
How to take the result of a method called Asynchronously?

Hello, to not block the UI of my applications when there is a long operation I use to do: Public Sub ButtonHandler() handles Button Dim auxDelegate as Action auxDelegate = New Action(AddressOf DoAction) auxDelegate.BeginInvoke(AddressOf EndAction,Nothing) End Sub Private Sub DoAction() ''# Do long time operations here...

JMeter Graph Results for multiple http requests

I created a simple JMeter Http test. I specified 50 users, each users will do do 30 http requests (one after the other), and the user's ramp up time is 1 second. Then I added a Graph Result Listener, then recorded the performance of my application for 10minutes. Question : What is Graph Results Listener measuring - per http request of...

MySQL Result consisted of more than one row

Hi there im just new here and i have a question regarding my error on mysql it said Result consisted of more than one row. I have no idea how to solve this your help is much appreciated! DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `dss`.`COSTRET` $$ CREATE DEFINER=`dwadmin`@`192.168.%.%` PROCEDURE `COSTRET`( TDATE DATE) BEGIN DECLAR...

Display sql results in groups

Hi all, I have an sql query here and it returns a number of results. I'd like to show these results in groups. What I mean is, show the first 20 results in some part of the page, show the next 20 results in another part of the page etc... How can I do that? *I'm using PHP to display results. ...

UISearchDiplayController: show all results without entering text?

I have a UISearchDisplayController that is being used to display a long list of options for the user to pick. I filter the list using the search bar supplied by the controller. It all works ok, apart from I can't get the results table to display except by entering text into the search bar. I want to have the table show all the results...

progress bar is not showing progress results??

i have used progress bar in my application is working fine but the progress bar is does not show the working progress what is wrong?? ...

How can i open Thickbox from a form and feed it with data ?

I have a simple search php script, within that script there is some html and javascript to make a search input field and a button. What i am trying to do is when someone enters a search, and presses submit, thickbox opens, and the results will be displayed in the thickbox. What i have so far is the search field and button, when i press ...

What is the easiest way to find a sql query returns a result or not?

Consider the following sql server query , DECLARE @Table TABLE( Wages FLOAT ) INSERT INTO @Table SELECT 20000 INSERT INTO @Table SELECT 15000 INSERT INTO @Table SELECT 10000 INSERT INTO @Table SELECT 45000 INSERT INTO @Table SELECT 50000 SELECT * FROM ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER ...

Lucene: How to have more than 100 results?

Hi all, my question is simple but i cant fin de answer. Is there a way to set in Lucene to retrieve an amount of results higher than 100 in a query? Im using lucene 2.4.0 now. Thanks all. ...

Styling a result set

Perhaps this is not the proper place to ask this question, if that is the case, please direct me to the correct venue. I'm looking for research, guides, any kind of information pertaining to the structuring and styling of results sets; data which comes back from a search, or when looking at content in a list view. Links would be apprec...

iPhone UITableView paginate results

What us the best way to paginate a large number of results that are being pulled from a sever? As far as the server goes, I can offset and limit the results so I'm only pulling maybe 25 at a time, but what's the best way to allow a user to view more results without constantly scrolling down a growing list like the app store app? thanks...

Limit number of results per screen

Hi all, I need modify this code (is a search engine) ...I need that the user choose the amount of result per screen Please help me! Thanks. ...

Google results problem with firefox addon

I have written a firefox addon with which user can add notes to the pages they are viewing. Users can also highlight the content they like on the page. My addon adds some css and javascript files to the page once the document is loaded. The extension is working properly except with some google results pages. The results sometimes appear ...

Trying to get a single row (flattened) for a master detail table using LINQ to SQL

I have a Batch Table that has three columns ID, Name, Type and a CustomAttribute table that has three columns ID, ParentID, PropertyName and Value. The Select query is "Select Batch.ID, Batch.Name, CustomAttribute.PropertyName, CustomAttribute.Value from Batch, CustomAttribute where CustomAttribute.ParentID = Batch.ID This query will g...

Problem with ranking of search results in SharePoint 2007 if using the CONTAINS predicate

While writing a front-end for the SharePoint Search web service for work, I did some quick testing with the MOSS Search Tool to make sure things were working right under the hood. What I found was that queries composed only of CONTAINS predicates (FREETEXT ones were fine) would have a rank of 1000 for any results that were returned. Acc...

ForEach loop: Output something different on every second result

I have two for each loops and I am trying to output something different for each second result: foreach ($wppost as $wp) { $wp_title = $wp->post_title; $wp_date = strtotime($wp->post_date); $wp_slug = $wp->post_name; $wp_id = $wp->ID; // Start Permalink Template $wp...

How to increase limit of graph in LINQPad?

Results shown in LINQPad are limited. If objects are deep nested, a red line is shown. I would like to increase a limit, so I can see more nested objects. Do you know how to do it? (I have not find that in options.) ...

android customize list view prepends results

I am using list view using "ArrayAdapter" to display number of items while user is looking at results when user click on load button i want results to load and prepends(add in the beginning) ...

mysql query results sorting

I am calling the results form a query to a list on my site based on if the item is "downtown_hosted". This works fine but I would now like to sort that list DESC, but can't seem to get the syntax correct. Below is what I have: $result_events = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM events WHERE downtown='downtown_...

Mysql - return last 3 results in table

Hi, i was wondering if there was an easy way with just an sql statement to return the last three results in the table but in that order i.e. if there are a hundered results it would return in the order of 98, 99, 100 not simply ordering by id DESC and limit 3 which would return in order 100, 99, 98 Any help much appreciated. p.s. in th...