
Can we load string resources from a resource file other than strings.xml in Android?

I want to provide different resource files to users. But I don't know how to load strings from a resource file other than strings.xml? ...

Link Resources in c# Project

I have 2 files, 1 is form1.cs and the second is form1.resx. they should be linked but are not. how can I link the 2? if i just make sure the namespaces are the same will they automatically link to each other? do i need to clean the project? ...

jQuery (plug-in) fade in fade out slider

I am trying to build a jQuery slider. This will fade in and fade out images that ares "stuck" in the same place. (Is this explanation clear). A little bit like this: But without the horizontal moving. Can you point me to something similar, so I can modify...

android Locale app - R's full package name

This is the source to Locale section that's in the Settings [;a=blob_plain;f=src/com/android/settings/;hb=HEAD][1] Does anyone know what is the full package name for the R class?? Oddly enough its not in the import list NOR is it in the com / android /...

Why arent my new resources added in the res/ sub-folders showing up in the R class?

I don't understand why Eclipse doesn't know how to resolve the color resources I've defined. Am I doing something wrong? R.color.notepad_lines cannot be resolved I've had problems before too with eclipse being able to find images in my /res/drawable directory /res/values/colors.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ut...

duplicating php resources

are there any way to duplicate the resources produced by functions such as mysql_query? it may sound dumb but i wanted to reuse such resources so that i won't retype the mysql_query() again and again just to use have a for example $rsrc = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `table` LIMIT 0,1'); $rows = mysql_fetch_array($rsrc); ...

Resource bundles in iPhone

How do I create a resource bundle to use in an iPhone/iPad app? Is it simply a folder with the .bundle extension or do I have to do something else to make it work? Are there any special considerations for Universal apps (ie: do I have to create separate bundles for each platform?) and localized resources? I would like to create and use...

how drawables resources stored on device

guys, I wonder if you put images for each density type (low/medium/high) and there are quite a few of them, won't it increase the size of application footprint on internal memory? I would hope that android will put only needed resource file from apk to the actual application folder. Can somebody confirm that? ...

How to go from C++ to Java?

I'm an experienced C / C++ programmer who now has to learn Java. Is reading The Java Language Specification a useful and efficient way to get up to speed or is there some better resource, say something similar to the wonderful Accelerated C++ by Koenig? Currently I'm reading Java Software Solutions and am finding it quite slow and mind...

Device-Specific Resources in iPhone

According to the iOS Reference Library: In iOS 4.0 and later, it is possible to mark individual resource files as usable only on a specific type of device. Does this mean that if you're creating an Universal app for 3.X devices, and the 3.2 iPad in particular, you can't use device-specific resources with the ~ipad and ~iphone...

Netbeans - adding resource files to jar file with Ant

I want add some resource files (non-code text-based files) to the jar file in a Java project using Netbeans 6.9, I'd expect using Ant. I had thought that this would be reasonably simple...but after quite a bit of searching I can't find how to do it..! Any pointers in the right direction? ...

Reusing of DataTemplate

I have two DataTemplates for different cells in my Treelistview control. the templates are 90% similar. How can I reuse the identical Xaml ? <DataTemplate x:Key="@names"> <TextBlock Name="txt" Text="{Binding Names}" Style="{DynamicResource @BasicTextBlockStyle}" Foreground="{Binding RelativeSource={Rela...

Conflicting resource id of two different project's

Hi all, I have two different project A & B. Inside the project A I link the source from project B so activity from project A can start the activity from project B. I'm using Eclipse Galileo. The problem is, when I want to edit the value of a view in activity B, the resource id from both projects have some conflicts in it. So when I cal...

android, drawable resource loaded to memory?

does all resource (all in res folder if on eclipse IDE), specially drawable image, is loaded to memory during runtime? or it is just like a file which is available when the application need it? ...

Need a Repository/DataWarehouse that can keep track of all my WebServices/apps/etc resources usage. Resources being other webservices or DLLs etc.

As the topic describes. I am searching for a good (simple) product that lets me keep track of all my WebServices/WindowsServices/WebApps and what they use (my components). For each component I will select what other components are used by it. By doing that on all my components I will be able to get a complete overview of who uses what. ...

Is there a way to call external functions from xaml?

Is there any way to call methods of external objects (for example resource objects) directly from xaml? I mean something like this: <Grid xmlns:dm="clr-namespace:MyNameSpace;assembly=MyAssembly"> <Grid.Resources> <dm:TimeSource x:Key="timesource1"/> </Grid.Resources> <Button Click="timesource_updade">Update time</But...

WP7 Popups using resources

Im trying to create my own(custom design) popup for my WP7 application. To put it shortly it should only display bing map with a drawn route and a close button. I have used the Picker Box by from Alex Yakhnin's Blog. And by his code as a reference i have made my custom xaml file with the following (only basic design, maps and button le...

Silverlight ressource constructor always return to internal

When I modify my ressource file (.resx) add text or modify, the constructor of my ressource, always go to internal, and after that when i run my silverlight i have an error in my binding XAML. It's there a way to avoid this scenario ? I need to go in the designer of my ressource, and put the constructor to public to solve the problem I...

Android: Passing Resource ID as an int

So I'm writing an android app, and I have an xml parser class that parses my xml files and builds me a tree I want to reuse my xml parser code for different xml files However, having problems with getXml(resourceID) not working: public class myactivity extends Activity { public void someMethod() { Xmlparser myparser = new Xml...

Firefox plugin for a web developer that shows all resources (js, css, html) as a single unified file?

I'm developing with a really complex cms system, and sometimes I need to know if something was sent to my html rendering. Since this is a huge cms system, I have at least 30 resources linked to a page (js, css), and going through each one, clicking and searching for a string is not the best way to do it. I would like to have a plugin t...