
How to capture screen image with mouse pointer on it in Java

How to capture screen image with mouse pointer on it in Java? In know that i can capture screen with Robot class, but it captures screen without mouse pointer on it, so this is not an solution for me. ...

How to draw to screen in c++ ?

How would I draw something on the screen ? not the console window but the entire screen, preferably with the console minimised. Also, would it show up on a printscreen ? What I want to do is create something like a layer on top of the screen that only me and my aplication are aware of yet still be able to use aplications as usual. Here...

Android - How to prevent the phone screen from turning on when volume or camera key is pressed?

I have an activity that shows up when the phone screen goes to sleep/turns off ie turns black. For some reason, the phone turns on when the volume buttons or the camera buttons are pressed. By turns on, I mean the screen wakes up or comes back from the black screen state. I've tried using dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) and the buttons...

How to make a rectangle on screen invisible to screen capture ?

How can I create a rectangle on the screen that is invisible to any sort of screen capture(printscreen or aplications) ? By create a rectangle on screen I mean something like this: #include <Windows.h> #include <iostream> void drawRect(){ HDC screenDC = ::GetDC(0); ::Rectangle(screenDC, 200, 200, 300, 300); ::ReleaseDC(0, screenDC); }...

Blackberry license screen agreement like Facebook

Hi, I have a "basic" license agreement screen for now, a Screen with a title set and vertical field containing a textfield, separatorfield and then 2 buttons (accept or decline). The license is pretty long, it's annoying going all the way down (except with the storm it's pretty easy) and I want a kind of popup screen showing the licens...

How to make a swing app aware of screen size change?

Hi, while my swing app is running I change the size of the screen (e.g. from 1024x768 to 800x600). Is there any event I can listen to to be notified about this? Alternatively I could check the screen size in every couple of second, but the Toolkit.getScreenSize() keeps telling me the old value. How could I get the real screen size aft...

Personalized lock screen for Android

Hello I am looking for personalized screen locker for android phones, instead of typing numbers , user can flex fingers in a particular pattern and unlock the screen. Any pointers/ideas are appreciated. ...

android: turn off screen when close to face

My app allows the user to access their corporate voice mail. Normally, durring a phone call when the user holds the device up to their ear, the screen shuts off so they wont accidentally push buttons with their face. I would like to make my app do the same thing when the user is listening to their voice mail. anyone know how to do this?...

How to determine the number of charecter will fit to screen in Qt

Hi, how to determine the number of character of particular font will fit to screen. how to implement it. Thanks ...

Making an "input type text" the size of the screen?

How would I do this? Just like <hr/> but with a text-box. ...

ScrollBall press events while screen is off on an Android device.

I'm writing a quick music player for myself on my Nexus One and really want to add the feature of being able to switch to the next song without removing it from it's case, ie. by pressing the scrollball through the sleeve. I've scoured many resources and... Haven't found a decently easy way to listen to key press events while the scr...

Access User's Possible Screen Resolutions - C# 2010

Thanks in advance for your help. I am wondering how I might go about accessing the screen resolutions available on a user's PC. I would like to get a list of all available resolutions and also determine what the user is current running at. ...

Silverlight screen resolution

I want to figure out a way in my silverlight application to set the PageSize on my DataPager based on the maximized size of the window so that the scrollbars do not show when maximized. Any ideas? ...

will my apps work on iphone OS4?

Screen resolution has increased in iphone OS4. Since lot of UI stuff have hardcoded co-ordinates, will my app run properly on OS4? I still haven't got Snow Leopard, so cant test run the simulator for OS4. ...

How to get the visible size on an Activity?

How can I know the visible size of my activity? I'm trying to get the Activity real size, not the height and width from getHeight() and getWidth(), which gives me the screen full size. ...

How to capture the android device screen content?

How to capture the android device screen content and make an image file using the snapshot data?which api I should use or where to find related resource? thanks in advance! BTW: not camera snapshot,but device screen ...

Screen overlay with Python, paint over an active window with background python script

Hi I'm writing a python script that runs in the background and takes screenshots of another application that is active. Then it analyses the screenshots and now it should overlay a certain image over the active app or the screen. I still need to be able to make mouse and keyboard inputs in the active app. So I need a way to overlay/pai...

How do I get the pixel color under the cursor?

I need a fast command line app to return the color of the pixel under the mouse cursor. How can I build this in VC++, I need something similar to this, but ideally not in .NET so it can be run many times per second? ...

How to use opengl es sharegroup to share a render buffer for screen mirroring on the ipad?

I'm trying to do screen mirroring on the iPad with opengl 1.1. I've got to the point of setting up the external window and view. I'm using opengl on the first screen, and I've read that I can setup a shared render buffer, but since I'm somewhat of an opengl beginner I'm having some trouble getting something up and running that can share...

How can I edit individual pixels in a window?

I want to create a simple video renderer to play around, and do stuff like creating what would be a mobile OS just for fun. My father told me that in the very first computers, you would edit a specific memory address and the screen would update. I would like to simulate this inside a window in Windows. Is there any way I can do this with...