
After find() does ActiveRecord support accessing/seeking in memory row by particular field value (BESIDES seeking using primary key)?

In the .Net universe I can use an arbitrary SELECT statement and load many rows into DataTable object. I can then find various DataRows using various field criteria (Name='Jack', Age=34, etc.). In Ruby on Rails, after doing this to load all employees into memory rs = Employee.find(:all) I want to seek a row based an arbitrary crit...

how do you get "real" sql distinct with hibernate criteria queries?

I have a Hibernate criteria query that is incorrectly pulling out max results. In many cases, when I specify 20 max results, the query actually only returns 1 or 5 results, because the restrictions return many duplicates. Criteria c = session.createCriteria(DomainObject.class); c.setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY);

parse Google Image search results without Google AJAX API

Hi, How to get Google Image results URL on Ruby without using Google AJAX API. I tried to get all node with tag and id beginning with ipf* but I got only 11/21 images URL... with these APIs :'open-uri' and 'rubyful_soup' It seems Google has merged HTML (for the 11 first results) and dynamic HTML generated by javascript (for the 10 ot...

Using annotations to return custom results in struts2

I know that you can return custom objects using struts2 by specifying a declaration in your struts.xml file. I've done that, gotten that to work. What I want to do is move away from that, and accomplish the same thing via annotations. If I have an action that is going to return a custom result type I would like to be able to do it. ...

can i store result directly as .txt file without getting displayed on GUI in python?

my programme gives me very large results containg huge number of symbols, that GUI often becomes 'non responding'.also takes so much time to display there any way to store result as .txt file without getting displayed on GUI? ...

Where is the Xcode build results file ?

The Xcode "Build Results" tab shows the build log. Does anyone know where the actual log file (path in filesystem) is ? ...

SQL Server 2008 - how to get records that have a specific range of IDs

Hi guys In SQL Server 2008 I would like to create a stored procedure to select specific products, passing their IDs as argument. But I intend to bring as result a range of products. This range must have the informed productIds argument value (for example: 1 and 8 and 29 - that means, the range MUST have productId 1 and productId 8 and...

Finding multiple search results in an array in Java

I have an array that I made that consists of first names. I have a search function that searches through the elements of the array and it works fine. However, for multiple elements of an array, I cannot find out how to print how many results were returned. For example, if "John" in my example is found, which it is, I do not know how to s...

how to show sequential results inside textfield

dear all.I want to use only one textfield for different results. what should I do if I want after pressing a few times a checkbox or another checkbox the results will appear sequentially in the textfield.for example: <input type="checkbox" id="see" value="a"> <input type="checkbox" id="saw" value="b"> <input type="text" id="field"> <in...

Displaying sample text from the Lucene Search Results

Currently, I am using Lucene version 3.0.2 to create a search application that is similar to a dictionary. One of the objects that I want to display is a sort of "example", where Lucene would look for a word in a book and then the sentences where the words were used are displayed. I've been reading the Lucene in Action book and it menti...

Select multiple columns as a result of a case expression

This is what I would like to do: case p.residency_status when 0 then dbo.fn_formatAddress(r1.prm_name, p.py_hospital, p.py_address1, p.py_city, p.pyear_state) when 1 then dbo.fn_formatAddress(r1.prm_name, p.respgm_hospital, p.respgm_address1, p.respgm_city, p.respgm_state) when 2 then dbo.fn_formatAdd...

Cache results of a mysql query manually to a txt file

Hi all, Is there a way to cache results of a mysql query manually to a txt file? Ex: $a=1; $b=9; $c=0; $cache_filename = 'cached_results/'.md5("$a,$b,$c").'.txt'; if(!file_exists($cache_filename)){ $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM abc,def WHERE a=$a AND b=$b AND c=$c"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ ech...

Return 1 result per left join

Currently I am performing a left join on two tables. The first table has an id and a persons name, the second table has an id, the id of a person from table 1, and then a timestamp (of the last flight they had). People Flights id | name id | person_id | time ------------ -----...

Get Google Results PHP

hey, I'm trying to get google results html for the search term intitle:index.of ”last modified” ”parent directory” (mp3|wma|ogg) "test" -htm -html -php -asp using file_get_contents so something like this : $file = file_get_html("

Display empty field if no results have been found during edit

Hi, I'm trying to display an empty field when I edit a rows. I have a machine table with ipvsix table. Code in ipvsixes/_form : <% unless @machines.blank? %> <% f_machine.fields_for :ipvsixes do |f_ipv| %> <%= render :partial => 'ipvsixes/form', :locals => { :f_ipv => f_ipv } %> <% end %> <% else %> empty ...

What Do PostgreSQL INSERT confirmation params mean?

I am new to PostgreSQL and I searched high and low but cannot find an answer to this question in my LiveCode Server app I'm getting a dberr returned on insertion but no explicit error code. I went on terminal and did the insertion by hand as user Postgres %My_Dbase=# INSERT INTO new-table (first_name, last_name, anonymous) VALUES ('ba...

How to receive multiple gallery results in onActivityResult

Hey guys, I want to start the gallery via intent and want to get the results in my onActivityResult method. All works fine if i click on one pic. The question ive got now is, how do i get the results, if i choose more than one picture in the gallery? If found hcpl´s code, which does it for one picture: public class BrowsePicture extend...

get result from a vbscript in c#

hey everyone. i am trying to create a program that runs ti-84 programs. i just need to know how to get the results from a vbscript. if there is anny possible way, please tell me. ...

drupal: search results with no pager and no limit

I'm pretty new to Drupal, but I guess I know how things work. I separated the Advanced Search Form from the search page and made a block from it (that was part 1). Woohoo. Part 2 is the pager-from-nowhere in the search results. Drupal search results are paged by tens and I can't seem to find a way to change it. Not a decent way that is....

SQL to LINQ query, return objects AND count nicely bundled together..

An employee can have multiple vehicles.. And a company can have multiple employees.. My mission is to get the Companies that therefore have the most vehicles.. I have the LINQ query working perfectly (phew)! It returns (via select new {}).. CompanyID EmployeeVehicleCount Fantastic! BUT.. I want to be able to pull out "Company" ob...