
Css rotate in IE9 preview

Is it possible to rotate content by any angle in the new IE9 preview? Filter in IE8 could rotate by multiples of 90, was this changed / improved? Or is here any other way (besides drawing with canvas and svg) to rotate text and divs? ...

Angle DIV in IE

I'm stumped by IE! Is it possible to angle a DIV in IE. I'm currently using the following in all the other browsers: -webkit-transform: rotate(-3deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-3deg); ...

how to only rotate the background 180 deg,(not rotate the font)

this is my code: <style type='text/css'> div { width: 100px; height: 100px; text-align: center; font-size: 22px; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.40, #ff0), color-stop(0.5, orange), color-stop(0.60, rgb(255, ...

jQuery - CSS - Rotate Div by drag mouse event

Hi, I'm searching since a few day without real result, maybe someone can help me here. I've a div on my page (can containt an image, a text area, other), it's draggable and resizable (thanks to jQuery UI), and i want to make it "rotatable", with a handle in a corner to drag and rotate it using css transform (-wekbit-transform, moz-tran...

UIImageView Gestures (Zoom, Rotate) Question

i would like to make 2 operations to an UIImageView zoom, rotate i have 2 problems i make an operation for zoom for ex. and when i try to make rotation the uiimeview is set to initial size, i would like to know how to keep the zoomed uiimageview and make the rotation from the zoomed image i would like to combine the zoom operation with...

Draggable UIImgeView Rotation

I have a UIImageView object that I rotate with frame property and CFAffineTransformMakeRotate and then I want ot move it with moving origin of its frame, but my image moves and reshape strangly. @implementation TimberView - (void) touchesBegan:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event { // Retrieve the touch point CGPoint pt = [[to...

Rotating an image in canvas and keeping it draggable

I have an image that I draw on a canvas. When the mouse clicks and drags I get the mouse coordinates and use them to set the positionX and Y of the image. After that's been done I redraw the canvas. That works like a charm and I can move the image over the canvas. But now I make 2 buttons so I can rotate the image left and right. When I...

At will scaling and rotation in a 2D space

Hi, I'm trying to write a graphical program in C++ with QT where users can scale and rotate objects with the mouse (just like inkscape or CorelDraw does), however after many months trying to make it happen I still cannot make it work. It currently works for example by just rotating or just scaling, but not when the user want to transfor...

Rotating images using PHP and jQuery the fast way

I wrote a python script that rotates an image 90 degrees. I am including the python code in case you want to see it; #! /usr/bin/python # This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8 #argv[1] needs to be send formatted meaning spaces and paranthesis ARE problems __author__="john" __date__ ="$Aug 17, 2010 1:48:36 PM$" server_d...

ClearInterval() won't stop my rotate function

I'm using the jQuery Rotate plugin, to animate the rotation of an image 90 degrees, and then stop the rotation. My problem is that it won't stop rotating, even after calling clearInterval(); $(document).ready(function() { var finalAngle; var intval = setInterval(function func() { $("#myimg").rotate(1); if(type...

log rotation for nginx on windows

I've found plenty of references on the web for rotating the nginx logs under linux.. just send the USR1 signal to the process. But... unix like signals don't exist on windows and I haven't been able to find any information on this. How can I accomplish the same thing with nginx on windows?? ...

iPhone UINavigationBar: Why does it resize in landscape orientation?

Hi, I searched all the web but did not find a clue: I've got a UIView in a UINavigationController in a UITabBarController—not that unusual, I guess. First of all an image: The app starts in portrait mode (1) When I now rotate the device to landscape mode the app looks like in (2) A...

How to stop going back to Main page when I rotate the Emulator from Portrait to Landscape?

Every time I rotate the Android Emulator from Portrait to Landscape or Landscape to Portrait, it always goes back to the main.xml (home) screen in my app. I'm sure this is an easy code to write in or add. Please let me know how I can keep the screen on the exact page in the app that it's already on when I rotate the emulator. Basically,...

Animate Rotating UIImageView

Hi I want to rotate a uiimageview by roughly 10 degrees left/right but have a smooth animation, rather than a sudden turn which I see using: player.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(angle); Any help appreciated, thanks. ...

problems rotating UIScrollView with paging

I am having trouble using a UIScrollView on the IPhone when dealing with rotation. I used Apple's PageControl example as a model, but am creating the scrollview myself in a View. 1) The scrollview works as expected when loading in default Portrait, scrolling left to right horizontally 2) Out of the box, when rotating CW and reinitializ...

Android: how to make a "pie Chart" with touchable wedges And the whole thing can rotate..

hey Guys, well, the title says it all: I have need to make a sort of "Pie Chart"-style circular display. the wedges of the chart have to be touchable, and the whole circle has to be able to spin 360deg.. I'm still an android noob, but I'm guessing that I can't do this with a Layout.. right? preferably, the wedges would be image ...

how to rotate an nscell

I am making a subclass of the NSLevelIndicatorCell and I want to draw it vertically. This doesn't work, what am I doing wrong? - (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView{ [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] saveGraphicsState]; NSAffineTransform *transform = [NSAffineTransform transform]; [transform rotateByDegr...

Rotate an array using LINQ syntax

I am solving this problem of rotating an array and got algorithm and code working int[] Rotate(int[] ar,int k) { if (k <= 0 || k > ar.Length - 1) return ar; Reverse(ar, 0, k - 1); Reverse(ar, k, ar.Length - 1); Reverse(ar, 0, ar.Length - 1); return ar; ...

iPad view in incorrect orientation after dismissMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated

My iPad app displays a movie full screen using the convenient MPMoviePlayerViewController class. I present it like this: [self.hostController presentMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated:playerViewController]; And later, when notified that playing is done, I dismiss it like this: [self.hostController dismissMoviePlayerViewControllerAni...

LaTeX: How to wrap a sideways text in a column (tabular)

Let's say we have a table \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \begin{sideways}A\end{sideways}&\begin{sideways}B\end{sideways}\\ a & b \\ \end{tabular} How can I define the height of cells A and B, so that in case of A and B being a longer caption, the text will wrap-around the cell? Putting p{x pt} in the tabular environment's table specs doesn't...