro etc... Each one would be r...

number of links between two resources in an ontology

dear all I am using Jena please help me. i need to compute distances between classes from a specific class. how can i calculate Distance(number of links) between two resources in an ontology,please? thanks ...

Solid resources for an amateur to learn about writing parsing and state machines?

Books, articles, anything. The language doesn't matter too much as I can probably figure it out. I just want something that is fairly deep, very practical and, most importantly, easy to understand. Thanks guys :) ...

How can I load a string based on resource identifier?

I'm reading an entry from the registry that comes out something like: @%SystemRoot%\\System32\\wscsvc.dll,-200 I need to actually load the string from the file. I found an article which describes how the number on the end behaves (negative == specific resource ID, positive == the nth resource in the file), but I'm confused as to how o...

Delphi: Organize RCData into hierarchy way

Hi everyone, The following print screen shows list of resources file embedded into the package. Is it possible to organize the highlighted resources (SE_BUG...SY_VIEW) into hierarchy way ? What i mean here is that can I create a folder call Metadata under the folder RCData and move all the highlighted resources (SE_BUG...SY_VIEW) into t...

[Android] Get resource ID from value

I do have a lot of language specific resources. There's one point in my Android apps where I do get a resource value and need to translate this value into the matching id. The value is not neccessarily in the language specific file for the current language (en/de/...). It's somewhere in there ... and it's unique. After reading the docs ...

Accessing resource strings with CultureInfo in .NET

Another simple questions. I have website with different languages. If I want to access a string from the resource file I would use it like this Resources.MyResourceFile.MyStringIdentifier Very easy. That way I know during compile time, that the resource string exists. Now, this works only if I want to use the current Culture. Somet...

Naming resource strings in .NET apps

How do you usually name localizable resource strings in your RESX files? I used to do it manually, taking special care about resource naming and usually end up with something along these lines UsernamePasswordLogonFailure But with the new Resharper there is a functionality that detects and picks up string literals in code and gives yo...

How to return a resource string at random?

ResourceSet rs = Resources.Loading.ResourceManager.GetResourceSet(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, true, true); so far I have that line, which gets me all the loading messages, my problem is the ResourceSet is an IEnumerable. I can't figure out what the best way to return a random string in this enumerable would be. Ideally I'd do somethi...