
WPF Canvas.Left / Canvas.Top are not quite the right coordinates when rotated, why?

Hi guys, I have a weird but big problem. I am trying to let the user move / rotate some Rectangles on a Canvas. I am basing my mechanism on manipulating Canvas.Left / Canvas.Top properties for move, and RenderTransform.Rotate for rotation. I only need rotation on 0/90/180/270 angles. The problem is that a rectangle, which is placed a...

How to rotate an static image in HTML

in my application, i need a static image to be rotated in HTML. Please help me for that ...

Problems rotating BufferedImage

I have some problems with rotating images in Java using the AffineTransform class. I have the following method for creating a rotated (90 degrees) copy of an image: private BufferedImage createRotatedCopy(BufferedImage img, Rotation rotation) { int w = img.getWidth(); int h = img.getHeight(); BufferedImage rot = new Buffer...

Easiest way to transpose an image (rotate by 90 degrees) using OpenCV?

What is the best way (in c/c++) to rotate an IplImage by 90 degrees? I would assume that there must be something better than transforming it using a matrix, but I can't seem to find anything other than that in the API and online. ...

How to switch views when rotating

I'm using a NavigationController and have a particular View that does not lay out well when switched to Landscape mode. I've made a "landscape optimized" version of that view and when the user rotates the iPhone, I'd like to switch from the Portait version to the Landscape version. The reason is I have 0 - 9 in classic calculator 3 x 3 +...

Rotating an image in C/C++

I need code for rotating an image in C++ which functions like imrotate function of matlab. Please suggest a good link. Or if someone can provide the code for imrotate. Or at least please explain the algorithm. Its not a homework. I need this code for my project. And we can use any external library or code. ...

Rotate with screen object ?

Actually i am doing a project for my university Witch is i have to Analysis a game so i found a problem which is character rotated has problem so i recommend to use the mouse what other suggestion i can use for example add object on screen so need to know if i add object on screen why this will be improve the game and what other docum...

JQuery Tabs UI - Menu rotation - OnMouseOver and OnMouseOut

Hi, I am currently working with a tab menu which cycles through automatically. Once I mouseover one of the tabs the "rotation" should stop on the selected tab and when I mouseout it should continue rotating from the selected tab item. $("#featured > ul").tabs({ event: 'mouseover', fx: { opaci...

IPHONE: After Removing / Adding Subviews in the App Delegate, Orientation Changes Fail

I am using my application delegate to swap out views. First I remove the current view, then I add the new view, then I run a quartz animation. No matter what view I load first, the orientation changes occur as expected. As soon as I start adding new views (removing the old) to the window in the application delegate, orientation changes ...

How Do I Rotate Listings for my Business Directory?

I have a directory that lists local businesses in the area. How do I make it so the listings appear in different order every time a new visitor shows up? Thanks in advance! ...

Rotating a picture using mouse position in C#

Hi everyone. Basically what I'm trying to do is have a picture rotate using mouse events. For example, while you hold down the left mouse button, the picture rotates when you move the mouse up and down. I found another question on here almost like mine (How do I rotate a picture in C#) but when mapping the angle parameter in the rotate m...

Rotating only the MapView's content

Hello. I am trying to rotate a map view in my app according the the user's current route. (I don't like to use the built in compasse because only 3GS uses it and it suffers too much interference from other machines, i.e. your own car.). the CGAffineTransformMakeRotation method will rotate the Whole Map View, so the Google Logo will not ...

How do I prevent clipping when rotating an image in C#?

Hi, I just went through a bunch of stuff trying to figure out how to get the image to even rotate. That works but now it's clipping and I'm not really sure how to make it stop... I'm using this rotateImage method: public static Image RotateImage(Image img, float rotationAngle) { //create an empty Bitmap image Bitmap ...

Rotate Bitmap (Rectangle) While Maintining Area

How can I rotate an Bitmap a given number of degrees while maintaining the area of the original bitmap. ie, what I rotate a bitmap of Width:100,Height:200, my end result will be a bigger image but the rotated portion will still have an area of 100*200 ...

Rotate point in rectangle

I have a point in a rectangle that I need to rotate an arbitrary degree and find the x y of the point. How can I do this using javascript. Below the x,y would be something like 1,3 and after I pass 90 into the method it will return 3,1. |-------------| | * | | | | | |-------------| _____ | *| | ...

Simulate Pivot Rotate Using Transform In SVG

I have a rectangle in SVG that I need to rotate on a pivot from a specific point. The best way I can see to do this is transform to the xy of the pivot, rotate the degree, and then transform again. The problem is the xy of the second transform. I assume its going to take cos and sin to some extent, just not sure where or why. * | | | ...

UITableView not rotating even after using autoresize mask and shouldAutororateForInterfaceOrientation

I have a UIView, that contains a navigation bar, and UITableView. I implemented a UIViewController that implements a UITableViewDelegate. I over-rided the shouldAutorotateForInterfaceOrientation for the UIViewController to return YES for landscape and portrait mode. But the View does not seem to rotate. I did a similar thing without the ...

jquery question - addclass to element depending on active image in rotating banner

EDIT : Per Slaks $j('#banner-content img').each(function() { var link = $j('#page-tabs li a.' + $j(this).attr('class')); if ($j(this).is(':visible')) { link.addClass('active'); } else { link.removeClass('active'); } }); ORIGINAL POST I have a banner that rotates a series of three images. The active...

Best way to change XIB files based on rotation?

Hi, My app has so far just been a portrait-based application. However, I am adding landscape mode to a new version, but have found that my XIB files look shocking when rotated from portrait to landscape. Apparently I need to make a landscape version of each XIB and use some code to change with XIB launches based on what rotation occurs....

rotate and its properties

When using -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3);; does its properties rotate with it or do they stay the same, for example does the margin top become the left, or does margin top stay at the top? Think it's me being stupid but having some...