
Resize view on iPhone when rotating

I have an application with many views. I want only a couple of the views to be able to rotate to landscape when the device is rotated. I found out that I couldn't use (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation because that would rotate every view in my app. I found a solution to this problem here on Stack Overflow but now I have anothe...

New View when device is rotated

Hi, I want to call "presentmodalviewcontroller" when the iPhone / iPod Touch is rotated to landscape mode with a flip animation. When it gets rotated back to portrait, I want to present the first view again, again with the flip animation. Weren't able to find something working on the web :( I'm sure you can help me :) Thanks a lot ! Se...

Rotate image in Quartz? Image is upside down! (iPhone)

I don't want to transform the ENTIRE context. I'm making a game with Quartz, and I'm drawing my player with lines, rects and ellipses. And then I have diamong.png which I rendered at 0,0 in the top left of the screen. Problem is... It renders upside down! How would I rotate it 180 degrees? Here's some of my code: CGImageRef diam...

Bitwise Shifting in C

I've recently decided to undertake an SMS project for sending and receiving SMS though a mobile. The data is sent in PDU format - I am required to change ASCII characters to 7 bit GSM alphabet characters. To do this I've come across several examples, such as This example shows Rightmost bits o...

iPhone: Which Method to Use to Rotate View Back to Portrait Orientation?

I use... -(void)didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation: ... to adapt a view that has been rotated to landscape. However, I don't know which method to use when the view needs to be rotated back to portrait. ...

Problem with Rotating a UIScrollview

Hey guys, I am having issues trying to get the pageControl sample code to work with rotation. I managed to get it to rotate but it does not visually load correctly until I start to scroll (then it works fine). Any Idea on how I can fix this problem? Here is a link to the project if you want to see it in action. This code is base...

CGAffineTransform does not rotate subview - MKAnnotationView, CGAffineTransformMakeRotation

I have a view that does 1 simple thing: draws an image. I can rotate the image like this: CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation((CGFloat)radians); self.transform = transform; // WORKS: DRAWS, ROTATES But if I delegate the image-drawing function to a subview, and apply the rotation transform to the subview: C...

Is there a way to change the orientation of a DataGridView (WinForm)?

I don't think it is possible but I'm still asking the question... Basicly, I would like to display the DataGridView column horizontally and the row to be displayed vertically. Yes, I know there some third party components that would allow me to do this but I would like to use my custom DataGridViewColumn in my grid. Regards, Simon ...

Positions fixed doesn't work when using -webkit-transform

Hello everybody I am using -webkit-transform (and -moz-transform / -o-transform) to rotate a div. Also have position fixed added so the div scrols down with the user. In Firefox it works fine, but in webkit based browsers it's broken. After using the -webkit-transform, the position fixed doesn't work anymore! How is that possible? ...

SQLServer 2008 Pivot

I need to show some information in a graph, the data is held in a SQL Server 2008 table. The graph is expecting 2 columns, one for QuestionNumber and the other for Score. The table containing the data has column names that correspond to the question numbers ie A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4, C1, C2. Each question is given a score of 1 t...

Fade between looped background images using jQuery

I'm trying to get the background image of a legacy div (by which I mean it already has a background image, which I cannot control & thus have to initially over-write) to smoothly fade between new images indefinitely. Here's what I have so far: var images = [ "/images/home/19041085158.jpg", "/images/home/19041085513.jpg", "/images/hom...

Rotating images with CSS and putting them back in place

When I rotate a large image with CSS -moz-transform: rotate(270deg); which sits in a floating div (using Firefox 3.6.3 to display the page), it messes up the page layout: Apparently, the size of the image is evaluated before it has been rotated. Furthermore, the image is displaced, partly being out of the screen, because the poi...

Javascript Image Transform? [scale and rotate]

I'm looking to build an image transform tool with Javascript. Something that utilizes handles around the image similar to Photoshop and allows the user to scale and rotate. I'm looking to make this work in IE 6 and up and Firefox 3+ and Safari 3+. Does anyone know of a library or tool that could help with this? I've seen a lot of t...

Looking for an image rotator similar to WPF Carousel

Is there a good article or source code where I could find an WPF image rotator (moves automatically) similar to WPF carousel? I'm not really interested with DevExpress Carousel Control for WPF. I'm only looking for a simpler approach for this one. ...

Php + MySQL banner rotator by order

I have table with advertisement in MySQL. I would like to rotate banners by order (NOT RANDOM). What function or mechanism I need to SELECT advertisement from MySQL table to show it in order, like 1, then 2, then 3 ... then again 1,2,3... ? ...

Rotate a 2d matrix to the right

I want a 2d matrix to rotate to the right, it compiles fine but when I try to the run it says that the array index is out of bounds exception. For example I want {{10,20,30},{40,50,60}} to rotate into {{40,10},{50,20},{60,30}} import java.util.*; public class Rotate{ public static int[][] rotate(int[][] m) { int [][] rotateM = n...

WPF - Rotate and Save Image -both for the View and to Disk

Hello, I have a View that contains an image control. <Image x:Name="img" Height="100" Margin="5" Source="{Binding Path=ImageFullPath Converter={StaticResource ImagePathConverter}}"/> The binding uses a converter does nothing interesting except set BitmapCacheOption to "OnLoad", so...

prevent screen rotation android

I have one of my activities which I would like to prevent from rotating because I'm starting an AsyncTask, and screen rotation makes it restart. So is there any way to tell this activity "DO NOT ROTATE the screen even if the user is shaking his phone like mad"? ...

css3 rotate alternative

I am using the CSS3 rule, "rotate" to rotate a div containing text. You can see the page here: I am looking for cross browser support for rotating the div; however, this CS3 rule won't work on IE. Is there a jquery option or another javascript solution that will yield the same result, with c...

Photoshop actions with auto rotate

I build my action for create image thumbs, and I want add to the end of action auto rotate to my thumb. My question is: How add rotate with random angle from -45 to 45 degree? ...