
C++ libraries for probabilistic scientific calculations

What are the various open source and commercial C++ libraries for probabilistic scientific calculations ? I'm mainly interested in Bayesian learning ; something similar to the Bayes Net toolbox in Matlab ...

Spectrogram C++ library

Hi For my current project in C++ / Qt I need a library (LGPL is preferred) which can calculate a spectrogram from a signal ( basically an array of doubles ). I already use Qwt for the GUI part. Any suggestions? Thanks. ...

Library support for very high dynamic range TIFF files?

I work with satellite radar, and have been provided with a (very) large TIFF file containing 32 bpp greyscale data. Unfortunately, libtiff, the standard Linux library for working with TIFF files, doesn't support SampleFormat TIFF files, which means no support for high bit depth greyscale images or floating-point images. Does anyone know...

nvidia cuda using all cores of the machine

hi i was running cuda program on a machine which has cpu with four cores, how is it possible to change cuda c program to use all four cores and all gpu's available? i mean my program also does things on host side before computing on gpus'... thanks! ...

General purpose physics engine

Is there any general purpose physics engine that allows huge simulations of rigid bodies? I'm using PhysX from Nvidia, but the focus of this engine is game development, soft bodies. I want to know if exists physics engine that runs on top of PS3 cell processors or CUDA cores allowing massive scientific physics simulations. ...

Which platform should i choose for scientific computing?

What are the pros and cons in choosing PS3 as a platform for scientific computing in detriment of GPU's? Is It the better choice ? ...

Dashboard for collaborative science / data processing projects

Hi, Continuous Integration servers like Hudson are a pretty amazing addition to software development. I work in an academic research lab, and I'd love to apply similar principles to scientific data analysis. I want a dashboard-like view of which collections of data are fine, which ones are failing their tests (simple shell scripts, mo...

C or Ada for engineering computations?

Hi,as an engineer I currently use C to write programs dealing with numerical methods. I like C as it's very fast. I don't want to move to C++ and I have been reading a bit about Ada which has some very good sides. I believe that much of the software in big industries have been or more correctly were written in Ada. I would like to know...

Quadratic Programming in C# / .NET

Does anyone know of a free package that will solve quadratic programming problems in C#? I've googled and found a few. But its hard to tell which is the best and fastest so I was just wondering if anyone had a favorite. ...

Why numpy is 'slow' by itself?

Given the thread here It seems that numpy is not the most ideal for ultra fast calculation. Does anyone know what overhead we must be aware of when using numpy for numerical calculation? ...

Reproducibility in scientific programming

Along with producing incorrect results, one of the worst fears in scientific programming is not being able to reproduce the results you've generated. What best practices help ensure your analysis is reproducible? ...

F# performance in scientific computing

hello. I am curious as to how F# performance compares to C++ performance? I asked a similar question with regards to Java, and the impression I got was that Java is not suitable for heavy numbercrunching. I have read that F# is supposed to be more scalable and more performant, but how is this real-world performance compares to C++? s...

Writing fortran robust and "modern" code

In some scientific environments, you often cannot go without FORTRAN as most of the developers only know that idiom, and there is lot of legacy code and related experience. And frankly, there are not many other cross-platform options for high performance programming ( C++ would do the task, but the syntax, zero-starting arrays, and point...

Preallocate memory for a program in Linux before it gets started

Hi, folks, I have a program that repeatedly solves large systems of linear equations using cholesky decomposition. Characterising is that I sometimes need to store the complete factorisation which can exceed about 20 GB of memory. The factorisation happens inside a library that I call. Furthermore, this matrix and the resulting factori...

Industry-style practices for increasing productivity in a small scientific environment

Hi, I work in a small, independent scientific lab in a university in the United States, and it has come to my notice that, compared with a lot of practices that are ostensibly followed in the industry, like daily checkout into a version control system, use of a single IDE/editor for all languages (like emacs), etc, we follow rather shod...

Expanding Git SHA1 information into a checkin without archiving?

Is there a way to include git commit hashes inside a file everytime I commit? I can only find out how to do this during archiving but I haven't been able to find out how to do this for every commit. I'm doing scientific programming with git as revision control, so this kind of functionality would be very helpful for reproducibility reas...

What kind of work benifits from OpenCL

Hey All First of all: I am well aware that OpenCL does not magically make everything faster I am well aware that OpenCL has limitations So now to my question, i am used to do different scientific calculations using programming. Some of the things i work with is pretty intense in regards to the complexity and number of calculations. ...

What are your "must-have" Python Packages for Finance?

With the recent SEC proposal requiring that most Asset-Backed Securities issuers file a python computer program to document the flow of funds (or waterfall) provisions of the transaction, I thought it timely to ask what you thought the "Must-Have" Python Packages for Finance would be. PS: apart from answering here, please also consider ...

Vector Calculations in LISP

How can I perform vector calculations in lisp, such as magnitude of a vector, norm of a vector, distance (between two points), dot product, cross product, etc. Thanks. ...

what changes when your input is giga/terabyte sized?

I just took my first baby step today into real scientific computing today when I was shown a data set where the smallest file is 48000 fields by 1600 rows (haplotypes for several people, for chromosome 22). And this is considered tiny. I write Python, so I've spent the last few hours reading about HDF5, and Numpy, and PyTable, but I sti...