
Basic image rotation with jQuery

I'd like to test banner (two css background images) and rotate them randomly on each page reload. Is it possible to achieve something like that without using any plugins? I just need to rotate two images, which is basically just swapping css classes randomly on the banner element, on each reload. Many thanks. ...

Surface development: Translate/Rotate/Scale items without ScatterView

Hi, Is it possible to transalte/rotate/scale items without a ScatterView? I want to manipulate items which can be on top of other elements like a button, list or a custom control which should be static . When I add them to a ScatterView, they all become ScatterViewItems which is not the desired effect. Thx! Maarten ...

un rotate element using filter in IE

I have the html structure like this <div class="block> content <span class="child">text</span> </div> in css i said: .block{ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=0.99254615, M12=0.12186934, M21=-0.12186934, M22=0.99254615, sizingMethod='auto expand'); } So that the block will rotate minus 7degree. However, I d...

Rotating a view in android

Hello i have a button i want to put on a 45 degree angle. For some reason i cant get this to work. Can someone please provide code to accomplish this? ...

2D pixel array rotation and scaling

Hi I am working on C# program to process images ( given as int[,] ).. So I have 2D array of pixels, and I need to rotate them around a point, then scale them down to fit the original array.. I already found articles about using matrix to transform to a point and rotate then transform back.. What remains is to scale the resultant image ...

[iPhone] Problem with autoresizing when iPhone is rotated

Hello, In my iPhone app, I have a view (let's call it RectangleView) within the content view that I'd like to scale, along with all its subviews, when the iPhone is rotated. So, when the phone is rotated from landscape to portrait mode, I'd like RectangleView (and all its subviews) to keep their original shape and position relative to ea...

JavaScript Array rotate()

I was wondering what was the most efficient way to rotate a JavaScript array. I came up with this solution, where a positive n rotates the array to the right, and a negative n to the left (-length < n < length) : Array.prototype.rotate = function( n ) { this.unshift( this.splice( n, this.length ) ) } Which can then be used this way...

Rotating an image with the mouse

I am writing a drawing program, Whyteboard -- I have implemented image rotating functionality, except that its behaviour is a little odd. I can't figure out the proper logic to make rotating the image in relation to the mouse position My code is something similar to this: (these are called from a m...

Log4j: rotate the log file even if the file has not changed

i am trying to rotate the log file everyday by using the DailyRollingFileAppender, but i have a problem: the log files are not updated everyday, so it doesn't get rotate when there is no new stuff in it. is there a way in the that i can set it so that log4j rotate the log file everyday even if the file has no changes? ...

Rotate a UIImageView with a touch gesture - iphone dev

Hi all, Been having real trouble with this one and wondered if someone may have found a solution to this issue. I would like to be able to rotate a UIImageView using a touch gesture -> So when the user places two fingers on the touch area and rotates their fingers the UIImageView will rotate with them (Rotating in whatever direction ...

UIImage iPhone Rotate 37.8 degrees

After I load an image from the device, I need to rotate it 37.8 degrees then display it on a View. Is there an function in Objective-C that can do the image rotation? Ian ...

itextsharp: how i can rotate text in table

I use itextsharp v My table (iTextSharp.text.Table) has many columns. I want the text in the cell housed vertically. This possibility is in the cells pdfptable, but I can not use it pdfPCell.Rotation = 90; How i can rotate text in cells of Table? ...

rotate table data crystal reports

Hi I want to rotate the text (table data) by 90 in the crystal report as I need to show the data vertically. The table has many columns and they should be arranged Vertically. This can be done by rotating the text by 90 but the problem here is table data is not growing vertically as I get the records one below one. But my requrement i...

iPhone Rotation ... won't rotate .. plz help

My view hierarchy looks like this: tab bar -> navigation bar -> table view -> view 1 -> view 2 (UIWebView) How can I rotate view 2 so it can be displayed in both landscape & portrait mode? ...

rotationY causes blur, AS3

Hi I'm having some little bugs on my site I'm developping for a school project. I'm using a flip mechanism to navigate through my site. The problem is: once it's flipped the content been displayed good just like I want it, but there's some offset from the flipped (right) parts en the solid left part (visible when you look closely). Also...

how to scale and get mirror image after rotating a UIImage?

hi all, my app has a photoshop like feature wherein the user can create a new image which is a combo of "n" number of images(sub imageS). the user can rotate, flip and zoom these sub images by selecting them one at a time. and in the end save the whole canvas as a image. My problem is once the sub-image is rotated and then if i try to f...

Flex Matrix rotate Image n degrees

How can I rotate an Image eg. 180 degrees clockwise using the Matrix I can use the following code to rotate the image 90 degrees, but it is incremental, meaing var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix(); matrix.rotate(Math.PI/2); matrix.tx = imgControl.content.height; var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(imgControl.content.height, imgCo...

2D image rotation, few issues

Hi, I'm adding "mouse rotation" to my 2D drawing program. I've got all the code working, by basically calculating the rotation angle from the original mouse click to wherever the mouse currently is. I also draw a transparent rectangle that rotates, instead of actually rotating the image on every mouse movement event. Now, my problem ...

Change view layout with orientation

Hi, I am working on an application where I want the view to change quite a lot when the device is rotated. I know that in Interface Builder it is possible to change the orientation and set up the layout there, however when I then rotate it to portrait, the view is the same as for the landscape. Is there a way to set up the two views inde...

How do you perform an animated rotate of an image in WPF?

I am just starting out using WPF. I want to rotate an image when i click a button but I don't want the image to rotate in one instant rotation. I want the use to see the image rotate one degree at a time. What is the easiest way to do this in C#? ...