I am new to rails so sorry if this is easy. I am wondering the best way to upload pictures and display them in Ruby on Rails. I have a blog and would like to have the option of attaching a picture when creating a post.
^^ My code so far is pushed to there.
Essentially, I'm using resource_controller and I don't really understand resource_controller. When I used scaffolding to create my Post model, I gave it fields like
:integer parent #to say what level a post is at (which post ID is this post's parent)
:integer user...
Does (J)Ruby support such things like Calendar in Java or CultureInfo in .NET?
I want to be able to write code in Ruby similar to this:
locale = Locale.new("en-GB")
date1 = "30/12/2000".to_date(locale)
locale = Locale.new("en-US")
date2 = "12/30/2000".to_date(locale)
Locale.current = "ru-RU"
date2 = "30.12.2000".to_date # uses t...
while line = gets
next if line =~ /^\s*#/ # skip comments
break if line =~ /^END/ # stop at end
#substitute stuff in backticks and try again
redo if line.gsub!(/`(.*?)`/) { eval($1) }
What I don't understand is this line:
line.gsub!(/`(.*?)`/) { eval($1) }
What does the gsub! exactly do?
the meaning of regex ...
Does OSX need an install of libmysqlclient15-dev? I'm trying to compile a gem that is failing and a lot of sources says to install "libmysqlclient15-dev" but I only see this for Linux, not OSX. Am I missing something here?
I cant seem to figure out DCC using Isaac but I cant seem to figure out how to receive and send files with the bot. I found a different IRC bot here that supports DCC but I cant figure out how to implement it with my app. Can anyone help me?
This is the current state of my app:
require 'isaac'
configure do |c|
c.nick = "TheBot...
I am trying to run growlnotify from inside a ruby script.
The command I am using is this system("growlnotify Test -m message").
If I use the terminal to execute the script it works fine. If I use Textmate to run the script or Geektool (the eventual target of the script) it does not ever run the growlnotify part. Each other part of the...
I have a Rails app that repeatedly talks to another Web server through a wrapper, and I'd like to stick the wrapper in a Singleton class so it's not recreated for every request. Easy enough, I thought:
class AppWrapper < Wrapper
include Singleton
wrapper = AppWrapper.instance "url"
Only it doesn't work:
wrong number of arg...
Actually, not a question but the answer to something I was about to ask because I was only looking at documentation (my mistake) on docs.rubygems.org & google. I found the answer looking at the gem commands. The question was:
Where is the remote server that RubyGems uses?
Answer - run the command:
gem sources -- gives the info ...
I need a ruby hash H with keys :a, :b, :c so that H[:b] = H[:a] + 1; H[:c] = H[:b] + 2 etc.
How can I define such a hash in a one line declaration, like H = {:a=>1, :b => H[:a] + 1, :c => H[:b] +2, ... } ?
I need something similar to DataMapper properties declaration:
property :path, FilePath
property :md5sum, String, :default => ...
sudo rake install -- --with-mysql-dir=/usr/local/mysql/
a valid terminal command? I try to run this but it doesn't seem to pass in the variable correctly..
However something like this works fine:
sudo gem install do_mysql -- --with-mysql-dir=/usr/local/mysql/
I have been a Java programmer for a while and I am trying to switch to ruby for a while. I was just trying to develop a small test program in ruby and my intention is something like following.
I want to create a simple linked list type of an object in ruby; where an instance variable in class points to another instance of same typ...
I know the class method tells what is the name of the class of an object, how could I know the name of the invoking method? Is there a way to know that?
My wife enjoys it when I use my geek abilities to be "romantic" so I had an idea for a ruby script to install on her Mac that would send her quotes and little notes from me throughout the day.
I already figured out that I'll be using GeekTool to run a script in the background and I'll use growlnotify to display the messages.
Now what I n...
I'd like to be able to DRY-ly and intelligently set up my Rails controllers so that I can effortlessly use paginated tables of data on various pages. Let me clarify. I already use will_paginate + a custom plugin that I wrote which acts as a table-view creator. This combination works perfectly for "index" actions which simply show one ...
I am going to be using Hpricot to process an XML file. I want to randomly display some quotes from the file, and then I want to keep track of how often each quote has been displayed.
Is it possible for me to update a single item within the XML file using Hpricot (or is there some other solution that can do this for me?) or should I just...
I'm generating data to send from a Ruby stack to a PHP stack. I'm using the OpenSSL::Cipher library on the Ruby side and the 'mcrypt' library in PHP. When I encrypt using 'aes-256-cbc' (256-bit block size) in Ruby I need to use MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 (128-bit block size) in PHP to decrypt it. I suspect the Ruby code that is broken, becau...
I wrote a teeny tiny Sinatra app that runs fine, locally, but for some reason as soon as I put it online, all I get is 'Internal Server Error'.
How do I get the logging output?
I'm running on Dreamhost with passenger, using the instructions from the Sinatra book.
So I added to more handlers:
get '/hello/:name' do
"Hello, #{params[:...
digest = HMAC.digest(Digest.new(SHA1), Base64.decode64(key), HashString) return Base64.encode64(digest.to_s()).chomp()
What would the above be in PHP?
I wrote a quick Python script to compare two files, each containing unordered hashes, in order to verify that both files are identical aside from order. Then I rewrote it in Ruby for educational purposes.
The Python implementation takes seconds, while the Ruby implementation takes around 4 minutes.
I have a feeling this is most likely ...