
Rotate UIView in Cocoa Touch

Hi Everyone: I have seen other people who have had this question, but most of the responses aren't working on the latest 3.0 build of iPhone OS. Anyway, I'm wondering how I can programatically rotate a UIView without any input from the accelerometer. The code I have found so far: CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRot...

Crystal Reports any way to change orientation of only one page?

I'm trying to change an individual page within a multi-page report so that the orientation is landscape instead of portrait. The page contains only images, and I'd like for them to be displayed sideways. Is there a way of doing this? Barring that, is there a way of rotating the images themselves? The images are dynamically added to the ...

C# Image rotation

Hello, What is the best way to rotate a image in I did use matrix.rotateAt but i can't get it to work so please tell me what is the best way? I should write out that hate to rotate a image with the image object. ...

Resize cells when rotating UITableView

I have a tableview that occupies only the bottom third of my view. I rotate it 90 degrees using CGAffineTransform and resize it: [UIView beginAnimations:@"rotate" context:nil]; CGRect oldFrame = self.table.frame; CGPoint oldCentre =; // Swap the width and height self.table.frame = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, oldFrame.size.he...

Alpha channel in OpenCV

Hi, does OpenCV support alpha-channel? Or is there any way to work with transparent png? I need to merge two images, where the first one is background and the second one is image which was rotated by cvWarpAffine. I can do this by merging pixels one by one and omit pixels with some value, which I set in cvScalar in cvWarpAffine. However,...

rotate sIFR jquery

im looking for a way to rotate sifr text on a wordpress blog using jquery, any ideas, the rotate plugin doesnt seem to work. ...

How to use PIL to resize and apply rotation EXIF information to the file ?

Hello, I am trying to use Python to resize picture. With my camera, files are all written is landscape way. The exif information handle a tag to ask the image viewer to rotate in a way or another. Since most of the browser doesn't understand this information, I want to rotate the image using this EXIF information and keeping every othe...

how to make text wider in UITextView when rotate to UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight

I put some text into a UITextView. Now I wanna make the inside text occupy the additional space when device become horizon. But this way only make canvas fill in all the space not the text. // This method is called by NSNotificationCenter when the device is rotated. -(void) receivedRotate: (NSNotification*) notification { UIDeviceOrien...

In place rotation of overlay image on the background with ImageMagick

I have a small (100x80) overlay image which will be placed at x=40, y=50 on a transparent background(800x600) and then rotated 80 degrees in place. convert -size 800x600 xc:none -background transparent m01.jpg -rotate 80 -geometry +40+50 -composite final.png rotates the merged image. how can i rotate only the overlay image in pla...

How do I rotate a div with Raphael.js?

I am brand new to Raphael and am really stuck, I would like to rotate a div and its contents, using a button, with Raphael. Ideally, I would like to have a smooth animation that goes from 0 degrees to -90 degrees when the button is clicked, then when the button is clicked again, the animation would reverse. I think I will change the id ...

I just want to rotate and move the image!! (Javascript, <canvas>, html 5) I know it's something wrong with my transformations in drawGuy. Can anyone help me figure out how to rotate just the image? Currently it rotates fine, but I something with the transforms is distorting it, so that it doesn't follow the mouse correctly. ...

Use PHP or Perl to properly rotate JPEG images

I used F-Spot on Ubuntu to rotate some photos (JPEG files) before I FTPed them up to my website. This seemed to work just fine. However, if those images are opened in a web browser, they do not show as rotated. Nor do they if I download them to a Windows Vista machine and open them with any standard program there. I suspect that F-Spot r...

How to rotate an object in C# 3D?

I need to rotate an 3D mesh object on an axis in C#. Could you show me how this is done? ...

Table View rotate, but not properly (shape change)

Hello everyone, Here is the thing. I have a ViewController which contain a view in full window. And the program run in landscape mode. I want to put an UITableView over the full screen view but only on right half part of the screen. So I add a UITableView in my view controller, I used the Interface Builder in order to set the Table...

the class RotateTransform3D

Hi All, I have a 3D cone (called as "conemodel") produced by a method. This cone will be rotated in C# code and added to XAML Viewport3D group after rotated by an angle. Code snippet : public static void CreateTriangleFace(Point3D p0, Point3D p1, Point3D p2, Color color, Viewport3D viewport3d) { ...

how to set pagesize in special pages that i want to rotate just these pages!

Hello, I have a document in iTextSharp. I want to set the default 'pagesize' to 'A4', but here we have special pages that needed to be rotated (just these pages) using A4.Rotate(). document.setpagesize(A4.Rotate()) for the pages to be rotated. I'm sorry for my bad english. ...

rotating jlabel java swing

i'am using JTransformer class from swinghelper when i chose flowlayout there is no problem but if i use null layout i cant see my button on frame any help would be appreciated. import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.util.ArrayList; imp...

Manage rotated moving raster map

Hi, My application present a (raster) moving map. I need to be able to show the map rotated base on any given angle. The program is currently in VC++/MFC but the problem is generic. I have a source bitmap (CBitmap or HBITMAP) and draw it to the device context (CDC) using StretchBlt. While this works fast and smooth for angle=0 (and the u...

iPhone, rotated + EAGLView, rotated =

...frustration. I want my game to be run only in landscape mode. I have added the appropriate key/value to the Info.plist file that forces the device orientation to be correct at launch. I'm now trying to rotate the OpenGL coordinate space to match that of the device. I'm trying to use the code I found here, but it's not working. My...

Rotate MapView in Android

Hi, I am writing an Android app where one of the features is that the map will rotate according to the compass (i.e. if the phone is pointing east, the map will be oriented so that the east side of the map is on top). Previous answers that I have found suggested over writing the onDraw() method in mapView, however, the api changed the ...