
bat file using winrar taking too long to run

hi guys, i have this scripts which extracts all my folder's and files from my c:\projects locations and put its in winrar and transfers them to c:\backup\project for /f "delims==" %%D in ('DIR C:\projects /A /B /S') do ( "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.EXE" m -r "c:\backup\projects.rar" "%%D" ) i have also tried the below script whic...

Determining the load on a particular core in a multicore processor

In a multicore processor, there are ways to tell the particular application to run in either single core or 2 cores or 3 cores. Considering a scenario in which the application(having lot threads) is running on more than one core, how will a scheduler be able to determine the load(number of threads) on a particular core in a multicore pro...

MySQL Event Scheduler on a specific time everyday

here's my query CREATE EVENT reset ON SCHEDULE AT TIMESTAMP DO UPDATE `ndic`.`students` SET `status` = '0'; how can i update status to "0" at 1 pm every day i mean what should i put instead of TIMESTAMP? ...

How to create a new Linux kernel scheduler

Looking through the scheduler source code (2.6.34, kernel/sched.c), I can see how the "pluggable" schedulers are used, and I believe I understand the interface to be implemented. What I don't understand yet is how to get my code built into the kernel. At the very least, pointers to other sites would be appreciated. Right now, I'm grep...

Question about g_io_scheduler_job_send_to_mainloop

Hello, I have functiof of load data: GdkPixbufAnimation* load_image_from_stream(GInputStream* input_stream, GCancellable* generator_cancellable) { .... } It's load very nice. Then I have function where i call load_image_from_stream: void loading(GtkWidget* widget ,MainWin* mw) { GInputStream* input_stream; input_strea...

Collecting information about thread scheduling on Linux

I want to collect information about when my threads are scheduled (and descheduled), and on which CPUs, on Linux. I'm happy to collect the information and store it in a file for offline analysis later, since I'll need to merge the scheduling information with other event sources generated by my code. Ideally the information would be col...

What's the best way to initalize Quartz.

I'm not really sure what is the best way to initialize Quartz to schedule a cron job. My environment is just Tomcat. I just have one job that needs to be triggered every day. Should I create a separate Servlet just to initalize Quartz and schedule my job? I'm thinking of creating a Servlet and on the init() schedule my job something l...

Scheduler library in C++ similar to Java Quartz

I'm looking for a cross-platform library in C/C++ which can schedule jobs, function calls, etc. It would be nice if it is closer to Java Quartz. I would prefer BSD style licenses, LGPL would be okay too. ...

Is this java project idea practical? (Thread scheduler and Particle Swarm Optimization)

On a multicore box, the java thread schedulers decisions are rather arbitrary, it assigns thread priorities based on when the thread was created, from which thread it was created etc. The idea is to run a tuning process using pso that would randomly set thread priorities and then eventually reach optimal priorities where the fitness fun...

sos Job scheduler

Hi all, i am using sos job scheduler which support many language.i accept the shell script to write jobs but i am not a shell script writer.i want to implement a following points in job scheduler: execute a shell script A. script A return "success" if time is between 6:00AM and 3PM.else it return "fail". on "success" execute a shell s...


I have several jobs scheduled with I have the same job detail being repeated for every job like the email address, user id.... Each job may have a different trigger so I cannot really put the job detail in each trigger. Is there some other place like the schedulingcontext where I can put the common information once instea...

peek queue method

If a priority queue is being used for scheduling, in what situations does a scheduler use the peek method? As in, what is its purpose? ...

What is the minimum guaranteed time for a process in windows?

I have a process that feeds a piece of hardware (data transmission device) with a specific buffer size. What can I reasonable expect from the windows scheduler windows to ensure I do not get a buffer underflow? My buffer is 32K in size and gets consumed at ~800k bytes per second. If I fill it in 16k byte batches that is one batch every...

How to get cron expression given job name and group name?

I'm using Quartz Scheduler v.1.8.0. How do I get the cron expression which was assigned/attached to a Job and scheduled using CronTrigger? I have the job name and group name in this case. Though many Triggers can point to the same Job, in my case it is only one. There is a method available in Scheduler class, Scheduler.getTriggersOfJ...

What is the difference between scheduler's standby() and pauseAll()?

I'm using Quartz Scheduler v.1.8.0. What's the difference between scheduler.standby() and scheduler.pauseAll()? standby() - Temporarily halts the Scheduler's firing of Triggers. pauseAll() - Pause all triggers - similar to calling pauseTriggerGroup(group) on every group, however, after using this ...

Is it possible to configure non-global listeners declaratively?

Is it possible to configure (registering with scheduler) non-global job listeners declaratively in properties file (rather than programmatically) similar to configuring global listeners? Check here for: Programmatically adding a global job listener Programmatically adding a non-global job listener EDIT: Example for configuring a Glo...

Scheduler hacking in Freebsd 5.2.1

How can I modify the thread priorities within, umm... the Timesharing class? In case I want to implement my own scheduler, how would I have to do that? (like assigning priorites on my own terms) How do I play around with the time slice values (or time quantums, as they are referred to by a lot of people) Edited I figured that the time q...

Windows Task Scheduler will run app only once

So my situation is that I am running an app on the Windows Task Scheduler. This app is run once a day at 1pm. the app does some queries and transfers data to an FTP site. All that is working great except on the weekends when i am not here the app is run and the GUI is still displayed for me to review. This seems to make it stop running o...

Job scheduler service which schedules GET calls to other services

I want a persistent job scheduler. If I were to write my own job scheduler, it would probably be a restful service with one method: POST /path/to/service HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded url=someurl&millis=1000 And the service would hit the given url (method GET) after at least 1000 millisec...

SMS Scheduler use for sms at specific time

Hi Everyone: For example I saved time 6:00 and 6:05 then when i Started my service then First Message at 6:00 will sent and Second not . Here Timer class is not working properly I don't know why? Please help me.Manifest file is correct Thanks in andvance Rintu kumar here is my code package com.sms; import java.util.Calendar; import j...